Filed away for future reference

Never interrupt a man in the middle of his golf game.

So much for putting that game behind him.


Filed under Alabama, Georgia Football

39 responses to “Filed away for future reference

  1. Stoopnagle

    Man, BamaFan HATES Kirby.


  2. Otto

    Let us hope Kirby gives them reason to hate him/UGA in the form of Losses with UGA getting titles.

    Bama fans may not want to admit it, but they have an eye on UGA. They have had the Auburn and LSU threats under control as of late. UGA is in a position to take be what Florida/Bama was in the SECCG which stings all the more as their program tin large part rained Smart.


  3. Charles

    I read somewhere, a few days back… maybe in a Federal Reserve Bank study… that metro Birmingham hasn’t grown in 10 years (or something like that). Pretty mindblowing.

    I’m sure that has nothing do, culturally, with the 24-7 of tedious bullshit from Alabamians in re: college football.


    • Al Ford

      You’re confusing metro Birmingham with the city of Birmingham. The metro area has surged in population while the city has declined in population. This has more to do with quality of life than football. Just saying…


      • Charles

        “The metro area has surged in population.”


        “The metro area added 21,751 residents between 2010 and 2017, according to new estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau. That translates to a growth rate of 1.93 percent. Among the 53 metros with at least 1 million residents, Birmingham ranked 42nd for growth rate.”

        The place is stagnant. And that’s a shame because it’s actually a very nice place to live. But, IMO, the cultural factors that inhibit economic growth in the reason are the same ones motivating the IF U AINT FIRST UR LAST tedium when it comes to college football.

        Again, I like Birmingham. Lived there for four years. It’s a great place. It’s also a socially cloistered off and insular place, at least with respect to the business community.


  4. Dawg1

    WHY would anyone choose to live in Birmingham when Atlanta, a major, livable city, is just a couple hours east? (Or Columbia, SC for that matter!)


    • Uglydawg

      Because Atlanta is an friggin’ mess. “Livable” depends on which part of the megalopolis you abide in. I don’t like ‘Bama, but Birmingham has some very nice areas.


      • ChiliDawg

        Compared to what? Dothan? I invite you to visit any major city in the US. New York. San Francisco. DC. Atlanta isn’t much different. Population density is the natural byproduct of industry. I don’t know what you call a “friggin’ mess,” but if you never visited Boston during the big dig, you don’t know what a friggin’ mess is.


      • PTC DAWG

        And there it is. Zzzzzzzzzzz


      • Erk's Forehead

        “Birmingham has some very nice areas”
        That’s like saying a loaf of molded bread has some very edible parts. The only thing nice about Alabama is the gulf. And that’s only in comparison to the rest of the state.


    • Charles

      I’m a perfectly happy Atlantan, these days. Actually, I’m thrilled to be here. I never thought I’d be this enamored with the place.

      Having said that, Birmingham definitely has its charms. (I lived there for four years.) Lots of nice inner-ring suburbs with great schools, a stellar restaurant scene, and… candidly… the hottest women of anywhere I’ve lived (Athens doesn’t count). Moreover, having access to world-class healthcare at UAB is more than just a convenience.

      However, Birmingham is basically a game preserve for perpetual Greek life types from Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss and… to an attenuated extent… Vanderbilt and UVA. Great attorneys. Great doctors. Great CPA’s and finance types (due to its historical roots in banking). But, it has a chronically mediocre business community for a city of its size. There’s a good bit of money there. But, there’s little to no vision (or humility). Spencer Hall put it best (paraphrased): “Birmingham’s economy is based on doctors treating each other and attorneys suing the shit out of each other.”

      With the right job and right social connections, Birmingham can be perfectly blissful. But, regrettably, in Birmingham, I was a bit too much of a weirdo for the squares. In Atlanta, I’m glad that being too square for the weirdo’s has given me a much better way of life here.

      Your mileage may vary, of course.


      • DawgFlan

        nice post!


      • 92 grad

        I (we) left atl in 2005 because I was a school teacher and the wife was a Human Resources staffer. Never ending game of house, car, or daycare for kids. You can’t have all three so pick two. Couldn’t afford to live how we would have liked. We are very happy in rural SC and neither of us have the same careers we did back in atl, such is life.


  5. We are living rent free in the Bammers’ heads right now. They know Georgia under Kirby could become the equivalent of Florida under SOS. No matter what Little Nicky does, he knows he can’t stem the tide of the demographics of Atlanta and the wider state … and the fact that it’s all within 75 miles of Athens.

    Athens > Tuscaloosa
    Atlanta >>>>> Birmingham


    • W Cobb Dawg

      Agree. When looking through that rear view mirror at that sporty new Kirby coming up behind you at high speed, Bammers gotta wonder how many more miles they can get out of an old dependable car as it approaches 70 years old.


