Coaches Hot Seat Blog pwns Dennis Dodd. (And doesn’t care for Kiffin, either.)

Joe at Coaches Hot Seat Blog can certainly be a little too over-the-top sometimes, but damn does he nail Dennis Dodd for that stupid “USC football is going to walk” post of Dodd’s from last week.  Definitely an enjoyable read, for more than one reason.


UPDATE: On a related front, the comments here in response to Kiffin’s take on the situation are pretty funny.


UPDATE #2: By the way, Dodd’s take today is that he was “duped”.

The point is, USC AD Mike Garrett ran the Pete Carroll search like he ran his department. Shoddily.

Uh huh.


Filed under Don't Mess With Lane Kiffin, Media Punditry/Foibles

3 responses to “Coaches Hot Seat Blog pwns Dennis Dodd. (And doesn’t care for Kiffin, either.)

  1. 'matsdawg

    I hope that it is not true that “Lane Kiffin is Chauncey Gardner come to life” – perhaps CHS blog did not watch the end of that movie…if you thought the Bush push was a nifty trick, wait to you see what Chauncey could bring to the game (plagues?)


  2. Jason

    Senator – this is off topic but I implore you to read this from stingtalk:

    I almost had a hernia laughing so hard last night.
