First thoughts on Auburn

Here’s something I wrote after last year’s Auburn game:

… The team I saw play in the fourth quarter and will itself into a lead was a team that could challenge any other team in the country.  But that’s something I’ve seen in other games that were either losses – the third quarter against Missouri comes to mind – or came in wins that were much closer than they should have been, like the first half against Florida.  The problem, as it’s been all season, is consistency.

When this team plays like its collective hair is on fire, when the coaches are aggressive, when the players are focused on their assignments, Georgia is a dominant force, good enough to challenge for that national title game sights were set on at the beginning of the season.  But when the coaches succumb to their more passive sides – and there’s a part of me that admits it’s hard not to want to rely on Gurley, even when the other team run blitzes like a sumbitch, or to play soft zone to protect a bunch of green defenders who aren’t up to speed – you get first halves like we saw on Saturday.

How’s that for your “the more things change, the more they stay the same” observation, hunh?

Read Cory’s assessment of Auburn’s power running game.

When it comes to defending Malzahn’s offense it is easy to get lazy and frustrated. The key is – as it is most weekends – is playing disciplined football. The defense just needs to do its job. Against Kentucky, which we’ll break down tomorrow, Georgia, again, had times where they played excellent against the run because guys did their jobs – but, other times, we saw guys trying to do too much and getting burned. This is a game where you have to have a workman-like attitude, bring your lunch-pail, and go to work. All 11 guys, doing their job, every play. That is the key to slowing down Auburn’s power run game.

I don’t think anybody expects Georgia run defense to stop Auburn.  But we have to hope it can at least take a stab at containing it.  The fly sweep that Malzahn called repeatedly in last year’s game worked… except for the two occasions when Leonard Floyd stayed home as he was supposed to.  Discipline matters, obviously.  (Remember my earlier comment about Lorenzo Carter in that context.)  But Pruitt’s going to have his opportunities to get aggressive and he has to pick his spots appropriately.

The real pressure will be on Mike Bobo to keep pace with Auburn’s offense.  It’s great that he’ll have the most weapons on offense at his disposal this season.  It may be even better if his offensive line can carry over its excellent play against Kentucky this week.  But he has to expect that Ellis Johnson is going to try to work the same kind of run-stopping defensive game plan that he had success with in the first half of the 2013 game.  Bobo can’t allow himself to play into that, because, while Mason is coming off the finest game of his career, he’s not the kind of quarterback who’s going to will his team to a win as Murray did several times last year (and should have done at Auburn if… aw, screw it, let’s not go there).  There’s nothing wrong with being a game manager, as long as you’ve got a game you can manage.  Bobo has to at least keep things close for Mason to be effective.

Another thing that helps Georgia is a return game that actually poses a threat.  Last season, we were all happy that Georgia’s coverage was good enough to prevent a dynamic Auburn return game from inflicting any serious damage, but nobody expected much on the other side of punts and kickoffs.  This year, the worry is equalized.

This shouldn’t hurt, either.

Auburn isn’t invincible.  The Tigers aren’t any better now than they were at this time last year, while Georgia is.  The coaches need to coach with that in mind.


Filed under Georgia Football

92 responses to “First thoughts on Auburn

  1. Cojones

    That last paragraph is point on and puts you in the red Kool-Aid group. I knew you couldn’t contain your exuberance all season.

    Now I don’t feel guilty for seeing Auburn as a lesser Georgia. Thanks.


  2. Bulldog Joe

    Gap discipline on defense will the key theme for the next 3-4 games.


  3. RocketDawg

    I would argue that Auburn is worse at this time than they were last year. They lost Carl Lawson before the season started so they don’t have a pass rusher to replace Dee Ford, their LT has been a turnstile when he isn’t allowed to hold repeatedly (downgrade from Greg Robinson), Artis-Payne isn’t close to the quality of Tre Mason, and they lost their best receiver to injury last week.


    • Cojones

      Are you sweetening the Kool-Aid? Agree on your post and that is a part of the “lesser Georgia” reasoning used in oracleing this game. I think we can stop their rush better than they can stop ours. Anyway you look at it, the big uglies up front will be the difference and worthour attention.


