There oughta be a law.

ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith, talking about bloggers:

… And when you look at the internet business, what’s dangerous about it is that people who are clearly unqualified get to disseminate their piece to the masses. I respect the journalism industry, and the fact of the matter is …someone with no training should not be allowed to have any kind of format whatsoever to disseminate to the masses to the level which they can. They are not trained. Not experts. More important are the level of ethics and integrity that comes along with the quote-unqoute (sic) profession hasn’t been firmly established and entrenched in the minds of those who’ve been given that license.

Therefore, there’s a total disregard, a level of wrecklessness that ends up being a domino effect. And the people who suffer are the common viewers out there and, more importantly, those in the industry who haven’t been fortunate to get a radio or television deal and only rely on the written word. And now they’ve been sabotaged. Not because of me. Or like me. But because of the industry or the world has allowed the average joe to resemble a professional without any credentials whatsoever…

… someone with no training should not be allowed to have any kind of format whatsoever to disseminate to the masses to the level which they can.” Jeezus. What does he propose doing to prevent this scourge from continuing? Lock all the sports bloggers up in concentration camps? Take away our computers and send us to time out in the corner?

We’re dangerous. Unlicensed. Saboteurs. Something must be done. Because clearly we need to leave stuff like this to the professional experts at ESPN.

I swear, as the cliché goes, you can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.

(h/t The Agitator)


Filed under ESPN Is The Devil, The Blogosphere

11 responses to “There oughta be a law.

  1. Chuck

    Stupidest thing I’ve seen written all year outside of a message board. Way to go Stephen A..


  2. Ally

    This is my favorite part:

    “More important are the level of ethics and integrity that comes along with the quote-unqoute (sic) profession hasn’t been firmly established and entrenched in the minds of those who’ve been given that license.”

    Is he talking about the same ethical “professionals” who erroneously reported on the Sago Mine disaster? Who was wreckless in this incident?
    Or is he referring to the integrity-consumed “journalists” at ESPN who lobbied non-stop for their choices in the upcoming MNC game while blatently abusing their influence? etc., etc., etc… You wanna talk about sabotage???

    If anything, its the professionals who continually stretch the boundaries of the First Ammendment, and journalistic integrity in the pursuit of the almighty advertising dollar.

    Those that live in glass houses, Stephen…


  3. Does that same logic apply to rap music and their performers or would that sound racist?


  4. Senator, I’ve enjoyed your blog and your insights immensely over the past few months, but you’re way, way off base here.

    Let me give you an example: Earlier this year, ESPN mounted a groundbreaking effort to determine the most “Now” athlete in all of sports. They consulted tirelessly not only with their own commentators and experts but with athletes, coaches, B-list celebrities, and (I’m assuming) the nation’s top scientists to study this over the course of many weeks.

    Now, ask yourself — do you or I have the resources, the contacts, the sheer critical mass of knowledge to take on a task like that on our own? Hell, even if you put me, you, Westerdawg, Kyle King, and Orson Swindle together, could we possibly do that project the justice it deserves? Sir, I must sadly admit that we would not. Between the five of us, we probably wouldn’t even be able to figure out what “Now” means, and would thus accomplish nothing but making a sad mockery of the term. Which would almost certainly result in our choosing some unworthy, overrated putz for the title, rather than . . . whoever ESPN chose, I don’t actually remember who it was. (But I’m sure he was awesome and quite deserving.)

    Yes, we bloggers serve some purposes well in our own minor, menial way. But the big tasks that will galvanize the world of sports and resonate for generations? Sir, I humbly defer to the esteemed professionals on such things, and respectfully submit that you should do the same.


  5. I don’t know why, but for some reason, this comes to mind:

    Wizard of Oz: Why, anybody can have a brain. That’s a very mediocre commodity. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the Earth or slinks through slimy seas has a brain. Back where I come from, we have universities, seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers. And when they come out, they think deep thoughts and with no more brains than you have. But they have one thing you haven’t got: a diploma.


  6. Ben

    Ya know, I was thinking just the other day the exact opposite. I was thinking that around college football season, and especially the postseason, freedom of the press in terms of sports journalists should be completely rescinded. ONLY the bloggers should be able to talk around these issues because we all know a given blogger has a bias towards the team they are pimping.

    I would say that Stephen A. Smith should be jailed for being an obnoxious idiot along with Colin Cowherd, John Sybel (sic), and even Mike and Mike. Herbstreit should be in the inner circle, and he should have to listen to Corso’s busted metaphors and similes for all of eternity. Finally, Fowler should be subjected to the overrated Athens music scene he so loathes, and the Gameday Final crew should be relegated to covering the latest showdown between the Siberians and the Antarcticans week after week.

    Can you tell I’m about done with the idiots at ESPN?


  7. SSB Charley

    Stephen A. Smith’s claims to national recognition are that he’s a) loud and b) wrong. All the time.

    I see him or hear his voice, I turn it off. The end. He’s an imbecile.


  8. SSB Charley

    Nice points Ben. I was thinking that if I were the AD at a major college, I would push for the elimination of the Harris Poll and Coaches Poll from the BCS, and replace it with the blog poll. Bloggers thus far have demonstrated a far more comprehensive understanding of BCS selection rules, the justifications for selecting one team over another, and a willingness to look beyond the name or the record and substantively determine who is the best team in the country.


  9. Cerbera


    *slow clap*


  10. Senator,

    I write a medical blog. It’s about medicine. I’m sad to find that I must now shut it down as while I am a licensed physician, I am not a licensed blogger or trained journalist. *sigh*. And it was such fun.

    OBTW, I would love to read S.A. Smith’s resume. I’m sure he graduated top of his class all the way through, went to the top journalism school, and graduated first there too (and especially in ‘ethics class’!).

    He probably also is a great athlete and it’s only because I’m only a casual fan that I don’t know about his exploits on the field, court, hockey rink, bowling alley, ski hill, or diamond. Otherwise, how would he get the great, high paying, high profile, celebrity ‘sports journalism’ job he has now? I mean, what else could it be?


  11. doc, I don’t have Smith’s resume, but maybe this story will do.
