Why so mad, bro?

Of all the instant reactions of disappointment to Georgia signing a top ten class yesterday, this baby ranks as my favorite.


As I said yesterday, we have the best fans.


Filed under Georgia Football, Social Media Is The Devil's Playground

37 responses to “Why so mad, bro?

  1. Gaskilldawg

    Cheap-assed shot by Seth Emerson. There is a LOT of good news in this 2016 recruiting class, not just the kid from Washington.

    What was his point other than to prove Twitter is a useless technology?


  2. AthensHomerDawg

    Jeepers Dawg Fan 42 sounds like a peach of a guy. Eeyore Dawgs just can’t let it go. The whine goes on and on.


    • We all want a top ranked class, but in reality, there isn’t a ton of difference between #1 and #7 this year. Our 20 are high quality. We have guys that can make plays and be great targets for our really good QB. Ben is a monster and so are our DL additions. Yeah, Brown and Price would have been great additions, but we did great considering the chaos of a nearly complete coaching turn over.


  3. Brandon (Version One)

    I would say that’s a Florida fan running a false flag operation to make us look stupid but sadly I know better.


  4. 92 grad

    Media gets some of the credit for sensationalizing the few negative things that happened yesterday. The media wastes no time going all laser focus on anything that would get the attention of the public. I swear, a reporter would interview a school principal and the first question would be “tell me how many times you masturbated in the last week”.


  5. lakedawg

    Hard to believe either one of the two or maybe Seth just making fun of a few dumbasses. Very good class put together by old staff and held together by new staff.


  6. OdontoDawg

    #7 nationally.

    Yeah, that sucks. It’s the Georgia Way.


  7. There’s a segment of our fan base that would bitch if we went 14-1 to win the national championship.

    “We backed into the SEC championship game, PAWWL!”
    “We didn’t finish the season undefeated, PAWWL!”
    “We didn’t play the best QB from G-Day, PAWWL!”

    Can this segment of our fan base just please go away?


    • Yep, they would bitch that we did not go 15-0 and that the other teams actually scored some points. Did you see that, the other team scored fire everybody. Even go and fire that former coach. Burn the campus down. They will never go away. Ask Gene Stallings about them at Bama.


  8. DC Weez

    All big-time programs have fans like Dawg_Fan42. At least ours don’t poison trees.


  9. hassan

    “bottom tier”?!? Really?!? Bottom?!? So…like, we’ve been hanging with Vandy and KY all these years?


  10. Bulldog Joe

    If that’s the worst twitter comment by a Georgia fan, it’s weak sauce.

    Florida and Clemson fans stood out yesterday in their nastiness at some of the kids’ decisions. Ironically, both ended up with good classes.


  11. I’m mad at all those media folks who thinks they know all about recruiting. Have they ever considered that Brown’s dream school was actually Auburn and is actually from Mississippi and Price went to the genuine USC who is academically ranked quite higher than UGA?


    • Rugbydawg79

      ah the magic of Google– UGA avg GPA 3.91 ,Avg SAT score 2240
      USC avg GPA 3.57 Avg SAT score 2120
      As a proud graduate of UGA – I admit I would not get in now – most of my fellow classmates children have had to go to App. State , Ole Miss etc.
      GO DAWGS !


    • UGA85

      USC is not an academically elite school. They benefit from the deserved reputation of UCLA, but in reality I don’t think USC compares well to UGA academically.


      • Come on, man. I love my alma mater as much as the next guy, but I’m not in denial about its overall academic quality when compared to a private institution like USC. I’m too lazy to look up the US News rankings and I’m sure Georgia rates just fine, but I’m also sure that USC probably ranks a lot higher.


        • USC and UCLA both tied for 23rd on US News. USC has an 18 per cent acceptance rate. Yes, it is a very top notch school.


        • And the beat goes on. Same thing will be stated next year, then the next, etc.


        • The other doug

          USC is tied with UCLA at 23rd. UGA is 61st.


        • UGA85

          I have spoken with many on the West Coast who say that USC is a step or two down from UCLA. The test scores above would emphasize that point. I have never heard that USC is equivalent with UCLA, so the numbers mentioned from US News are very surprising to me.


          • You settled it for me. Anecdotal, conversational evidence is obviously more persuasive than a documented, independent methodology. What the hell would I know about that? Not like I spent years as an auditor or anything…..

            I’m just yanking your chain 🙂

            However, that type of discussion does have a rather Georgia Tech ring to it. You could replace “West Coast” with “Tech fan”, “USC” with “UGA”, and “UCLA” with “Georgia Tech” and that sounds like it came straight out of the comments section of stingtalk.


            • UGA85

              Georgia Tech is a great engineering school. No question about it. UCLA is also a great, nationally recognized school. UGA’s test scores are apparently higher than USC’s, which doesn’t surprise me. Putting USC on the same level as UCLA does surprise me; I still have a difficult time equating those two schools.


        • Rugbydawg79

          US News and World Report ? Give me a break–I was just pointing out that it is harder to get in Georgia.


      • Bazooka Joe

        Actually UGA doesn’t compare favorably to USC. Granted UGA has come a long way but still has a ways to go.


  12. DawgPhan

    Hasnt that guy been posting that same comment on here for the last 3 years?


  13. Go Dawgs!

    Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that guy isn’t a Dawg fan at all. I loved Richt, but you can Richt bash all you want. If you are trying to sell the idea that his program is “bottom-tier”, though… you’re full of crap and I refuse to even pretend to take you seriously. That’s garbage.


  14. UGA85

    We finish the season unranked, then we end up with a top ten class. I think we did very well. In fact, we did better than we deserved. Imagine how we will recruit when we start beating Florida and winning championships.


  15. Steve

    One surprise to me was USCe. Coach Prozac is known as a great recruiter and B Mac is known as the closer. Maybe because Clemson has found the FB equivalent of Hooked on Phonics now or USCe is still post ictal from Spurrier’s senile mid-season seizure but they struggled. Muschamp’s career trajectory reminds me of the films of airplanes unable to take off from aircraft carriers and simply belly flop 75′ into the sea.


  16. Mary Kate Danaher