    • CAP is certainly different from Tre Mason, but he’s actually ahead of Mason at the same point in 2013 with the same YPC.


      • Rocket Dawg

        I just don’t think he runs as hard as Mason did last year but that might just be me.


        • Mason had an uncanny ability to gain yardage on almost every play. Hit behind the LOS; gain of three. It was amazing.

          CAP is just now learning to read the blocking at the LOS and find a hole. Mason had a knack for it.

          While typing this I thought how cool it might be if Dyer were still there.


          • Will (The Other One)

            I’m still amazed Dyer is playing in college. I mean he was on the 2010 team, and there he is now, playing for Louisville. He needs some sort of Daniel Cobb Award for Undergraduate Longevity for that.


  4. DawgPhan

    Dawgs at home
    At night with Gurley
    bourbon hangs heavy
    many tigers 1st trip
    tween the hedges
    dawg nation
    fired up


  5. Debby Balcer

    I expect the energy of the crowd to match the blackout game and the LSU game. We need to do our part too..


  6. I would love to see us take the lead and never relinquish it. Todd Gurłey will return with vengance!


  7. Brandon

    I’ll be doing mine. Going to need a good bit of whiskey to keep warm on this cold night


    • uglydawg

      The crown needs to keep up the enthusiasm and noise even if Auburn jumps out ahead early…which it very well might. Georgia is a second half team in this one..If we get up a couple of scores it should be “eat the clock”…put pressure on Auburn to score every time and gamble to get the Dawgs offense off the field.



    F Auburn.


  9. Slaw Dawg

    Don’t think either team’s run defense is going to stop the other team’s running game. It’ll be a matter of containing the damage for both teams. I also think both QBs will have to make, and will make, critical plays to keep their teams in the game.

    So it’ll probably be field position and, as with so many games in this series, the little things that determine the outcome, as expressions of each team’s will and determination. A turnover. A too short punt. A sack at the right time. Malcolm Mitchell snagging a difficult catch, or not. Whether Nick Marshall is able to make one of those ridiculous plays that I reluctantly admit he can do at any time.


  10. DamnGoodDawg

    Video gave me goosebumps when Gurley walked out of the tunnel.


  11. Spike

    I miss Aaron Murray.


  12. Rp

    I expect to see Gurley and McKenzie alternate the kick return duties, so in addition to the best RB tandem in the nation we may also have the best KR tandem.


  13. Silver Britches



  14. Derek

    I have a hard time seeing us as better than last year mainly because of the differential at quarterback. Also, last years team had some quality wins (LSU and USC) going into last years game whereas this team has zero quality wins.(Clemson doesn’t count as one IMHO). While this year’s and last year’s teams share the quality of playing badly and well at different times, last year’s team had to possibility of rallying because of Murray. I’m not sure this team could beat last year’s LSU or USC teams. This isn’t to suggest that I don’t think we’ll win Saturday (I always think we’ll find a way), but we’ve played a mediocre schedule and the two teams we’ve played that had at least similar athletes to us, beat us.

    The good news is with Williams out, and without Mason and that beast of a LT Auburn had last year, Auburn is probably a little more vulnerable too.

    We need to get off to a good start and our o-line needs to show up against a legitimate front.


    • I Wanna Red Cup

      In pretty much every other catagory, we are better. Wouldn’t you agree the OL is playing better this year, our running game is better, we are healthier in our receiveing corp. We are scoring more points.
      Defense is better for sure, allowing fewer points per game and doing better on 3 rd down conversions. Special teams are much better. So overall I would say as a TEAM, we are better now than we were this time last year. The QB last year was better, particularly in leadership category. I agree with the Senator that AM willed and played us back into the game last year. But really cannot see how as a team, given the injury situation last year, you can say we were better in 2013 than now.


