Mumme Poll results, Week 10

Well, we’re not exactly on the same page with the selection committee.

Rank Team Votes
1 Alabama 23
1 Clemson 23
3 Ohio State 22
4 Baylor 20
5 Oklahoma State 19
6 Stanford 16
7 Notre Dame 14
8 Iowa 9
9 Oklahoma 8
10 Houston 5
11 North Carolina 4
12 Florida 3
12 LSU 3
14 Utah 2
15 TCU 1
15 Navy 1

Three out of four.

We are starting to see consolidation, though, as only sixteen teams received votes.  And no doubt we’ll see even more over the next couple of weeks.

Not that it means too much, but given that Florida lost to LSU, I’m kinda surprised to see the two tied.


Filed under Mumme Poll

3 responses to “Mumme Poll results, Week 10

  1. Macallanlover

    Like this poll better, just do not get the love for ND. How many times do we have to put them in a high profile bowl game and watch them get trounced. Do we really need a rematch of Clem and the Domers while we exclude another conference champion? Come on Stanford, save us.

    FU, Navy, and UNC are the only questionable teams on that list to me, overall very sensible.


  2. I try to send karma for Stanford and ju ju for ND on a daily basis. Stanford Please win out.


  3. AusDawg85

    How would the Mumme Poll resolve a tie for #4 at year end if this system were used for the CFP?
