There will be a quiz on the materials.

Two excellent nuts and bolts pieces that should be of interest to every Dawg fan:

First, Paul takes a look at Georgia’s penalty situation last season.  He makes the case that while the volume of penalties isn’t that important to wins and losses, the timing sure can be.

Then read this post of Chris Brown’s over at Doc Saturday where he breaks down Oklahoma State’s offensive scheme.  It’s the usual great stuff you get from Chris, including my favorite line in the post:

The Cowboys’ best pass play last year was often “Just throw it up to Dez”.

We have been warned…


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics, The Blogosphere

4 responses to “There will be a quiz on the materials.

  1. G.O.B.

    I think there’s a good chance our best play this year will end up being “Just throw it up to A.J.” This could be good or bad.


  2. MacAttack

    I am reading over the OSU link (great catch, btw) and wondering whether we really will be able to stop such an offense

    Now, I know we did an EXCELLENT job in 2007 but I see a much different offense with Zac at QB who can actually connect on the mid-long range shots


  3. Wolfman

    Hopefully that will work as well as “Just throw it up to Calvin.”
