“Effort was not needed.”

Former LSU defensive player Sam Montgomery wins today’s “Damn, son, I don’t think I would’ve said that” award with this rather… well, stupid admission:

“You know, some weeks when we didn’t have to play the harder teams, there were some times when effort was not needed,” Montgomery said when asked about LSU coaches not being happy with his consistency of effort. “But when we had the big boys coming in, the Bamas or the South Carolinas, I grabbed close to those guys (teammates) and went all out.

I guess his next head coach had better hope that money turns out to be a helluva motivating factor.  Because Montgomery doesn’t sound too impressed with his last set.

“Of course, this is a new league, the NFL and there are no small teams, small divisions It is all Alabamas and LSUs every week. It’s definitely something I have to get adjusted to, but I’m sure with the right coaching I will be fine.”  [Emphasis added.]

I bet Miles’ hat looks even smaller on his head after he’s read that.


Filed under SEC Football

7 responses to ““Effort was not needed.”

  1. Dog in Fla

    Les does not have time for tHat


  2. Always Someone Else's Fault

    So, Senator, what do you think about Jenkins’ quotes retative to his weight at the combine?


  3. Bobby

    What quotes are you referring to?


  4. Biggus Rickus

    Obviously, Montgomery hasn’t seen the Jaguars.
