Daily Archives: October 6, 2023

I love the smell of multiple receivers running open down field.

Look at all the stress put on the Auburn defensive backs on this play:

Honest question:  could Todd Monken have designed this play any better?

Hell, for all I know, he designed it in the first place.  Even if that were the case, give Bobo credit for sticking with what works and making sure it was run correctly.


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

Fight for the ball

Damn… who would have thought two undefeated teams would be the worst in the conference at this?

Despite that, Beck is fifth in the conference in completion percentage at 72%, so he must not be throwing too many contested passes.  Leary, on the other hand, at 57.7%, ranks thirteenth.

Georgia does not need to be giving UK a lot of soft coverage looks tomorrow.


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football, Stats Geek!

Moar Kentucky thoughts

Both teams want to run the ball.  Both teams want to stop the other from being able to run the ball.  Neither of those are what I’d call deep takes on tomorrow’s game.  Assuming for the sake of argument that both are more successful with the latter than the former, where do things go from there?

Josh Pate argues it’ll be time for Carson Beck and Devin Leary to show their mettle in the passing game.

Me, I’m not so convinced, at least in Leary’s case.  He’s only had two games where his passer rating wasn’t subpar at best, and those came against Eastern Kentucky and Akron.  In his last two games, against Vanderbilt and Florida, he notched passer ratings of 108.69 and 95.25, respectively.  Say what you will about the flaws in Georgia’s defense this season,  allowing opposing quarterbacks to feast on pass coverage hasn’t been one of them.

(By the way, the two quarterbacks have faced one common opponent so far this season in Ball State.  Leary’s passer rating against Ball State:  127.57; Beck’s passer rating against Ball State:  171.24.  But I digress.)

Where the Dawgs’ defense has shown vulnerability is in defending the quarterback run.  But being a run threat isn’t part of Leary’s game.  His rushing yardage total for the season is a woeful minus-20.  He’s only credited with nine rushing attempts and four of those came from sacks.  He’s not going to turn into Payton Thorne overnight.  (I can’t believe I just typed those words.)

So, assuming Georgia isn’t letting Ray Davis run roughshod as he did against the Gators and that UK’s passing attack isn’t able to take up the slack, so to speak (or you’re convinced, if you’re Mark Stoops, that it won’t be able to), what’s your next best option?  With all due respect to Josh Pate, I don’t think it’s going to be more Devin Leary passing.  I think it’s going to be something very different, but very much in line with how Stoops operates.

I think they’re going to turn to Ray Davis in the Wildcat formation.

If they go Wildcat, that gives them the same numbers advantage other teams have had with running the quarterback, but, of course they would do it with a much better runner.  And Georgia would be back to having to solve defending the edge against a player receiving the direct snap, something that’s been a struggle so far — again, though, against a far more accomplished running back.

Yeah, that’s pure speculation on my part, but before you scoff, think back to that 2019 snoozer in the rain against UK, where Stoops ran Lynn Bowden out of the quarterback slot all game.  He’s been there and done that.  (Granted, that was more out of necessity than out of choice, but it doesn’t make him any less familiar with the approach.)

Hope I’m wrong, as I’d much rather see UK try to beat Georgia through the air, but I just have this weird feeling about tomorrow…


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football, Stats Geek!, Strategery And Mechanics

The triumphant return of Pork Rind Jimmy

Jesus, didn’t we see this movie before?

HawgBeat has confirmed through a Freedom of Information Act request that emails were sent from Arkansas first-year offensive coordinator Dan Enos’ official university email address in response to emails from multiple UA students directly after the 34-22 loss to Texas A&M on Saturday.

Screenshots of the emails began to spread through Twitter/X after an account with the username “RobMason_02” posted them shortly after the Razorbacks’ loss.

Tell me you have too much time on your hands without saying you have too much time on your hands.  Of course, he’s not the only person you could say that about in this saga.

Isn’t it kind of odd that the offensive coordinator is going to spend time arguing with a student on a UA email account about play calls he made in a game that ended less than two hours ago?

The last time the Arky fan base wallowed in FOIA requests to get dirt on a football coach, they wound up with Bobby Petrino.  Maybe they’re hoping lightning strikes twice.

I bet Pitt Boss is starting to yearn for the simpler times in Athens he left behind.


Filed under Arkansas Is Kind Of A Big Deal

Challenge offered, Georgia fans.

Will you accept?


Filed under Georgia Football


Well, maybe Georgia’s offensive line doesn’t totally suck.

Georgia is 13th nationally in sacks allowed, while being 21st in pass attempts.  That strikes me as pretty effective work.  I doubt you’ll hear Beck complaining, anyway.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!