Early BCS odds

The Wiz has the numbers here.  Interestingly enough, Vegas has the biggest spread in the Sugar Bowl, although the Fiesta has moved rapidly in favor of TCU.

It’s a shame they didn’t match Cincinnati and Georgia Tech in the Orange Bowl.  I’d have loved to have seen the over/under on that pairing.


Filed under College Football

4 responses to “Early BCS odds

  1. aristoggle

    Did Tebow circumcise the microphone in that photo?


  2. Dawg N Suds

    Georgia Tech was fortunate to get Iowa in the Orange Bowl, thus saving them the embarrassment of playing TCU in front of 40,000 empty seats.

    Did I mention there is nothing to do in Iowa in January?


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      Ga Tech and FLA are both fortunate–to not have to play TCU and Boise. I wish FLA would have to finish its season with a 40 point shellacking from TCU but, alas, the BCS let them off the hook. Likewise, can you imagine what Boise would do to Yech? This is all about the major conferences protecting themselves from embarrassment>