      • Derek

        Its hard to claim improvement when the competition is so different (worse). QB play is way in the gutter compared to last year. I don’t think last year’s team loses in Columbia or Jax to their 2014 versions. We lost to a much better UM team and Vandy while a very, very beat up football team. If we’d have stayed healthy last year, I think we have a great shot at a SEC title in a very brutal league. This year we have the worst east division since it was created and we probably have to win Saturday night to win it. And you can’t blame the Gurley suspension for that given what Chubb has been able to do.

        Where I would agree that we’ve seen improvement is depth at RB and with kick returns. I’d like to see our o-line block a legit d-line set on stopping our run game. We got stuffed in stretches in both losses. I’d like to see us protect on obvious passing downs.

        Fully healthy, the 2013 team could have matched up with the best in the country because the other team couldn’t afford to sell out on the run with Murray back there. This year a good team can say “make Mason beat you” and really put us in a bad spot. If the other team can run the ball, well its gets ugly pretty quick.

        We are a very incomplete team because our offense requires us to be very run first heavy. Our defense needs to be playing with a lead and disrupting a QB who feels he needs to score now to stay in the game rather than bowing up to stop a downhill run game. Its less than ideal to be sure. A good team can take what’s given with its offense and can shut down a run game with or without a lead. We ain’t there right now. Luckily we do have some amazingly talented skilled position players that can score from anywhere.


        • Mayor

          Derek, I agree that Mason isn’t Murray. He suffers by comparison. But in terms of passing, Mason is better than Marshall. Look at his stats. Don’t just look at his yards. He hardly ever throws INTs. He makes a lot of first down throws. We don’t need him to run the ball like Auburn’s QB–we have plenty of RBs to do that. Georgia is the better team.


          • Derek

            I wasn’t comparing us to Auburn, but us to our 2013 version.

            Comparing opposing QB’s I’d say Marshall comes closer to optimizing the system he’s in than Mason does in the system that he is in. QB is a net plus for Auburn in my view. And I’m not saying that Mason has been consistently terrible because he hasn’t. Its just that what Mason thrives in is dependent upon other things working, like the running game. When we can make the run go, he’s pretty good in PA. However, if we’re down 24 with 5 to play in the 3rd quarter and we line up in shotgun, empty backfield. He’s dead, we’re dead, its over. He can’t extend with his legs and he can’t stretch the field with his arm. Love the kid, but we have to admit that athletically, he’s limited to say the least.

            Also, I could care less if we are better than Auburn, I just want to win the damn game. In this series, better doesn’t matter anyway. I still remember the water hose game. We didn’t go to Auburn with a single player who would’ve started at Auburn. We won 20-16.

            Gurley needs to go out there act like every Auburn defender reminds him a little bit of Bryan Allen.


            • olddawg 55

              Let’s get this straight…Mason is as good as Bobo allows him to be. If Bobo sees his run game is working and needs to spread the defense, he’ll call pass…of what length is his call, not Mason’s. He is the sculptor, Mason and company are the clay. It depends upon his game plan and it’s early success. Finis.


              • Derek

                Yep. Just like Tom Brady. They could ALL be Tom Brady if they had his play caller. Hell, WE could ALL be Tom Brady if we had his play caller. I don’t understand why we don’t put a quadriplegic back there and scream “damn Bobo!” every time the play doesn’t work.

                QB’s are not the same mentally and physically. They are as different as snowflakes. Suggesting play calling is THE determinative factor is insane.

                If you are suggesting that Hutson Mason’s talents are limitless and that its just up to Bobo to call the right play, I’ll just note my disagreement. If you are saying that Bobo should call the same play as if Stafford or DJ Shockley were back there and expect the same result, again, I simply disagree. While Mason is in there Bobo should call the plays that might work for an indecisive, sloth-like, rag arm. If he calls play that would only work for Matt Stafford, he’ll be grossly disappointed.

