All you had to do was ask.

Nick Saban, for once, is positively lost for an answer.

I wonder if he ever said the same thing to himself about Jonathan Taylor.


Filed under Nick Saban Rules

24 responses to “All you had to do was ask.

  1. 69Dawg

    Well it’s like this if he had stayed and played for Bama he would have been drafted. Since he came to us he wasn’t but who is to say he would have been had he rode the pines for Bama. I think we benefited greatly by his play but as to Bama and the kid we will never know.


  2. Derek

    I’d like to think it cost that asshole another natty.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Bright Idea

    I never understood why Bama tried to hold so tight to him nor do I understand why Kirby fought so hard to get him. He made a few plays and bailed the offense out against Auburn so I guess we were better with him than we would have been without him but who knows. Let’s hope we’ve seen the last of having to rent players for a year.


    • MGW

      You guess, huh? OK then. Here’s the crushing reality you need to come to grips with: same as Catalina, we were better with him than without. He started over the next best guy. The coaches didn’t just decide that they ought to start him cause he was there; there was a competition, and he won. The next guy up was a lower quality player, end of story. Hopefully the next guys up develop into something better (or someone better arrives) before September.

      Liked by 1 person

    • WF Dawg

      Beating Auburn is no small thing, given my boundless hate for them. That makes Mo a DGD for life in my book.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      I think it was apparent to Smith that he wasn’t going to play much at Bama. That’s why he wanted to go. Saban wanted to keep him for depth, to hurt another SEC team, and to maintain the maximum control over his team. He certainly doesn’t want to be the guy to set a precedent for unfettered graduate transfers within the SEC unless it’s going to cost him some seriously bad PR.


    • jtp03

      Not much light coming from this bright idea.


    • merk

      Huh? He literally was one of the best DBs we had last year.


  4. 81Dog

    At this point, Coach, really, what difference does it make????


  5. If Mo wanted a championship, he should have stayed in T-town. He wanted out and had graduated. Therefore, Little Nicky should have respected that wish rather than throw the little temper tantrum he did. Mo made our team better, and I have to assume Catalina did as well. Good luck to both of them for their contributions as Georgia Bulldogs.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. BigD

    Mo was pretty big in the North Carolina game.


  7. Charles

    Welp… going into that game, Auburn was 5-1 in conference play. The Iron Bowl was setting up to be a winner-take-all event for the SEC West.

    Mo Smith’s pick six, for all intents and purposes, sunk Auburn’s battleship and changed the tenor of the Iron Bowl.

    All the same, I’m sure that ground had already been tilled back in mid-November when Quality Assurance Assistant #B218R7 uncovered that nugget and submitted it with his daily TPS report for Saban’s 1-hour Sunday evening intelligence briefing (preceded by an 18 minute supper of spinach empanadas and 42 minutes of DVR’d 60 Minutes).


  8. Bulldog Joe

    +1 “I don’t see who benefited.”

    We’ll have to cut Nick some slack.

    He was out looking for an OC when Mo clinched the SEC West for Alabama.


  9. Macallanlover

    As if we didn’t know Little Nicky was an ass hat before last summer, he has certainly shown it in his comments in 2016, and now again. I don’t get all the love for him, and he certainly has no concern for the interests of his players…just how he can use them. In this case, his position has no defense. I could support him excluding Georgia if UGA was on his regular season during his remaining eligibility, but we weren’t. It looked and smelled sucky then, now he has revived the smell again after it is all over. Bad enough to appear small before, now he looks even more petty than ever.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agree, Saban took what he learned at Miami from the pro level and brought it to Bama. Pro ball is all business(Div 1 is close) and he treats it like that. What can I use you for and for how long. Then, Next.


  10. Drew

    Saban fought like hell to keep Mo and lost out to Kirby

    and then Saban’s defense (without Kirby & Mo) choked in the BCS Championship game at the end.

    SURE…it made NOOO difference.

    Just a ring.

    Mo definitely was responsible for a win or two for us last year also.

    I’d say it was a +2 or +3 win difference.


    • Cojones

      That’s pretty close. Can’t believe BI didn’t see those qualities worth fighting for along with the rest of us and, obviously, the coaches of UGA and ‘Bama. Mo proofed up very well; nothing negative to even imply.


  11. doofusdawg

    Pretty clear that the student athlete benefited. I think more so in the leadership qualities he manifested for us last season… which will hopefully carry with him long after his football days are over.

    Not a vote for graduate transfers within the conference but Saban was clearly reaching.


  12. Go Dawgs!

    Maurice Smith benefited. And the game’s for the student athletes, Nick. Georgia benefited, too. The Bulldogs were better with Mo than they would have been without him. And Alabama likely barely noticed he was gone. But forget about the teams and their competitive advantages and disadvantages. This was about Maurice Smith benefiting after giving your program his heart and soul for long enough to earn a degree from The University of Alabama. Recruits used to take notice of Mark Richt’s liberal attitude towards transfers and his concern for the welfare of student athletes. I certainly hope that they’re taking note of Nick Saban’s total lack of concern about the same.
