Brackets, democracy and the postseason

Here’s a guy who loves him some March Madness. And hates  him some BCS.  (h/t Georgia Sports Blog)

… It happens only in college basketball, which has the most democratic qualifying system in sports. It also exposes college football as a tinhorn dictatorship, where the bureaucrats decide which of two teams gets to play for an imaginary title and where no one else, not even the third-ranked team in the nation, is allowed to compete.

It’s a loss for football, which could use an upstart — even a 10th-ranked one — coming through once in a while, like the Giants did this year in the NFL. But that’s the BCS’s problem.

And right now, we don’t really care if the BCS chooses to continue to be the enemy of fair competition. (We’ll start caring again in late August, when the season begins.) All we care about now is that Georgia, the most unlikely of qualifiers, is adding its own touch of Madness to March.

They’re the reason they play the games instead of letting committees decide who would have won if the teams had played. They’re the reason we can keep telling our kids to don’t ever give up, no matter what the experts tell you. They’re the reason we love this game and this month.

There is nothing better.

There is so much stoopid in that quote that I hardly know where to begin, so I’ll just make one point here.  Organized sports aren’t supposed to be democratic.  They’re supposed to be about talent, competition and the ability to succeed.  They’re about elitism.

Again, if you’re someone who likes brackets and Cinderellas, that’s great.  I don’t have a problem with your taste.  Just don’t tell me there’s something superior about a format that legitimizes the opportunity, faint though it may be, for a 16-20 team to play for a national title.  Because, as Michael Corleone said in The Godfather, that insults my intelligence and makes me angry.

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