SEC Power Poll, Week 10

We’re at a point in the season when, with the exception of Mississippi State, Arkansas and Vanderbilt, every team has beaten some other team, so you can save the “Team X lost to Team Y, so Y should be higher” analysis for somebody else, thanks.

On the other hand, if you want to argue that the West is a damned sight better than the East, you won’t hear a peep out of me.

  1. Mississippi State.  Maybe it wasn’t pretty, but at the end of the day, the Bulldogs are 8-0, 5-0, and nobody else in the conference can make the same claim.
  2. Auburn.  I see Gus Malzahn’s rabbit’s foot is back.
  3. Alabama.  Ole Miss loses again?  Nice bye week, Tide.
  4. Mississippi.  For finishing fourth in the East, we have these lovely parting gifts for you…
  5. LSU.  Sure, there’s still a chance, but I’m not sure even Les can pull this one off.
  6. Missouri.  Has a real shot at being the weakest SEC East champ ever.
  7. Georgia.  The SEC’s little girl with the little curl.  The question is how many more times the Dawgs will be horrid.
  8. Florida.  There will be a lot more Florida fans claiming they were at this year’s Cocktail Party game than actually showed up.
  9. Texas A&M.  243 total yards… against Louisiana Monroe.  Perhaps that’s a sign you’re not the offensive juggernaut you thought you were.
  10. Kentucky.  Didn’t put up much of a fight against a Missouri team that’s not exactly dominant.
  11. Tennessee.  The Vols have Steve Spurrier’s number of late, which is more than you can say about some teams.
  12. South Carolina.  Spurrier held a 54-second press conference after this week’s loss, which is just a few more seconds than the number of points his team allowed.
  13. Arkansas.  Bret Bielema just wishes his team could play Vanderbilt.
  14. Vanderbilt.  With the last cupcake win on the books, Vandy can start dreaming about next season.


Filed under SEC Football

5 responses to “SEC Power Poll, Week 10

  1. gastr1

    The really sad thing to me is that I thought we could have really had a chance once Gurley came back, and having him back against AU would have been a real shot of juice to the team. They just needed to get through these two games to get to that.

    But they played as if they were let down we didn’t have Gurley back this week, and now who knows what to think about the AU game…I still think we beat them on Gurley’s return.


  2. David K

    Watch Florida go on the road and lose to Vandy this week just to rub our noses in it a little more.


  3. The East is sort of in that place the West was in the 1990s. Remember? When the UF-UT game was all that mattered and MSU got trounced by Payton Manning’s Vols?


  4. Carolinadawg

    “The question is how many more times the Dawgs will be horrid.”

    This year? I’m thinking 3, plus a crappy bowl game against a directional school.
