Upon further review: last thoughts on the Kentucky game

Again, no great insight here watching the replay.  But there are two points worthy of emphasis.

First, we’ve had the wrong “who should start” position debate.  The big question after Saturday shouldn’t have been at tailback – and Richt’s put that to bed, anyway – but over who should start at the OLB slot opposite Jordan Jenkins.  Lorenzo Carter had a superb game, not just in rushing the passer, either.  In a little over half a season, he’s shown that he is better than Floyd in holding the edge defending the run.  I hope that’s plenty of motivation for Floyd to step up his game; if Carter can keep it up, Floyd risks being turned into a pure pass rushing specialist.

Carter and Floyd are listed as co-number ones this week, by the way.

Second, it occurs to me that I may have been understated in my praise of the offensive line’s effort.  That group may have turned in the best performance I’ve seen from a Georgia line since 2002.  They didn’t allow a good Kentucky pass rush to sack Mason a single time.  In fact, I’m not sure Georgia’s quarterbacks were ever even flushed from the pocket.

The best by-product of that was how quickly Mason realized he could trust the blocking.  You could see it on the first third down conversion of the day, when he calmly sat in the pocket and waited for Michael Bennett to clear enough space to pick up the first down.  Compare that to several conversion throws that came up short against Florida because Mason was nervous about the Gator rush.  The other benefit in the passing game when Mason’s comfortable is that his footwork noticeably improves.  It’s apparent in the beautiful deep throw to Conley on the sideline that Mason dropped in perfectly.

Georgia is currently fifth in the conference in sacks allowed.  If that holds up, it would be the line’s best performance since 2009 (I guess Joe Cox avoided getting sacked by throwing the ball to the other team).  A lesson to draw from this season is that Searels’ cross-training philosophy, which Friend continued until this season, isn’t the best way to build cohesiveness on the offensive line.  Pick your five best guys, plug ’em in their spots and let them learn to play together.  Sure, it’s helped that, outside of Andrews’ sprained ankle against Florida, the line hasn’t suffered any injuries, but there’s little question we’re seeing more consistent line play than we’ve had in years.  Keep it up, fellas.


Filed under Georgia Football

46 responses to “Upon further review: last thoughts on the Kentucky game

  1. OL gets better like rust. You gotta keep at it and never sleep. Tough tough league to be an OL guy.


  2. Merk

    Big question here is, does Floyd getting pulled for Carter make him more or less likely to declare for the draft next season. He is rated the #1 OLB by ESPN atm for the draft, not sure that holds up if he starts seeing the bench and is not injured.


  3. bowdawg

    I think the cross training in the past was mainly due to lack of depth. This year we are pretty much two deep on the line. No cross training needed.


  4. Athens Townie

    As a Georgia fan, it’s great to see our line playing so well. Amazing how solid line play can make our skill guys look even better. I can’t remember seeing this level of consistency — and sometimes outright dominance — out of our o-line for quite some time. Time to give Friend some credit?


  5. RocketDawg

    Did you notice that we have an “Express” package similar to the one LSU put on the field in 2011? Carter, Floyd, Bellamy, and Jenkins all on the field rushing the passer. That is is some good stuff right there!


  6. HottCheese

    I didn’t realize how horrible Bob Griese is as a color guy. My favorite moment was when Bob says, “This Georgia team isn’t gonna attack downfield; they just want to get enough for a first down.” [Mason immediately bombs to Conley for 40 down the sideline] “Well, Mike Bobo said that they were gonna to take some shots downfield…”


    • HottCheese

      Brian Griese. Bob sucks too tho


      • Russ

        He was also telling us how slow Chubb was….as Chubb was repeatedly running past defenders.


        • Cojones

          Chubb was another testament for the O line. When our RBs have holes and get that first scoot past the los, that’s where their bread and butter is, speed or no speed.


          • uglydawg

            But we get Blackledge this week…much, much better.