                The idea among fans that coaching is the determinative factor in college games is getting farther and farther from the truth. With the money that is being made by coaching staffs in the SEC everybody has good coaches and they all are watching film What they are looking for isn’t bad coaching. They are looking for bad players and they are trying to exploit them. Everybody seeks to maximize their own roster and to make the other guy pay for any deficiencies in his. Its Jimmies and Joes not X’s and O’s. Auburn’s RB won’t be as impressive as Todd Gurley. That’s not Gus Malzahn’s fault. Its silly to suggest otherwise. Its just as silly to blame Bobo when Hutson sits back there and won’t throw the damn ball, eats it and takes a sack. Some QB’s would throw the ball. Some of them would hit the target. Some would throw it to the other team. These things are all true despite the fact that the same damn play was called. It no different that if you called a dive play with me playing tailback. It won’t work as well with me as it will with Gurley. That’s not coaching.

                Its also important to know your own talent. You know who would light up our secondary? Peyton Manning. Do you go out and expect Marshall to do what Peyton does? No. Just because there are plays out there that would burn our ass just about every time doesn’t mean you’ve got the personnel to pull that off.

                If you understand that the universe of good calls expands based upon your talent and shrinks to non-existent with someone like me back there, and that the same works in reverse based upon your opponents talent, you should be able to grasp a little of what coaches are trying to do.


          • BrightOwl

            I agree that Mason > Marshall, at least if you look solely at passing stats and don’t consider their legs. If you look at them overall, Marshall might edge out ahead just because he’s a terrific threat to run.

            Murray was better than both of them but we only get four years with each young man and he gave us four good ones. It’s time for us as a fan base to let him go and move forward.

            I fucken hate Auburn.


      • I agree and two things have happened this year that seem inexplicable. Special teams are flaky and we unlearned how to tackle.


    • Hackerdog

      The defense is better. Last year, we were 45th in total defense. This year, we’re 22nd. We’re also more efficient on offense. Last year, we were 21st in scoring offense. This year, we’re 7th.

      Also, Mason hasn’t been that much of a drop off from Murray. Murray had a 159 passer rating last year and Mason’s is 153 this year. Now, Murray threw for 3,000 yards and Mason will probably tally around 2,000. But, Mason is working with better field position and a stronger run game than Murray enjoyed.

      I agree with Bluto that I’m not really comfortable putting the team on Mason’s back yet the way I was with Murray. But he’s getting better, getting receivers healthy, getting better protection, and getting Gurley back. So I won’t be surprised if he has a good game Saturday. Especially after I saw TAMU’s freshman QB shred Auburn’s secondary.


      • Cosmic Dawg

        I agree with much of this, but don’t think Clemson or South Carolina are nearly as good this year, Arkansas is not as good as 2013 LSU, Missouri is worse, etc, so the rankings are surely a bit inflated vs last year?

        I think TN, KY and FLA are a bit better, but not so much to offset the above.

        But accounting for 2013 injuries, Murray, secondary, special teams, our run game, etc – I think this GA team with all its players healthy has a better chance than last year’s decimated team.


        • Will (The Other One)

          Clemson is a good bit better on D, much worse on O than last year. TN, KY, and even UF are a good bit better than last year. USC is way worse, and no we aren’t seeing anyone as good as LSU (though this year’s LSU team is far better on D). This year’s schedule’s big plus over last year is the tougher games are better spread out. No 3 top 10 caliber teams in the first 4 games this season.


    • Otto

      Valid point on UGA being better, however I think the offense stands a better chance due to depth at RB, and a healthy rested Gurley. Everyone points to QB play with Bobo but he looks good when a great RB or stable of RBs can make plays, as shown during ’07, and 1st half of the 13 season. He looks lost and unable to adapt when the ground game goes away especially if the QB doesn’t have 2 seasons of playing time behind him.

      It’ll be interesting with Pruit, he has the film time from last year with FSU but not the talent he had there.

      I can see a blow out W or L and everything in between.


