Hugo Chavez sez, “¡Vaya, los perros!”

Thats his best Urban Meyer impression.

That's his best Urban Meyer impression. (photo courtesy AP)

Calm down.  It’s not what you think, per Friends of the Program:

… the Guaros de Lara football team just so happens to have the same colors and logo as UGA.


UPDATE: Mr. Gillett takes the ball and runs with it.


Filed under Georgia Football

16 responses to “Hugo Chavez sez, “¡Vaya, los perros!”

  1. What’s “Hunker down” in espanol?


  2. Ally

    Can we do to them what USC did to SCUm?


  3. JasonC

    Actually, I think to use the imparative of go (ir), you would say “vaya”.


  4. baltimore dawg

    Isn’t the 3rd person plural imperative form “vayan”?


  5. Thanks. Google sucks on translations.


  6. bamadog

    He’d be an intimidating presence on the sidelines at least. Though he would have to hone the “smile-and-point” to the “glare-and-point.” Do we have scholarships available for foreign dictators?


  7. NM

    Check out the familar-looking bulldog logo at the Guaros’ basketball team site:


  8. Whichever team he played for, Chavez could just change the rules in the middle of the game to make sure his team was ahead. In that sense he’d be pretty much unstoppable.


  9. Referee

    That Hugo is a fine pitcher in his own right (he ain’t no dictator either – he’s won 14 free elections, so drop the propaganda sandwich in the garbage)

    Viva Hugo!


  10. 81Dog

    you cannot stop Chavez. You can only hope to contain him.

    ¡Andele, andele, arribaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


  11. 81Dog

    and to make things just a little better, Team Guaros has one of the Marburys playing for it, per their website.

    Good grief. Chavez for el presidente, and now a Marbury ballin’ it up for Guaros. Haven’t the Venezuelan people suffered enough?


  12. Faulkner

    14 free elections bought and paid for with oil money.


  13. Mike

    The elections weren’t free for him, but he has enough money…


  14. 81Dog

    you guys take it easy on Referee. He’s from Chicago; Venezuelan elections are free and honest, by Chicago standards.

    No word on whether Tony Rezko supported El Presidente, though we already know Bill Ayers did.


  15. Macallanlover

    Viva Hugo! Referee? Really? I hope you are no Dawg fan referee, in fact, hope you are no American either. Would hate to know you could end up in a foxhole with me. Must get your information from CNN, the NYT, or the movie flakes to be that misguided. Talk about being overserved from the propaganda buffet…..D, JD!


  16. bryix

    Yeah because god forbid you disagree with someone.