          • Can you imagine a linebacker’s dismay after meeting Chubb past that los. Looks for his chinstrap and observes the Gurley man… trotting out on the field giving a high five to The Chubbster as he tags out. Then said linebacker glances at the Bulldog sideline and makes unintended eye contact Michael, who is standing near the los glaring at him, waiting his turn. He then turns to his own sideline looking for his head coach. Hoping that Malzhan sends the secret signal telling him to fake the flop and fake an injury. Giving him and his worn D a few extra minutes of respite.

            Gonna be the coldest game of the year so far sports fans. Low in the upper 20’s the night before and anticipated low in the upper 30’s game day. Bring your mittens, wear wool socks and take a cushion to guard that tush.


            • Will (The Other One)

              I almost pity the DBs that might be stuck tackling Chubb and Gurley late Saturday night. Then I remember they willingly signed up to play for Auburn.


      • Bulldog Joe

        The Hutson Mason “struggling and facing a lot of criticism” meme was played by these guys thoughout the game, as well.

        Hutson’s had nearly a 70% completion rate thoughout the season, 15 passing TDs vs 3 INTs, positive rushing yards and 4 rushing TDs in a dropback QB role.

        Listiening to the replay, you would’ve thought he was having a Jeff Driskell-type of year.


        • Sh3rl0ck

          You would have thought he was having a Jeff Driskell type year just by reading the comment section of this blog. He is 5th nationally in completion percentage and 18th nationally in passer rating… ahead of Bryce Betty, Nick Marshall, and Jameis Winston.


    • Debby Balcer

      When he is said I looked at my husband and said until now watch him threw a bomb to shut them up.


  7. Dawg19

    Thankfully, Pruitt got to see Auburn’s offense first-hand earlier this year. Hope it’s a benefit.


  8. Silver Britches

    “I guess Joe Cox avoided getting sacked by throwing the ball to the other team”

    Almost spit out my coffee, Senator.


    • Me too. That earned me a few curious looks.. I suppose the Mason(100+ passes with N0 ints) is the next Joe Cox chatter is gone.


      • uglydawg

        It’s about time to let up on Joe. No sense in beating him up.


        • I concur. It is also time to let up on Mason and stop beating him with that You’re the next Joe Cox stick too. 😉


          • The Flying Monkey

            Hutson just put up a 99.4 QBR game in a pressure game coming off a big loss where Hutson’s lousy defense let him down again and could not stop the run.

            Hutson’s defense is really bad in most SEC rankings (def scor 7th, rush def 8th, sacks 7th, tfl’s 9th, etc.). Pruitt stinks I don’t care what people say, watch the Gator game replay for proof.

            So yeah, lay off Hutson Mason. It’s a miracle this team is 7-2 with this defensive coach’s embarrassing performance.

            Not very hopeful about this week’s game because of our defense, but have become a real Hutson Mason fan, best winner at Qb we’ve had since DJ
            (Hutson is winning 78% of starts this year, Cox won 61% of his starts, Murray only 65% of his starts).


    • McTyre

      Joe Cox is apparently Kryptonite for the usually insightful Senator. Anybody paying close attention 2009 understands that Cox not only had to carry the offense that season but the bad D and ST as well. Modestly talented? Yes. Responsible for numerous picks and fumbles? yes. But the guy led the SEC in TDs in conf games despite a constant drumbeat of deficits, 3rd and longs and poor field position. Just b/c he hit on the Senator’s girlfriend – or some other pers affront – doesn’t make him a bad QB.


  9. sUGArdaddy

    Our O-line is pretty doggone good. I began to really see it in Little Rock. Nick Chubb is way faster than people realize, and that’s gonna make teams pay. The dude clocked a 10.69 in the 100 meters in high school. Keith won the World Youth Trials at 10.64 and was clocked at 10.3 in other races. Gurley won the high hurdles at 13.88. Chubb is in the mold of those two — big running backs who are also track guys. Sounds like another running back we had.

