Huntley Johnson is still on the mother.

Florida’s suspended wide receiver Antonio Callaway continues his long journey back into the light.

Suspended Florida receiver Antonio Callaway moved closer to playing for the Gators this fall, as the school is now allowing him to take classes and work out at the team’s facilities.

Callaway was suspended by the school in January for violating the university’s code of conduct policy. He remains suspended from the team.

Gainesville attorney Huntley Johnson issued a statement on Callaway’s behalf announcing the changes in the wide receiver’s status.

“We are working through the process that the University has in place to reach a final resolution in this matter,” Johnson wrote. “There will be no further comment at that this time.”

That is the sound a lawyer makes when he’s fairly confident where things will wind up.

There are probably a few folks in Waco and Knoxville who wish Johnson had a multi-state practice.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

10 responses to “Huntley Johnson is still on the mother.

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    He’s serving a Stephen Garcia class suspension.


  2. Macallanlover

    “Suspended” at FU seems to have a different meaning than in other places. How can you work out at university facilities and take classes while suspended? They are really serious about discipline in Gainesville. What a joke.


  3. steve

    Huntley Johnson is an inorganic enzyme that is the catalyst that allows base judicial corruption, malfeasance, and entitled fans to appear as a ‘beneficent’ second chance. He is only brought off the self and mixed for special and unique cases, e.g. (the reaction time takes less than 4.4 seconds and has an arm span of a gibbon).
    For institutional examples see: Auburn and the amateurish 270-degree head-swivel UTK.
    And as far as ‘There are probably a few folks … who wish Johnson had a multi-state practice…’, I think he had a phone consultation recently in a case in Palo Alto involving an elite athlete receiving a ‘Huntley Sentence” for rape…we will know for sure if the swimmer is in the Stanford line up this September.


  4. Cousin Eddie

    He has got to have the best Home field win percentage in law. Not so sure he would be such a great winner in Wacko or Knoxiousville.


    • Trbodawg

      Of course he wouldn’t. When would ‘situations’ in those locales ever get to the notice of law enforcement or, God forbid, the courts???


  5. Argondawg

    Why do you need an attorney for a “Code of Conduct” violation? What is the legal necessity?


  6. DawgPhan

    seems weird. Why does he have an attorney if there isnt a crime. If there was a crime how is it not a part of the public record what the crime is?

    all of this seems weird.


  7. Cojones

    Why is a lawyer involved in a college case that “has no merit”, but was sufficient to get him suspended from school on top of suspended from the team?

    As a student-athlete, why doesn’t the charge get highlighted as a possible NCAA infraction when they attempt to admit him to the team he is now practicing with and when there has to be some openness before that can happen?
