“The UAA and the University of Florida have a responsibility to protect themselves and their image.”

Florida has standards?  Who knew?



Filed under Gators Gators

7 responses to ““The UAA and the University of Florida have a responsibility to protect themselves and their image.”

  1. Tommy

    From the mouths of babes:

    …”a great 10-year tradition.”

    Florida football, in its own words.


  2. Mayor

    Maybe they should play that song when FU gets a penalty. Wait… then they would have to play it so many times everybody would get sick of hearing it.


  3. Just Chuck (The Other One)

    At the risk of stirring things up, isn’t it a little like prayer in school? Nobody says a student can’t pray (or chant?), just that the school can’t sponsor it.


  4. I think we (UGA) should do what one of the offenders/posters on this blog does after any penalty by the opposing team. After every penalty by the opposition stand up and scream, with as much sincerity as you can muster,”CHEATERS, they’ve been doin it the whole game”
    It plants the thought with the refs.


  5. truck

    Florida, where ten years = tradition.
