What is this “common sense” you speak of?

Hey, Steven Rhodes and the NCAA?  It’s a process.

NCAA spokesperson Stacey Osburn released a statement in reference to Rhodes’ situation Sunday night that said, “The NCAA has provided an initial review of the case and will continue to work with the university. The process is ongoing and a final decision has not yet been made.”

Is it possible to shame the NCAA?


Filed under The NCAA

4 responses to “What is this “common sense” you speak of?

  1. lamontsanford

    Yeah…we should really do anything we can to discourage serving our country. Good good show NCAA.


    • Hackerdog

      Well, I doubt anyone is joining the military as a stepping stone to playing college football. But, it’s still a stupid thing the NCAA is doing.


  2. Mayor of Dawgtown

    “Is it possible to shame the NCAA?” No, but it is possible to scare the living hell out of them.