    • uglydawg

      Mason? You mean the young man who led the Dawgs back from what would have been a humiliating loss to GT? Or the one who every announcer on sports TV was lauding as having “a career day” last week against Kentucky? This is turning into a similar meme that everyone seemed to pile on AM..(“can’t win the big one”). Bullshit (pardon my French) . Mason is a fine QB with the finest stable of running backs, maybe at ANY level including the pros, behind him….an improving O line that is adequate to pass or run block, and some really great, NFL bound recievers and tight ends. Auburn’s offense is very good because it makes things happen so fast the defense can’t keep up with them…that’s the challenge of this game…Georgia’s defense will need a few stops and just might get a bunch of stops.
      I’ll bet Auburn’s game plan will be very similar to Georgia’s game plan against Arkansas…come out and play fake a few passes to shock the defense and quieten the crowd.
      If I were a defensive player, I’d rather be facing that than having Gurley and Chubb run roughshod over my ass all night…and that’s what’s going to happen to them. Late in the game against Kentucky, their defense was mailing it in because they were beaten…and I mean physically beaten.


  15. doofusdawg

    The key to the game imo is to have it close in the 4th quarter… just close enough so that bobo can still run the ball. This scenario kind of goes against your hope that we play aggressive in the first half. I hate it when we game plan to win a close one though… as it always turns out to be closer than we wanted.

    I do think that cjp is going to have to take some chances. we have to win first down and make them throw.


  16. The Flying Monkey

    We (UGA) should win this game, we have a better offense, and better special teams, and a better turnover margin.

    But if we lose, blame Pruitt’s rush D. And the secondary will be tested as Marshall loves to throw the long ball and is pretty accurate when he does.


  17. The Flying Monkey

    If I’m Auburn, I kick to Hicks every time, as he fights with teammates to field every kick and his receiving skills are subpar.

    And punt away from Isaiah. Now teams know his skills, so he won’t get a lot more looks, so I’m not sure the special teams advantage is there is you don’t let Is McK get his touches.

    If we win it, it will be running game, and another stellar night from Hutson Mason.


    • Otto

      Agreed and if they do that, special teams needs to adjust coverage forward. I disagree that Hicks should have fielded one of those balls with how he had to reach up for it. In my opinion it was over his head even if he did get the ball, if there is any doubt let the returner return the ball.


    • Hackerdog

      The nice thing about kicking away from McKenzie is that doing that means shorter punts. If Auburn wants to punt the ball 25-30 yards to make sure that McKenzie doesn’t get his hands on it, I’m OK with that.


  18. 80dawg

    One key is decent officiating and stop allowing Auburn offense to hold & tackle the defense. Richt and/or Pruitt MUST make a huge scene & take a penalty the first time it happens. They must get in the refs face & make it clear they expect a fair game and will not allow them to give AU the upper hand. If that does not work, need to play their game & let the dawgs lose & let it become a “get way with all you can” brawl & make the refs try to get things under control. It will be their fault for not controlling it from the start. Totally fed up with offense being given the advantage.


    • RocketDawg

      They also have to call the illegal man downfield when they run that play where Marshall has a run/pass option. You can’t let the Oline be 6 yards downfield and then throw a pass.


    • Otto

      Getting the 15 yarder in Auburn last year didn’t gain Richt any repect for he officials. It will take consistant firm attempts and posibly fines to change offciating not just a shrug after the SEC office explains the call.


    • Word, dawg. Fed up with the officiating in general this year. Every game I watch (not just UGA) there is some inexplicable call that gets reviewed and then they get it wrong again. I don’t know where the refs are coming from, where they are getting trained or whats going on. But they generally suck across the board.


    • paul

      Auburn has always and will always “get away with all they can.” It’s an integral part of their game plan as well as their administrative culture. They test the refs early and they keep doing it until it gets called. And if it only gets called occasionally, they’re more than happy to keep doing it and take a few flags. Sorry to say it, but to win we’re going to have to beat them at their own game. If the refs aren’t going to call holding, and we know they aren’t, then we shouldn’t be skeered to give as good as we’re getting. It may look more like a WCW pay per view than a football game but so what. It’s Auburn. Do whatever it takes. I’m not interested in a moral victory this weekend. I can live with a loss if we put it all out there. But if we sit around and act indignant about the lack of flags while Auburn repeatedly cheap shots our quarterback like Nick Fairly did to Aaron Murray I may have an aneurysm.


