Just call him Corch.

Did anybody else find it a little awkward hearing Chris Spielman during yesterday’s Texas spring game broadcast refer to the guy sitting next to him in the booth by both his first and last name?

Maybe somebody should introduce them to each other.


Filed under ESPN Is The Devil, Urban Meyer Points and Stares

16 responses to “Just call him Corch.

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Did Corch smile at all?


  2. Seriously

    Poor, bitter bull-dregs! He isn’t even the Gators’ coach anymore. In fact, he isn’t ANYONE’s coach now! In the name of Christian forgiveness, please just let it go.

    I read this morning that former Gator Louis Murphy was busted in Gainesville with an unlabeled bottle of Viagra. That should keep you bull-dregs chuckling for weeks – Enjoy!!


  3. These gayturds are really retards.


  4. Scott

    Was it the proper pronunciation or the Corrine Brown version?


  5. FWIW, I’ve seen Spielman do that with broadcast partners before. It’s probably an idiosyncrasy,
