Uncooperative is the new black.

FSU drops its Title IX investigation of Jameis Winston because Winston won’t talk.  Now word comes that the NCAA has ended its probe of Mississippi State over alleged illicit benefits published in a Yahoo! Sports report. The reason?  Not because there wasn’t any direct evidence. 

Yahoo! reported that Davis purchased airfare for former MSU football players Fletcher Cox and Chad Bumphis while they were still in school. Yahoo! authenticated a flight purchase in Dec. 2011, before Mississippi State’s Music City Bowl appearance later that month. Cox declared for the draft after the bowl game and Bumphis played another season.

Nah, it’s because the NCAA “can’t find” Davis.

They hung A.J. Green with less.  We are such chumps at Georgia.


Filed under The NCAA

13 responses to “Uncooperative is the new black.

  1. We made the mistake of acting like the burden of proof was on us rather than on the NCAA. Everyone else clearly learned their lesson from us.


    • 79dawg

      At the time, as painful,as it was (and particularly as much as the offense struggled in Columbia), it was the prudent decision. Think about how quickly things changed: week 2, we are still playing it conservative with the rules; 8 weeks later, Auburn plays fast and loose, Cam’s a rockstar and the descent into the near lawlessness we are faced with today, is rather astounding….


      • Bulldog Joe

        That’s how they became National Champions, two-time SEC Champions, and we became THUGA.

        Dr. Adams’ vanity played us for chumps.

        Prudent and stupid.


      • It was not a prudent decision, and the same goes with how we handled Jim Harrick, and the NCAA has proven that with every investigation it’s had for over decade since.


  2. Macallanlover

    For an operation the size of the NCAA, and one with far reaching rules governing hundreds of thousands of athletes from hundreds of colleges, it is startling how understaffed the investigatory division is. It has led to interminable delays and has whiffed publicly in many cases. Again, incompetence in full display of passionate fans over decades that has resulted in embarrassing, and unjust, actions. Yet the institutions led by educated people has not intervened. It is fair to paint more than just Emmert with this brush.

    I would separate the FSU situation from the above because it is a criminal investigation, not just looking onto the bending of regulations. For all the shit storm caused by the NY Times article, the assistant in the state attorney’s office seemed to be correct in saying there was not enough evidence to get a conviction based on what they had; I say that from all I saw and read regarding the allegations of a rape. Only two people really know what happened in that bedroom and one of them has been advised to stick with the consensual story which doesn’t leave enough to get a guilty verdict from 12 independent people.

    FSU and the Tallahassee Police Department certainly come up short on their investigations into the case but have you ever really looked at the quality of campus police departments? A lot of mud will continue to be slung but this issue is much broader than just FSU and Jameis Winston.


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      Not disagreeing with your analysis Mac (it may very well play out as you have said above) but I predict the Jameis Winston case will be reopened and he will be indicted, most likely after the season. Either a plea to a lessor charge will be entered or Winston will buy the complaining party off using the civil suit (which undoubtedly will be filed) as a vehicle and she will cause the charges to be dropped. The two other guys know what happened in that room, too, and can be pressured into giving Winston up. I suspect someone, maybe Winston-maybe one of the others, dropped the “date-rape” drug in the girl’s drink and that is what led to what happened.


      • I was wondering about that. Bis that something the police would have drawn blood from her for and had tested? I don’t know if that’s something they normally do, or how long it lingers in the system. Would seem to me like something good to do, unless the victim didn’t want the test run.


      • Macallanlover

        An indictment is much easier to get than a conviction so you may be right but barring some evidence, it would be irresponsible for the prosecutors to bring him to trial based on what I have seen. There is no way 12 honest people will vote guilty on rape charges with what they have so it would be purely a political move to try and take some heat off them but would actually make the prosecutors and investigators look even more incompetent when put under the microscope of a high-profile trial.

        But the heat doesn’t seem to be just on this case, I think it is how schools handle investigations in light of their past interests in avoiding bad publicity and under reporting crime. The NYT is running with the sexier “big time athletes get a pass” but the ongoing stories of campus crime being swept under the table to bring in the millions of dollars from tuitions is a much bigger piece than this one incident. It isn’t like the campus police folks at any universities are rivaling the FBI when it comes to training, salary, and investigative support.


    • Nashville West

      All of you are missing the real story which is how the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) will handle this. In a series of “Dear Colleague Letters” they outline a procedure for universities to investigate and prosecute sexual assaults. The condensed version is guilty until proven innocent. The FSU “investigation” of Winston doesn’t come close to complying with OCR guidelines. The OCR is not a joke, they can theoretically cut off all federal funding and they are extremely pro victim, anti male perp. Winston would not be the first male student thrown under the bus in order to placate OCR.


      • Macallanlover

        I have always been a supporter of law enforcement, and want Jameis Winston locked up if he is guilty, but more expansion of more federal government into state/local issues is very troubling. I have no confidence in the OCR and current Justice Department handling anything well. FSU and TPD investigation deserves further scrutiny, changing the legal requirement of innocent until proven guilty and the Feds coming in on this is troubling. OCR should raise the alarm but this is hardly the only campus with the problem. I see them as the group who should oversee that all universities be required to make providing accurate crime statistics available to incoming students and their parents. This has been an ongoing issue that deserves to be exposed but to only get involved in the cases brought to light because of media coverage misses the much larger point.


  3. Cojones

    If they indict him someone is going to be up for perjury charges and it ain’t the two principles in the case.


  4. TXBaller

    We’re chumps at GA because:

    Montraveiovus Adams
    Carl Lawson
    Nick Marshall
