Wrinkles on top of wrinkles

In light of Friday’s quickie post about tight end teasing, this Ian Boyd piece on the role of tight ends in the evolution of what he calls college’s pro-style spread is definitely worth a read.

It would be nice to hit a spot where Georgia’s offense can use twin-tight end sets not to provide extra grunt on runs up the middle against a stacked defense but as a legitimate threat in the passing game.  There’s no reason Chaney shouldn’t be able to deploy Blazevich and Nauta the way Michigan used Jake Butt.  Well, except for the o-line needing to step up its blocking game…


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

4 responses to “Wrinkles on top of wrinkles

  1. Macallanlover

    Yes, all the pieces are in place for (not) chess master Chaney, no excuses. Lot of talent to put stress on rival defensive coordinators if used correctly. I feel our defense is particularly strong and the clear strength of the team, but that means the offense should get the ball in good position with enough plays to succeed against a pretty weak schedule. Not saying we are an offensive powerhouse that doesn’t have some question marks but there should be no excuses for the offense. This looks like a 10 win team who should welcome the role as East favorite and compete for the SEC.

    Better use of the TE talent is a must to maximize the offensive potential and should be easy to incorporate. UGA has recruited versatile TE talent for the past 3 years and it should not be wasted. We have 2, maybe 3, athletes at that position who look to have NFL potential…time to work them into the offensive scheme more often.


  2. SCIllinois

    This post begins with “quickie tight end teasing.” Yes, I lol’ed. Yes, I’m 8 years old.


  3. Uglydawg

    I’ll be happy when we can discuss the offense without having to endure the caveat of concern about the OL. The OL is foundation the offense is resting on. I want CKS to build that front and have the rest of the SEC pay for it.


  4. I love the off season articles about how much of a weapon for us a certain player or position is. It always gets me excited. Then it comes time to actually play and they get a dozen meaningful snaps or receptions or tackles all year.
