Not this year, thanks.

Butch Davis, a grateful nation says thank you.  I wasn’t ready to hear about the Irish being back (and being BCS contenders) with that joke of a schedule.

Not that Charlie Weis won’t try to sell that story, anyway.

“I told them it’s a different team than I’ve seen in the last year and change,” Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis said. “That team in there today expected to win. They didn’t come here hoping to win. … The reason they feel really bad is because they’re starting to get it. This is not the same team that everyone saw at the beginning of the year.”


Filed under Charlie Weis Is A Big Fat...

4 responses to “Not this year, thanks.

  1. NebraskaDawg

    ESPN, NBC and Tom Lemming will have to spin this some way also.


  2. kcits

    I too thought it a joke this week about them being 4-1 and not ranked. I believe ND and App State could exchange schedules and it would be an upgrade for the Gold Domers. LOL


  3. RC

    I think they would have gone top-18 if they had won, especially with all the “should they already be ranked?” talk all week. Thanks, Heels, we appreciate it.


  4. kckd

    Well, let’s be honest about it. Not saying they should be ranked, but if you saw them play last year, it is a different team in the year and change.

    Don’t know that it’s different from the beginning of the football season, but definitely better than last year.

    Notre Dame put on one of those Vandy-MSU, Gardner Webb GT displays every week on their side of the ball.