    Lo Carter is gonna be awesome.


    • uglydawg

      The same energy and agressiveness that drives Carter to play so hard also caused him make that late hit out of bounds. Just pure competitiveness and desire to put the smack down on the other team. He’s going to be a big factor, not only in his play, but inspirationally to the other defensive players. Just keep it under control. Don’t give the ref’s a chance or they’ll surely take it.


  10. Cojones

    I posted after the game that the reason for Hutson’s success in the pocket was due to the play of the O line. It was obvious that he had time to look like a champ and he performed. I’ve never seen prettier passes and the WR-QB machine worked so well in that game that you could lean back and enjoy.

    Auburn will exploit that key from the git-go. They will be as frenetic to get through that line and disrupt as a fresh-fucked fox in a firest fire.


    • So. IL Dawg

      After a couple of well-timed screen passes for big yardage, they’ll slow that down a bit. This game comes down to turnovers and can the UGA defense stop Auburn a few times. If we don’t turn it over and we can stop them a few times, we’ll win. I don’t see them stopping our potent offense.


  11. Macallanlover

    You guys are right, the OL questions we had going into 2014 have been answered positively. We may not control the front 7 oft he other team every play but we are winning enough battles to spring those talented RBs and keep HM upright. Very pleased with them, only Mizzou and FU gave them trouble. And the health of those big uglies might be the best we have had for 9 game stretch in a decade, or more. Nice job Coach Friend!


    • Debby Balcer

      And FU we lost Andrews early. The blocking suffered. The backup find’t mess up the snap but we missed Andrews big time.


  12. W Cobb Dawg

    Our freshmen had a great game against kentuck. Blazevich, McKenzie, Carter, Chubb, Michel, Sanders… A few redshirt fr’s – Ramsey, Terry & Bellamy got playing time too. Is it too soon to start sippin the 2015 koolaide?


  13. 5th in the sec is ok…it says to me we are better at run blocking than pass protecting but their is not a huge gap between the two.


  14. I wish we would of scored 70 points on UK but Richt would never score 70 points in a game…doesn’t really matter though. UGA was much better than UK this past Saturday


  15. The Flying Monkey

    Definately not better blocking. It’s virtually the same oline as last year. The only real change is at Qb.

    Cox threw 15 int’s, Murray threw 14 one year, nice to have a real Qb who knows how to win.

    We were with Murray 6-3 as a starter last year with same personel, same issues with injuries at rb/wr.

    Hutson is No 16 nationally in QBR on ESPN.

    Hutson Mason is why the sacks are down, his release is much quicker than Murray, so was Cox’s. Murray got sacked a lot pretty much every year.

    Murray and Cox had a lot of negative plays, Hutson does not.


    • Definately not better blocking. It’s virtually the same oline as last year.

      Different starter at left tackle and new starters at both guard spots.

      “Virtually”? I do not think that word means what you think it means.


    • Dawgwalker07

      Your argument is ridiculous. Clearly they’re all different quarterbacks, and nothing is wrong with that. But to try to say Hutson is better than Aaron because of QBR and his ONE starting season 8 games in is…well…stupid. Aaron didn’t break numerous passing records and own 3 of the top 4 UGA efficiency records by sucking it up, and you ought to have a little more respect for him (and what he gave to the university) instead of belittling his effort to make some sh!tty, nonsensical point. Hutson is doing just fine without you throwing other QB’s under the bus.


  16. The Flying Monkey

    I’m a little surprised Hutson’s performance wasn’t what the Senator was impressed by after watching the review.

    4 td’s, 3 incompletions, No 1 in the nation in QBR for the game.

    Hutson won that one. Lorenzo was the other big takeaway from that game, which I agree, he went beast mode. Chubb doing his thing was also impressive.


  17. Trbodawg

    Hoc et roboris in Troglodytarum
