Shut ‘er down.

On the flip side, here’s Caleb Williams getting some Terence Moore advice from a former ESPN talking head.

Anybody see the difference between his situation and Bowers’?


Filed under It's Just Bidness

43 responses to “Shut ‘er down.

  1. jim1886

    With this logic, why play at all.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Ran A

    Watched the game. I’m not going to lie; I thoroughly enjoyed watching UTAU find a way to come back and win this one too as for Williams. He’s quite the talent, but he should have been a good enough sport to get off the bench and walk over and shake hands with the QB that beat him. Look on his face last night… Wouldn’t be surprised if he did walk away.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good sport and Caleb Williams don’t mix. The F*** Utah on his fingernails last year should have ended all of that.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Texas Dawg

        And I would bet the house that pictures of that were floating around the locker room and plastered up on the wall all week.

        Liked by 4 people

        • I’m sure. I can’t believe Riley lets him do stuff like that, but Riley is an offensive coordinator in a head coach position.

          Liked by 7 people

          • Texas Dawg

            I doubt Rilet has much control over him. He has probably asked USC for a share of the University if he stays (He’s already let it be known he wants part ownership in any NFL team that drafts him). Hubris knows no bounds.

            Liked by 6 people

          • How long is SC gonna put up with Riley not giving two hot shits about defense? Basically he’s got that team set up in such a way that they depend on Williams to just outscore everyone they play, which means that if Williams has a bad (ND) or even meh (Utah) game, the Trojans are fucked.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Riley is the passing version of Fish Fry … yeah, I said it. He believes he’s the smartest person in the room, and his offense should be infallible.

              There’s a reason for the saying “Offense sells tickets … defense wins championships.”

              Liked by 2 people

            • Texas Dawg

              They spent on defense. They just did not spend wisely. They relieved us of a talented but problematic locker room cancer (The Bear giveth: multiple tackle game and the Bear taketh away: two personal fouls that DIRECTLY lead to scores and probably almost single handedly cost them the game). As long as Grinch is the DC nothing will change (not that I have a problem with that at all).

              Liked by 4 people

              • Ran A

                I thought he should have drawn a personal foul on the 3rd downplay that failed before they punted it away – where SC got the return. Bear is immature. If he grows up; he’ll be a ‘talent’ and a high-round draft choice. If he doesn’t; then he’ll turn out to be another Brenton Cox.

                Liked by 2 people

  3. I wonder if he sits out if that impacts any NIL contracts he has.

    Liked by 3 people

    • jcdawg83

      I don’t know how his NIL contract reads but I would think quitting playing would equate to quitting his job and the pay would stop.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I’m guessing he gets paid for an appearance. Notice USuCk is a Nike school and he had an adidas logo on his suit at the Heisman ceremony (made me want to puke). Any money he gets from a USC collective probably stops, but he has probably already made bank.


    • FlyingPeakDawg

      Not going to matter. His advisor team has already told the NFL that he’ll only accept being drafted by a team that gives him an equity position. That ain’t happening. He’ll be sitting for two years now.


      • If he declares, he loses all of this leverage. There’s no way a team gives in to this demand regardless of when he makes himself eligible for the draft.


      • Texas Dawg

        Up until the Browns signed Deshaun Watson to that ridiculous deal, I would have agreed with you 100%. Now, I have decided that there is no level of stupidity some owner will not sink to. They probably won’t do it, but it would not be a huge shock.


  4. Derek

    Why not just transfer to Alabama? They’ve got a bye week to get him ready.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Rigger92

    I doubt Brock gets a nail job as part of his game prep. I also believe that Brock will play again if we are in contention for an SEC or playoff championship.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. TripleB

    Differences: 1- Brock can still win a championship. 2- Brock has proven he cares about his team.

    Liked by 7 people

  7. Moe Pritchett

    One word:

    Liked by 11 people

  8. Caleb Williams is another in the long line of the Boy Wonder QBs who will win trophies based on stats and get drafted highly (probably #1 overall). It will maintain Riley’s reputation as this great coach for some reason.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see Williams shut it down, but I doubt he does because of NIL money. He seems to be the most self-centered player in the sport right now.

    As for Bowers, I just don’t see him shutting it down if there’s any potential for the 3-peat when he’s cleared.


  9. roterhals

    I bet he’s making more bank than Brock Purdy and a host of others in the nfl. It’s a weird world.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Anon

    Kirby should have been at the Carrollton HS game Friday. Flipping that QB—-dude is a stud


  11. uga97

    Whelp if he sits put this early, then shut down his scholarship, access to the gym, practices, a diploma, room & board, food, medicine, transportation & anything else paid by the university PLUS charge back pay for everything the school paid to this point.


  12. unionjackgin

    If Williams is going to require NFL ownership equity before he plays football again, then he will be waiting awhile. The NFL adopted a rule on July 26 to prohibit non-family member employees from taking equity in teams, apparently Aaron Rodgers wanted the same thing.

    While Rodgers wanted equity, it was apparently Lionel Messi’s deal with MLS and InterMiami that was the impetus for the rule adoption. NFL owner’s realize the high turnover in senior-level positions could set bad precedent if the turnover involved ownership equity:

    “Franchise values could be depressed if an employee is given equity, then leaves for another club and must dispose of the equity urgently. (The memo said “it goes without saying” it would be a major conflict of interest for one team’s coach or senior executive to hold equity in another.)

    A club employee with equity who leaves under bad terms could assert a claim over the value of their stake, a far more complicated and risky process than the usual post-employment legal disputes.

    A former employee with equity may be more likely to leak private information, the committee said. Even without a leak, disputes are more likely to end up in public court proceedings or in front of taxing authorities. “The committee believes that the risk of disclosure in these circumstances far outweighs any benefit that might be attributed to permitting non-family member employees to own equity … ” the memo reads.

    Issues within ownership groups. The finance committee was concerned employees might not be treated the same as pure limited partners — for instance, not participating in capital calls, leading to less dilution. “There is also a risk that a high-profile employee with an equity position in the club could create a perception that the club does not always speak with one voice.”

    Not all clubs have the same capability to issue equity at any given time. If equity became a labor market expectation, that would create possible competitive imbalances.

    Players receiving equity would raise many complex issues regarding salary cap compliance that are better avoided, the committee said.”


    • JoeDashDawg

      This rule is interesting because of the Messi angle, but unfortunately gives Williams an easy out for his management (allegedly) making such a stupid fucking statement. College busts happen all the time, you don’t give part of your ownership to one when you wouldn’t to Aaron Rogers (for equally obvious reasons). Messi is an international icon in a sport where the teams are still valued relatively low for an American sports franchise- he could buy a whole team if he wanted.
