GTP’s 2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.  I thought some of you might find it of interest.

Here’s an excerpt:

About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 3,900,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 71 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe!

Click here to see the complete report.

Here’s to a well-trafficked 2013.


Filed under GTP Stuff

26 responses to “GTP’s 2012 in review

  1. Puffdawg

    Glad to hear you’re back for another year. I was worried you were thinking about retiring and joining a missionary despite not a single comment from you ever indicating you wanted to do anything other than blog about Georgia football as long as we’d have you.

    Happy New Year, Bluto. Thanks for helping keep the fan base from coming unglued in those devastating, unacceptable 10-3 years.

    And thanks for giving me a forum to supply subtle (and not so subtle) snark.

    Also, Happy New Year to balls, scotch lover, et al good guys, as well as West Cobb and even Turd! Skeptic, you still suck, but happy New Year anyway.


    • Cojones

      It’s been fun and “Happy New Year” back atcha you old Dawg! Is it bad form to say that I’ve liked it best when reading input after everyone becomes chippy?

      The SotM and GOMORRAs will rise to the Senator’s bait as if we are a carefully managed fish pond getting just enough food to attract our fan appetites and turning our noses up when overfed. That’s when he switches the bait to a beautifully tied fly with a small hook and barb. You can’t resist and after tasting can’t help but feel a little sting sometimes. Then Blutarsky throws a live cricket into the middle of the rise just to laugh and watch the fun because we can’t discern the difference between the fake bait and the hot Red and Black Special.

      Twisted though he may be, we surely hope Bluto success this year, in or out of the arena.

      Good Luck to our Dawgs today and throughout the year. And Good Luck to all the Dawgs who blog here.


      • Chadwick

        Yeah, it is better when it’s testy. Where should we all meet and fight? In all seriousness his is a great blog with a good cast of commentators/experts on football/unheralded genuises. It is my first stop on my AM treks through the innertubes for goodreason. Love the “Palate Cleansers”, too.

        Here is to a fruitful 2013 to all of you. Time to shuck some corn!


      • Thank you Senator…This has been such a joy for me. Cojones, we are looking fine at #10 in the pool. I am going to best you yet! Ahhhhh.. what is from the earth is of the greatest worth.


        • Cojones

          I’m stuck (along with many others) on right-columned winners only. That ought to be easy pickin’s. Bluto’s in 4th place last time I looked. It has been fun, folks.


  2. HVL Dawg

    Well, actually I thought I visited your site more than 3.9 million times last year. I guess I was wrong.


  3. Cosmic Dawg

    Congrats Senator!

    Lol Puff and HVL!


  4. Go Dawgs!

    This blog is also harder to invade and overrun than Liechenstein.


  5. SCDawg

    You keep blogging we’ll keep giving you all those views.


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    3652 comments!? And I was worried that I have too much time on my hands. Take a bow Cojones.


    • Cojones

      That averages to 2 posts per every new post that Senator Blutarsky posted (1817). Plus most posters express in fewer posts than it takes for me to compose my thoughts. That isn’t very complimentary concerning my form of expression, but it is fun.


  7. Hogbody Spradlin

    I know what Blutarsky is saying: I can’t believe I could get on 3,899,990 times. And my sincere thanks to the other 10 people who visited.


  8. Shooter McGavin

    I resolve to participate in the discussion this year. My wit and snark know no bounds. Yet I dare say it will be mighty difficult to be as prolific as Cojones. What’s that like 10 posts a day on average?


  9. Heathbar09

    I just can’t believe GTP had 2 visitors from Madagascar.


  10. tbia

    Having actually been to Liechtenstein, I can safely say that in no way does it compare to GTP.


  11. Mayor of Dawgtown

    Ah yes…”The only thing I ask”….October 20, 2012. My all time favorite thread. 233 posts.


  12. SouthGaDawg

    3000 folks from India but only 15 from China. I hope the Chinese govt. doesn’t find out who they are.


  13. Lrgk9

    Good on ya mate.


  14. It seems like only last year Lil’ Bluto got his first million.

    Bless his heart. Here’s to millions more!


  15. Rusty

    An EMP exploded by North Korea followed by a Zombie Apocalypse couldn’t shut down this blog.


  16. Debby Balcer

    and they say us ladies are chatty.


  17. MauiDawg

    Damnit…give the Hawaii dawgs our own category!


  18. AlphaDawg

    What, no visits from Cuba? I have some friends in GTMO, i’ll try and get them to hitup your site.
