Verle Sorgen, tempted.

Mr. “It Wasn’t That Egregious” weighs in on whether he would have overruled the call on the field if The Play had occurred in the era of instant replay.

His conclusion?

“I would be tempted to reverse it,” Sorgen claimed, “then go out and get the motor running in my car.”

The man has a true flair for the train wreck.


Filed under Pac-12 Football

2 responses to “Verle Sorgen, tempted.

  1. SonuvaDawg

    OT: Your good friends over at Saurian Sagacity aren’t giving UGA ANY credit lol- check the comment I left ’em…


  2. Ally

    And he thinks WE have an inferiority complex? Consider the source… a jort wearing man that gets his jollys behind a keyboard. I’m just sayin.
