No school should need the money this much.

I want to go on record right now – the first person I see in Sanford Stadium wrapped up in one of these abominations will be mocked mercilessly.

I just hope it’s a Georgia Tech fan.

(h/t Team Speed Kills)


Filed under College Football, It's Just Bidness

17 responses to “No school should need the money this much.

  1. RP

    The guy is wearing the Alabama snuggie in the first picture and the Auburn snuggie in the second picture…..that is wrong on so many levels….


    • Dog in Fla

      CSI- Montgomery:

      Means: The guy took the Auburn snuggie off the body of the first girl, took off his Alabama snuggie, put on the dead girl’s Auburn snuggie, went to a bar and gifted his Alabama snuggie to the chick with the afro, told her to wait in the car and then picked up the drunk blond in the LSU snuggie with the old I’m a Tiger, Too line.

      Motive: The guy was conflicted but he had to do it because LSU girls have a standing boycott against anything that reminds them of Little Nickie. It’s a matter of principle for them. In fact, it’s the only principle LSU girls have.


  2. Irishdawg

    someone please explain to me the difference between one of these silly things and a sweatshirt? Is putting sleeves on a blanket that revolutionary an idea?

    And these things really are certainly no uglier than Tech’s uniforms in the Peach Bowl.


  3. Dog in Fla

    The Collegiate Snuggie! probably won’t be seen much in the stands at games.

    The Collegiate Snuggie! would have been sprinkled throughout the stadiums like little stars in the sky but not without the high probability of damage.

    All-Star Marketing plans to include a ‘Do Not Wear Collegiate Snuggie! to Game’ warning because of increased risk of having blanket party inflicted upon occupant/wearer, along with the usual standard warnings not eat, drink or insert Collegiate Snuggie! into bodily orifices.


  4. NRBQ

    Techster model to include matching wizard’s hat.


  5. S.E. Dawg

    Damn, you guys have made me back out from buying one.


  6. bill

    Actually the wizard hat line is pretty funny.

    UGA’s snuggie comes with a pocket to store the skoal can. And with every UGA snuggie purchased, you will receive a free SI commemorative UGA 2008 pre-season #1 magazine.


    • Dog in Fla


      Couple of questions:

      If one orders the UGA snuggie, can one get a new seal-unbroken full can of snuff to go into the custom pocket and is the SI commemorative UGA 2008 pre-season #1 magazine cover autographed by Defensive Coordinator Willie Martinez and Head Coach Mark Richt?

      If yes to both, put me down for an order of one each. VISA card # is 0000 0000 0000 00666.


  7. digidy dawg

    Fantastic idea senator, but I’m sure it wouldn’t take long for Micheal “Buzz kill” Adams to put an end to that in Sanford.


  8. Coastal dawg

    I tried something like that with my rain poncho, Senator. Sadly, there are too many sunny afternoons in Athens.


  9. Becky

    Just to let all you dumb uga fans know, you wouldn’t know a good idea if it hit you in the a–!! It was a uga fan that got me a Tech fan to get one. Get off your high horses, cause your team sucks!!!