  19. Spike

    A better defense than last year? Did yall watch theFlorida game?


  20. Parent

    LOL, maybe the video team reads your blog……a response to “Please Gawd, not another blackout”
    November 9, 2014 at 7:02 PM

    As long as the video crew is smart enough to do something with “Coming Home,” I don’t care what they wear, the place will be bonkers….
    I’m coming home
    I’m coming home
    Tell the World I’m coming home
    Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
    I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
    I’m coming home, I’m coming home
    Tell the World that I’m coming

    Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong
    I feel like there’s nothing that I can’t try
    And if you with me put your hands high
    If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
    And you, the dreams are for you


  21. The Flying Monkey

    Florida had the best gameplan for limiting our rush off, get a big lead in the 2nd half, make us pass and become 1 dimensional. We only rushed for 140 yards vs UF.

    Auburn’s rush defense is almost as good as UF’s might be hard to run it period.

    Here’s what I expect:
    1- Auburn will try and Run the ball like UF did
    2- Avoid kicking to Is McK, target Q Hicks.
    3- Try and get a big lead, making UGA 1 dimensional and going away from the run game.


    • RocketDawg

      Auburn’s rush defense and DLine is nowhere near the quality of UF.


    • Hackerdog

      Every team has that exact game plan. Get a big lead and let your pass rushers tee off in the second half. It usually doesn’t work out.

      Florida had a good plan for the first half. They crowded the line of scrimmage to limit the run game. They played tight coverage on receivers and pressured Mason to force him to throw quickly. Given that their lines bullied ours, it worked perfectly.

      Auburn’s rushing defense is much more like UGA’s than UF’s. UF is #2 in the conference (3.26 ypc). Auburn is #6 (3.70 ypc). UGA is #7 (3.92 ypc). I think (hope) that their line can’t bully ours like UF’s did. Also, replacing Floyd with Carter is probably a serious upgrade to our containment on the edge. Carter’s discipline will come in handy against Auburn.

      On rushing offense, UGA is #1 in the conference (6.17 ypc). Auburn is #2 (5.93 ypc). I’m not sure either defense can slow down the other offense on the ground. The game might come down to penalties and mistakes that leave a team with third and long and force them to pass.


  22. W Cobb Dawg

    Mason needs to make them pay when they load the box to stop the run – plain and simple. I think we’re gonna need a few 25+ yard passes in this game.

    Wouldn’t mind seeing us mix things up on O. Maybe some wilddawg with Michel or Gurley. And whatever happened to that screen play we used (AM to Conley) in the bowl game a couple years ago for the 90+ yard TD? I don’t want to see us try to get too ‘cute’, but we do have some weapons in our bag of tricks we need to dust off once-in-a-while.


  23. Spike

    But AU has a much better running attack than UF. We saw how that went.


    • Hackerdog

      I think if Carter had played for Floyd in the UF game, our defense would have been better. Not necessarily good enough to win. But Carter was manning the edge against Kentucky better than Floyd has against anybody.


  24. dudemankind

    I fully expect our Dawgs to blow Auburns doors off. Then I expect Mizzou to get beat, allowing us to go to Atlanta. Before we get there, we are likely to overlook Tech and lose a heartbreaker to them. Then our Dawgs will defeat whoever shows up from the West in Atlanta. At that point, with three losses Georgia will be left out of the playoff, making them the first SEC team in 8 years or so to be left out of title contention. That would be the cherry on top of this F#@*ked up year.


    • paul

      AND if we beat a previously unbeaten Mississippi State team, they probably WILL get in while Georgia gets left out. I believe that even with just the two losses to SC and UF we still don’t get into the playoff. But first we need to beat Auburn in order for this nightmare scenario to play out.


    • I can imagine Goldilocks reading this thread.

      “No, this poster is too optimistic. And that poster is too pessimistic.”

      Then she comes across this post.

      “It’s the most insanely unlikely combination of optimism and pessimism I’ve ever seen! It’s… just right.”
