They play by night.

Given the Auburn loss, this comes as no surprise.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Georgia Football

23 responses to “They play by night.

  1. ScoutDawg

    Works for me.


  2. These late ones make me pace myself at the tailgate but I’ve always preferred the late Auburn games when it’s nice and chilly. Crowd should be well lubed for this one.


  3. Granthams replacement

    If you don’t like noise or alcohol you might want to stay home Saturday. Especially if you sit in 129/128.


  4. mp

    Probably will be in the 40s at kick-off too. Let the alcohol and the hate keep you warm as temps keep dropping


  5. Brrrrrr.

    I remember sneaking some cold beers in my oversized parka into the Auburn game in ’95 and being so cold (& dejected at Goof vs Buster Brown) that I didn’t bother finishing Them.

    Good thing I’ve switched to the brown stuff.


    • Bulldog Joe

      One of the coldest home games ever, but I left there confident there we were not going to be spending another year in “significant improvement” limbo.


  6. DugLite

    Should be a crazy game. I’m stoked!! The first to half a hundred wins.


  7. Bulldog Joe

    CBS wasn’t going to pass on #1 vs. #4. So 7:15 is fine with me.


  8. Russ

    Hope we get Nessler & Blackledge for announcers.


    • Macallanlover

      Got them, they do the primetime ESPN game every Saturday. Blackledge is the best analyst in CFB.


      • Normaltown Mike

        agree. look forward to Vern retiring and Todd going to CBS.


        • David K

          Blackledge is a color guy so he’s not replacing Verne. Danielson is awfully good as well.


          • hailtogeorgia

            Isn’t Verne the color guy?


            • Macallanlover

              No, he be the white boy, 🙂 It is time for Verne to hang it up, was a good ride but he is confused a lot now and the game is getting faster. Need a play by play guy that doesn’t get players, teams and yard lines mixed up. Danielson helps cover the mistakes but he is too good of an analyst to have to do both jobs.


        • Dog in Fla

          They cover the game that they think is in front of them not the game that they thought they were going to have. And they keep sharp objects away from Gary:

          “One of the main things Gary and Verne excel at is making sure we’re covering the game that’s developing in front of us, not the game we thought was going to happen,” said CBS Sports Coordinating Producer of college football Craig Silver….

          “All of the things Verne embraces kind of makes my skin crawl,” Danielson joked. “I hate the dinners on Thursday and Friday, and Verne loves them. The more people in the box before a game, Verne will tell stories and I’m wanting to stick an ice pick in my eye.”


  9. Parent

    This still gets me in the mood for this game better than anything….


  10. Lrgk9

    Paint it Black you Devil


  11. Cojones

    Dawgs opened at -1, now -2.5 (Sun nite, early Mon AM). Bettors like our ass.


  12. Cojones

    How can MSU be ranked #1, whereas #3 Bama comes in at -7.5 point favs for their game? Why not rank them that way?


    • stuckinred

      Yea because one-loss teams are always ranked above undefeated teams. Sheesh.


      • Not so fast short pants!
        While going undefeated is one of the best ways to try and win a college football National Championship, it doesn’t always mean it will happen. It depends on a number of other factors including strength of schedule and what other team’s records are.
        Boise has kinda been the poster boy for winning seasons without the ranking that goes with it. Utah Utes drew a lot of attention in 2004 for going undefeated and not getting the love from pollsters. The Barners are still trying to get an NC out of their undefeated gig in that same year.
