Small pond syndrome

The New York Times posted an article about bloggers who abandon their websites, which is the overwhelming rule, not the exception, in the blogosphere.

The stats are interesting, but this is the part that caught my eye:

… Matt Goodman, an advertising executive in Atlanta, had no trouble attracting an audience to his self-explanatory site, Things My Dog Ate, which included tales of his foxhound, Watson, eating remote controls, a wig and a $400 pair of Prada shoes.

“I did some Craigslist postings to advertise it, and I very quickly got an audience of about 50,000 viewers a month,” he said.

A blog about a dog eating a remote control generated 50,000 views a month?  Either college football blogging is more of a backwater than I thought, or you’re reading the post of one very humbled blogger right now.  Sheesh.


Filed under The Blogosphere

15 responses to “Small pond syndrome

  1. You should try writing about legitimate, complicated news in the public interest that you spend all day gathering, only to see your traffic dwarfed by a single car accident on U.S. 83.


  2. Mike In Valdosta

    If unique viewers is the ultimate goal, start having “Co-ed of the Day” contests where readers submit pix of campus sweeties. Solid Gold!

    One must always keep in mind the paradigm regarding richness vs. reach.

    The richer the message, the fewer people it will reach. Our current President has mastered this paradigm, thank in no small part to the Department of Education’s (oxymoron) sterling track record in recent decades.

    Keep up the good work.


  3. Mike In Valdosta

    In fact, the Reactionary in Chief, after increasing the National DEbt by a factor of 5, in 5 months, as just introduced PAYGO legislation. Kind of like a pyromaniac outlawing arson.


  4. My brother’s friend has a blog about knitting. It took me about 2 years to get more Feedburner subscribers than her.


    We’re small timers my friend.


    A guy who has lately been accused of abandoning his blog


  5. …I think it’s a SEC football thing. I’ve been trying to find a Okie State blog to argue with for the last year with no luck.

    Perhaps I need to try posting porn.


  6. Lowcountry Dawg

    What is your monthly hit average?

    Take heart, there are only about 250,000 living UGA alumni and 30,000 students. I know you expect and get hits from other football fans, but that’s basically your market.


    • Over the last year and a half, the site has steadily averaged about 3,000 hits per day.

      Believe me, I’m not dissatisfied with that, nor do I expect that number to grow a lot more. But a blog about a dog eating a remote control getting about 60% of the traffic I get here? Maybe I’ve set my sights too low. 😉


    • Hate Georgia.

      Love the blog. Read it every day.


  7. Dog in Fla

    People keep their dogs inside the house?


  8. JasonC

    I had a sports blog, but being in Asia made it difficult to do a reasonable job covering sports in the US. So I just surf GTP, GSB, Dawgsports and sometimes Hale and Doc’s stuff.


  9. dean

    FWIW, this blog has killed my productivity at work. A dog chewing up remotes has not. It’s generally the first thing I do in the morning. Instead of the paper and coffee its GTP and coffee. If you ever do decide to abandon the blog give me some warning because I’ll need to find a program to help me recover. Do they have the equivalent of a methadone clinic for blog addicts?
