Let’s get physical.

Interesting bit in this Dennis Dodd piece about the NCAA’s quest to herd its member cats into some sort of cohesive position on dealing with the problem of concussions:

CBSSports.com spoke to Georgia receiver Chris Conley, a member of the NCAA Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. Conley said Georgia practices in full pads once a week during the season unless the Dawgs are preparing for a triple-option opponent or “a team that is known for being physical.”

I’d love to know which teams qualify for that extra full pads practice.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple

7 responses to “Let’s get physical.

  1. Timphd

    The NCAA denied it “has a legal duty to protect the student athlete”. Wow, here all this time I was led to believe it was all about the benefit to the student athlete. Guess I was mislead somehow.


    • reipar

      You were not misled. There is a difference between an organization created to protect the student athlete and a legal duty to do the same.


  2. Dog in Fla

    I’ll guess South Carolina and Florida.


  3. Can’t remember the exact game, but in 2012, I think it was, we went like 3 days going after it live. Richt changed it up on purpose. We had been in the usual kind of blahs we generally played in. And it worked. We played well.
