Further adventures in “I saw it on the Intertubes, so it must be true.”

As you’re following all of the rumors surrounding Georgia’s search for a new offensive defensive coordinator, keep in mind that if you’re gullible enough to believe in anything posted on FootballCoachScoop.com, you deserve what you get(h/t The Wiz)


Filed under The Blogosphere

5 responses to “Further adventures in “I saw it on the Intertubes, so it must be true.”

  1. offensive coordinator?


  2. RedCrake

    If ya’ll will excuse me, I have some emails and tweets to write.

    Dear FootballCoachScoop.com…


  3. Scorpio Jones, III

    Congrats to Rodney for being named DC for the bowl game according to the above site….not to be confused with “footballscoop.com” which has proven to be, so far, pretty accurate.


  4. Mayor of Dawgtown

    Apparently congrats are in order for Drew Butler who made 1st team AFCA All-America. Guess who did NOT make it at QB–the GPOOE.
