We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming, which is already in progress.

Now here’s a real shocker“Auburn Writer Accuses Bama Of Paying Signee Calloway”.


Filed under Whoa, oh, Alabama

12 responses to “We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming, which is already in progress.

  1. Go Dawgs!

    “… and believe us, we’d know!”


  2. Biggus Rickus

    The comments are great. “Auburn lies.” “Bama started it.” It’s like a playground argument.


  3. Zdawg

    And the clanking of pot and kettle banging heads gets louder and louder….


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    You cannot make up a name better than Harland “Peaches” Winston.


  5. The Watergirl

    I mean you can’t make this shit up!! haha only at AU would this story be written


  6. Jack

    You don’t know the blood curdling stories I could tell– blood curdling, I tell ya!
    But you’ll need to buy me a drink first.


  7. 69Dawg

    Auburn and Alabama have been doing each other in for generations. CFB is a blood sport in Alabama. Mr Slive wishes he had avoided this gig like the career ending car wreck it is about to become. Can a whole conference be put on probation for having too many dumb ass programs? Tell us again Mr Slive how you are going to clean up the SEC’c image. What a moron.


    • AthensHomerDawg

      “Tell us again Mr Slive how you are going to clean up the SEC’c image.”

      And yet you dont mention the Big Ten and OSU? Why?


      • Pumpdawg

        Because Slive is the SEC commish. He wouldn’t have anything to do with cleaning up the Big 10 and OSU.


        • Mayor of Dawgtown

          Slive has no intention of cleaning up the Bama/AU mess. He was hired to maximize $$ for the conference and does not give a flip about cleaning up crooked programs. In fact, the SEC office is the crookedest thing about the conference–not the schools–even though some schools are extremely crooked. Slive looks the other way on purpose.


  8. Normaltown Mike

    Not saying it’s not true, but some of the “facts” are questionable at best:
    -“Supposedly, Winston also received aid in catching up on his home mortgage.”.

    C’mon, nobody pays their mortgage anymore. Much less in Russellville Alabama.

    “fan also allegedly provided Calloway with a new car …from a dealership in Muscle Shoals”.

    That’s a laugher. A new car dealership in Muscle Shoals? C’mon dude. You need to leave the wire grass and head for the Quad Cities.

    Maybe if the story was that he gave him a fifty bucks and set em loose in a Dollar General in Tuscumbia, this story would have a little more believability.


  9. Writer says at the end “Great, another off field scandal.”

    Most of these kind of scandals are off field because they could not possibly exchange money or make tattoos on the field.
