“… college sports are actually, at their core, a socialist utopia.”

Hey, it’s what makes ‘Murica great.


Filed under College Football, It's Just Bidness

15 responses to ““… college sports are actually, at their core, a socialist utopia.”

  1. Red Cup

    Can’t wait to hear from my conservative friends on this……crickets


    • Mike Cooley

      As a conservative I personally wish we could leave politics out of sports. I don’t know why EVERYTHING has to be political.


  2. Normaltown Mike

    Apart from wrongly defining what socialism is (sort of important, no?) it’s a lovely straw man argument.

    Socialism is the government owning or controlling the means of production or property.

    The NCAA is not the government and thus no more socialist than the NBA, NFL or UFC.

    What’s more, it’s unions that have the power to change the marketability of players. The NFLPA (comrades of the players, no doubt) are retarding entry into their workplace by not striking against the draft eligibility rule.

    Redistribution of wealth (or welfare, if you prefer) is not socialism.

    Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?


    • What’s more, it’s unions that have the power to change the marketability of players. The NFLPA (comrades of the players, no doubt) are retarding entry into their workplace by not striking against the draft eligibility rule.

      Since the article is about college sports, kinda straw manning yourself there, aren’t you?

      Surely you noticed a certain amount of tongue-in-cheekiness to the piece… it’s meant to make you think a little.


    • DawgByte

      Normaltown Mike –

      I think you missed the mark in your comment about redistribution of wealth not being a socialist agenda item. Socialism’s overarching principle is to strengthen, unite and economically support the working class. Redistribution of wealth from the plutocracy to working class people is right smack dab in the wheel house of Socialism. Taking from the producers in the form of high taxation to fund the services required by the poorer classes is the very definition of wealth redistribution.

      I grew up in a Socialist country and visited a Communist one during the height of the Cold War. I know how these two systems really work.


  3. Mike Cooley

    “Work” being a word one would need to play fast and loose with when comes to the results achieved by these systems of course.


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    The strangest words I saw in the article were ‘GOP dominated Michigan state legislature.’ I know it’s true but huh?


  5. The actual straw man is the premise that it is Republicans that wish to maintain the NCAA plantation.It is just now that they actually run Congress and don’t have to put up with Harry Reid’s stonewalling this is who the lobbyists are going to address….the leadership of the majority party.. I linked on a couple of the article’s hyper-texts and the author is spinning his facts like hell when he says the lobbyists are just lobbying Republicans because in the original SB nation article it is very clear that the lobbyists are from both parties. The name I saw was Elizabeth Gore who is a Democratic hack from way back . If after due deliberation,hearings and voting to pass an anti-trust provision the author may have a hypocrite point to be made but damn this is premature .If he quoted Rand Paul saying he favored the current NCAA plantation and an anti-trust provision than I’d say run with your article but as it sits all his hyperbola is based upon the false premise that these Republican dislike competition and WTF the Democratic Socialists are a better option really. While we were at it why didn’t the Dems fix this pile of manure when they had all three branches?


  6. WCHeadhunter

    So I’m sure I’ll be excoriated for this but here goes.
    Student athletes are only allowed 20+something hours of official practice/competition per week right? Why not just pay them all, sync swimmers to linebackers, the federal minimum wage for that time and be done with it? $180 a week minus taxes would go a long way for a college kid I would think. Maybe even make a mandatory percentage be fed into a personal savings vehicle.
    Surely this has been discussed previously but I’ve not seen it anywhere.
    Any comments, vicious attacks or passive/aggressive insults are all welcome.
