Musical palate cleanser, six degrees of Wilson edition

Let’s go a little farther down the rabbit hole I entered the last couple of days.  The Wondermints are Brian Wilson’s backing band when he’s on tour and here’s their cover of a song he wrote in ’64, originally for the Beach Boys, but recorded instead by Glen Campbell, who, incidentally, had been hired as an emergency fill-in for Wilson on the group’s concert tours back then.  Whew, got all that?

Anyway, here’s “Guess I’m Dumb”.


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7 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, six degrees of Wilson edition

  1. Down Island Way

    Sooooo, are we gonna’ say Brian Wilson’s willingness to take on responsibility to lead, perform, manage and write music at a pace that may or may not be normal for musicians in general, having a desire to be the best if not the one and only American band , given the onslaught of the British invasion, did he get in front of himself, having written the music and produced an album, that, by some is one of the best ever recorded is a place in history for the abnormal, genius status…dude had a voice (pitch) that allowed him to experiment musically, sometimes being ahead of the crowd has it’s down side, your circle of friends is really small, if non existent…



    Great music topics this week Senator. Thanks for reminding us of Wilson’s genius. He’s a gem.


  3. muttleyagain

    Love these guys, love this cover. Brian does Bacharach…

    Darien, who is singing here, is a pal and a huge music maven. He has a FB group dedicated to discovering 60s sunshine pop gems, old girl group stuff, vocal pop, etc. Completely great guy…he plays with all his heroes, having also toured with the Zombies, Jackie DeShannon, and others.


  4. muttleyagain

    Funny story how Brian met these guys: in Santa Monica, I think?, in the mid-90s, a club had a Brian Wilson tribute night and the Wondermints knocked everyone out with their great live cover of Brian’s challenging song “This Whole World” from 1970. Brian was there and reportedly said “That’s gonna be my band!” and went backstage to meet them. They were starstruck as Brian told them how much he loved their performance. He then asked: “Who wrote that song?”


    • Check this out:

      I think that’s the 1st time the Wondermints played with Brian, it was for a radio show around 1995, Andy Paley was there too, that’s when Brian said “If I had Wondermints in 1967, I would have taken Smile out on the road.”, we know the rest is History, a really rare document 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • muttleyagain

        Wow, nice find! A bit rare to hear Brian sing that one; he had a little bit of voice left back then.


  5. muttleyagain

    Last one and I’ll sheddup: While we’re at it, from the same excellent (all covers/Japanese) album, check their knockout cover of the Five Stairsteps, with a little hidden “God Only Knows” embedded in the baroque vocal bridge:
