Stats that make you go whoa.

I knew going into the season that the Georgia offense would be run-oriented, but even so, if you’d have told me that eight games in, Georgia would have more 200-yard rushing games than 100-yard receiving games this year, I don’t think I would have believed you.


Filed under Georgia Football

8 responses to “Stats that make you go whoa.

  1. Juan

    Not really surprising considering the stable of backs and the pathetic excuse for a QB we have


  2. A10Penny

    What concerns me is that no receivers have stood out from the last 2 classes. We’re still relying on WRs that AM relied on in 2012. What happens when Conley, Bennett, and Mitchell are gone, and we’re breaking in a new QB with very few reps?


    • A10Penny

      I just looked at past recruiting classes. Our productive WRs were all from the same class as Isaiah Crowell. Maybe the underclassmen will come around, but man that is troubling for the future.


  3. Mitchell and JSW have been hurt most of the year, and they’re to the 2 biggest deep threats, so this doesn’t really surprise me.

    I don’t want to dump on Hutson Mason, but I noticed he holds the ball an awfully long time. Maybe Murray was so quick that I’m spoiled, but it seems Mason takes too long to get through his progressions.


    • Cousin Eddie

      To me, he looks like he is trying to be perfect. By that I mean the receiver needs to be wide open and he doesn’t want to make any mistakes. I don’t think he has the confidence that a fifth year player should have. Mostly because he hasn’t seen the field enough. All these games that should be a blowout that UGA has been overconfident about and let hang around way to long when he could have gotten some reps under Murray have hurt Mason’s development as it is doing this year with Ramsey and Bauta.


  4. Will Trane

    “We’ve moved well beyond the game [ass kicking at the hands of UF]. Glad to know that coach. But in hell does it mean.
    Does it mean we have a roster of WOs and TEs? Would like to have one damn season where multiple positions were not eatin alive by susenpions, sanctions, injuries, and complete lack of performance…TE, RB, DBs, DLs, and special teams. But CMR has many QBs. And only one plays virtually all the snaps.
    What that tells me. Probably recruited poorly in past few years re QBs, TEs, and DBs. Not one of those QBs have pushed 5th year player Mason.
    In the UF game their secondary pulled a lot of receptions away from the receivers on possession plays. Are those fighting like Chubb to for extra yards and possession. Or is it that Mason gets the ball out too slow…release and set up. Watch a Winston’s throwing motion and then compare to Mason. Well you can compare Mason to a few others in the SEC.
    Bobo has 4 games to prove he is moving or progressing this offense. Because in the last 3 it has walked back…one dimensional…very basic and easy to defend. UK had a brillant HC / defensive minded coach. Let’s see how Bobo stacks up against him. He failed at UF against Muschamp…the darling of SEC defenses for several years…and longed after as a HC at UGA a few years back by many.
