Don’t leave me hanging, Twitter.

Depending on your point of view, canning Boom or giving him an extension would qualify.


UPDATE:  This is just as good.

You can commence with the Auburn jokes any time you’d like.

Oh, and Driskel for the win…


UPDATE #2:  He’s on the mother.

Corch may be gone, but his spirit lives on in Gainesville.


UPDATE #3:  Oops.

Give him a day and he won’t remember the kid’s name.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

96 responses to “Don’t leave me hanging, Twitter.

  1. Bulldog Joe

    Agent Muschamp may have just blown his cover. Scramble!


  2. Wow, I was just saying how the Gator would be improved if Driskel was benched for Treon.


  3. Ben

    Ya know, it just couldn’t happen to a worse bunch of fans, could it?


    • Cosmic Dawg

      Almost, but…Auburn. I have not a hate but a contempt for Auburn that at this point is probably irrational. Rivalries are generally fun things, but win or lose I hate Auburn and its culture and fans in a different way than the other schools. I’d actually like to see them leave the conference, and yes, I understand the history and implications of that statement. They just make me sick. I don’t even enjoy watching the Dawgs beat them like I should because that means they still exist.


      • Jeff Sanchez



      • Ben

        Ya see, I went ahead and forgot about them completely; that’s why I didn’t think about them.

        Actually, last night my wife was saying, “I don’t know anyone who went to an SEC school who doesn’t have strong feelings against Auburn. All Auburn people are like, ‘I love Auburn!’, but everyone else is saying, ‘I f’ing hate Auburn and everything they stand for.'”

        Yeah, I don’t particularly care for Auburn, either.


  4. What fresh hell is this?

    Treon Harris being investigated


  5. Jack Klompus

    whew…good to know that Muschamp will be around a bit longer


  6. Dog in Fla

    Somebody needs to be hunting for Johnson and/or Chasing Amy


  7. El Dawgo in Evans

    1st Charge: Rekindling the dumpster fire in Knoxville this past Saturday.


  8. Granthams replacement

    Coach, Mr. Johnson on line one, says he is on the MFer just call another presser and chill them writers out


  9. Doggoned

    Don’t worry, Driskel is there waiting.


  10. Pete T.

    Its a legal matter, baby. You got me on the run. Its a legal matter from now on… Its so hard to be a Muschamp.


  11. Spike

    Serves Boom right for trolling UT fans on national tv.


  12. AlphaDawg

    Coed’s or Crab Legs? Whats the over/under?


  13. argondawg

    That Boom fella from Saturday post game? This couldn’t happen to a nicer fella.


  14. jadams

    If rumors are true, you may want to retract the snark. Hearing very serious accusations.


  15. tess

    Alligator Army has a tweet timeline, including one with a name-free university police entry from early this morning about a sexual battery call at an athletic dorm.


  16. Debby Balcer

    At least FU is doing something unlike FSU


  17. Cojones

    Cut it out, Blutarsky. First SC and now FU. Next you will be tellng us that GT is trying to get ranked before we beat them. No wonder we don’t talk nicely around here. You are supposed to drop breadcrumbs at select intervals, not roll’em into a ball for instant gratification.


  18. Gene Simmons

    Hello Auburn U. New player OTW.


  19. DC Weez

    Driskell for the win indeed! Can’t wait for the WLOCP! Woof! Woof!


  20. uglydawg

    Really, this is bad luck for Florida State too! Here’s why….
    Think about it. If Florida kicks him out of school (or off the team) it will be a great embarrassment and humilitation to FSU, because the irony and contrast of how the schools reacted is going to be too great for the press to ignore. Be sure to circle Nov. 29 on your calender because that’s the day the two play…too bad it’s not in Gainesville because Winston would really get a reception this time.


    • Cojones

      And DIF reminds us he almost was backup to Winston….uh…sorry…he was nearly “Seconds!” to Winston.


    • Dog in Fla

      “it will be a great embarrassment and humilitation to FSU”

      If the FSU Athletic Department had any self-awareness it would but, in reality, trying to embarrass the girl’s school (FSU) has always been standard UF operating procedure


  21. Cojones

    Yessiree. Ole’ Marco is on that one like a chicken on a voter registration. Sounds like he socializes with Harris. For a high rankin’ Republcan, he doesn’t care where he hangs. Marco must have surfaced in Ybor City to take that bait. Whee!

    DIF, if I didnt know better, I’d say you had a hand in this. It’s a shame your Gov, Scott, didn’t have better PR people. He could have gotten in on this cheap pub also.


  22. watcher16

    Huntley Johnson to the rescue. I smell a plea deal with some community service….


  23. So now FU is going to the other extreme and indefinitely suspending the guy and he hasn’t even been charged. Maybe they have something solid on him.


    • Hackerdog

      I hope there’s something solid. It’s really a no-win situation for everyone involved. If the school waits until a verdict, it could take months or even years, so it looks self-serving to just keep a criminal on the team. If they suspend a kid for just being accused, some kids (like Gurley) could be wrongly punished for things they didn’t do.

      I guess the middle road is to look into the evidence and make their own determination on the kids guilt or innocence. But again, schools can spin that process to the result they need.


  24. Cojones

    More ominus and to the point: How did they keep this under wraps until this morning? Seems like they must have gleaned a great deal of evidence yesterday and found out it was going to break before their morning pres conf. Why else would they wait until an hour before? He hasn’t even been charged, but is susp. indef? And it happened early Sun morn?


  25. Cosmic Dawg

    Ugh, just ugh. These stories are too common.


    • Cojones

      Probably much more common than had been reported since some universities and their Ath Depts swept them under the rugs. They can’t get away with that as often now.


  26. At least put Rubios tweet in the correct chronological order with the other tweets. Sheesh…..


    • Slaw Dawg

      Agree. Can’t take any pleasure in this at all. Hopefully, ringingly clear evidence will clear Harris. Otherwise, kick him off the team, put him in jail, do what you want–it won’t change the fact that a young lady was hurt in a way she’ll never forget, and that’s what matters the most. But anything less than absolutely clear exoneration will damage not only the University of Florida, but our favorite sport as well.


  27. TMC DAWG

    Let us not kid ourselves folks. IF true and it was me or you people, we would be under the jail right now. Why dosent the ncaa have a guide line for such things? The dui’s pot smoking and other issues,we need a level playing field for everyone. What do yall think?


  28. Brandon

    Even though this involves a Gator QB I’m still into the presumption of innocence thing. Let’s wait and see, I hope they have clear evidence of wrongdoing and haven’t suspended solely on the basis ofan accusation. We’ve seen from the recent Gurley fiasco that all you need for an accusation is one liar.


  29. Scorpio Jones, III

    Jesus freaking peezus folks… this is a bad thing for Will, bless his heart. How can I not feel sorry for a ole Dawg dude. Poor Will. And show a little pity for the Gator fans, bless their hearts.

    This is inevitably gonna come back to Dickhead. I got my people on that right fucking now, bless his heart.

    Really folks, with Mizzou coming up and Arkansas and all, how bout Googling Kharma…

    Poor Will, bless his heart.


  30. uglydawg

    Some reports are saying there’s not that much to this. Could be some girl just got mad at him and is crying wolf…I’m NOT excusing it or blaming the victim and if he did something to an unwilling girl he should pay dearly for it. But it’s just so much like the FSU thing and in the relativley same vicinity that one just naturally has to scratch his head a little bit. I just hope the Gainesville police do a better job than the Tallahassee police did.


    • Biggus Rickus

      Are you suggesting the girl was definitely crying wolf in the Winston case? If that’s not what you’re suggesting, then are you suggesting the girl in question is falsely accusing him as a copycat? I don’t know what happened any more than you do at this point, but I wouldn’t go further than saying Harris is being investigated and leave the conjecture out of it.


    • DawgPhan

      Why is it that some folks feel the need to suggest that the victim is lying when it involves sexual assault? I didnt see too many comments that wal-mart was lying about the DB stealing, or that walmart was asking for it because they have so much great merchandise at such low prices that they are practically begging you to steal it.

      Someone falsely reporting a rape or sexual assault is EXTREMELY RARE and yet it is typically the first thing someone says, especially if that someone is a male commenting on an internet message board.


      • uglydawg

        Why is it that some folks are always looking for an opportunity to show their self proclaimed superior sensitivites even if it means putting words in other peoples mouths to do it?

        “”It is typically the first thing someone says” Pure Bullshit.


      • Hackerdog

        Perhaps uglydawg has been paying attention to the DOE encouraging colleges to abandon all pretense at due process for men accused of sexual assault. Perhaps he just has a healthy respect for truth and facts, rather than mob justice. In either case, he certainly didn’t suggest that the victim was lying. He acknowledged the possibility. Why does someone acknowledging such a possibility upset you?

        Also, how EXTREMELY RARE1!!11!! is falsely reporting sexual assault? The estimates I’ve seen vary from 2% (cases in which women actually confess) to 50% (cases filed in college where a researcher found lack of evidence). The truth is most likely somewhere in the middle. I’m curious where you have it pegged to be so confident as to use ALL CAPS!1!!1!


    • How is this “so much like the FSU thing,” except that it involves a football player?


  31. Brandon

    This reminds me of “Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?” from Monty Python. Sorry, I know that’s neither here nor there. Agree we’re all better off if we withhold judgment until more facts are out.


  32. uglydawg

    Biggus…read what I said…”Could be” is a far cry from “definitely”. Your correct that none of us knows what happened. I’m only pointing out that some “sources” are downplaying it (they may very well have an ax to grind) and that it is uncanny the way it mimics the FSU case.


  33. Recent update from the Independent Florida Alligator (UF student paper) in Gainesvile:

    “UPDATE: A source close to the team who is not an eyewitness says they learned Harris is being accused of forcing a female victim into her residence hall at the Springs Residential Complex then allegedly sexually assaulting her in the room in the early hours Sunday Oct. 5.
    The source also said although the victim has a roommate, a bathroom separates rooms in suites in the complex, and it is not uncommon to be unable to hear what is going on in the other room. It is unknown whether the roommate was in the residence hall at the time of the incident.”