  6. Russ

    I’m certain Kirby will remember, much to the future woe of Bammers.


    • Brandon

      They are worried, my in-laws are all Bama and my sister went there too. They perceive us as a legitimate threat, and they are right. If Kirby keeps the recruiting steam roller going we are one of the few teams in the country that could win an arms race with Bama.


  7. ATL Dawg

    December 1st


  8. HiAltDawg

    Kirby “We’ll remember those” > Crybaby fans whining about penalties


    • Brandon

      I don’t get this. You’d have to be pretty dense not to see there were some really shitty calls in the NC game the majority of which went against UGA. Multiple, multiple, non-Georgia, no axe to grind columnists and bloggers observed it. Of course, that’s the way it goes and it’s part of the game, but since about the middle of February it’s mostly been brought up the way you did, not by someone complaining about the officiating, but by someone complaining about others complaining about officiating.


      • MDDawg

        I was there in the nosebleed seats. That uncalled facemask on Swift could be seen from all the way up there.


        • Junkyardawg41

          Were you sitting beside me because I saw the same thing.


        • The Simmons offsides was bad, but it wasn’t anything close to the practical decapitation of DeAndre Swift. My wife thought I was going to have a heart attack when I started yelling at the TV on that one. Then that asshat Herbstreit started making excuses for the B1G crew.


          • ASEF

            Honestly, I would have been stunned if they called it.

            Running backwards, 3rd down, 3 other guys closing in? Was it obvious? Yeah. Was an advantage gained? Not really. It should have been called, but I see officials walk away from that sort of flag a lot.

            Again, my feeling on this is more systemic – if we’re only going to complain about officiating when it bites my team in the butt, then we end up with officiating crappy enough guaranteed to bite my team in the butt.

            Senator did a nice post on the B1G crew assigned to the game. What’s Jim Delany’s incentive to bolster the quality of his officiating? None, because his fans only complain when it’s their team, which makes it easy to dismiss as whiny fans. What’s his incentive to provide a game between 2 SEC teams the best possible officiating? None.

            As long as a game is entertainingly close and a crucial call doesn’t happen in the last half of the 4th quarter, officiating is always off the hook.


            • If the penalty is about player safety, I guess player safety doesn’t matter when a guy makes a boneheaded play. It was dangerous and should have been called regardless of the color of the jersey.


            • ChiliDawg

              It’s not soccer. You don’t play advantage with your calls as a ref.


        • Frank Owens

          I saw that facemask penalty from my nosebleed seat too. So why didn’t the refs on the field see it?


  9. 3rdandGrantham

    Awesome, I absolutely love the chip on the shoulder type of mentality. The most successful people I know all hold tight some sort of past event that fuels their daily grind, so to speak. From growing up poor, being laid off, or generally being looked over with the cards stacked against them; those types are the ones who go the extra mile in all they do and again end up being winners in the end.


  10. HiAltDawg

    I apologize you don’t get it and I, too, was stunned by some of the calls (to me the no facemask was ridiculous).

    I value Coach Smart filing away taunts from fans more than fans complaining (there were comments yesterday on a post claiming the game was rigged and how some “can’t watch the game) about bad calls. You yourself noted “it’s the way it goes and part of the game,” and I believe the Coaching Staff moving forward and improving is better than focusing on the calls. I see you post a lot of quality things on this blog regularly, do you really think that there is a large “complaining about others complaining about officiating” going on? I see more complaints about the calls here and especially the “Tyler Simmons was Onsides” stuff on Twitter than I do moving forward (although some of Tyler’s comments have been funny). Regretfully, my post may have come off as humorless as some (especially, the romantic interest in my life, lol) find my comments intense and aloof.

    Again, I find a young coach on the rise filing away some taunts as a good thing, focusing on the past negatively not so good. I also enjoy your comments on this blog. GO DAWGS!


    • Uglydawg

      “Again, I find a young coach on the rise filing away some taunts as a good thing, focusing on the past negatively not so good. ”
      Good grief.


    • Brandon

      HiAlt, no problem man, I’m sorry if it seemed like I was singling your comment out, it was not my intent. I am not on Twitter so I don’t see any of that. I liked Kirby’s response, I’d be disturbed if Kirby was focusing on the officiating still because he’s an active shaper of events and it’s non-productive. Us fans however on the other hand, I understand it leaving a worse taste in some people’s mouths because there were some legitimate bad calls that effected the outcome of the game. I always hate to see that, even when it’s two teams I don’t really care about. I don’t think it was a conspiracy, just crappy luck, all part of the payback for our cosmic debt for the dates sending us Herschel Walker I suppose. Anyway, I enjoy this blog also, it has some great commenters, and even the Senator is not too bad most of the time, lol.


  11. CPark58

    Alabama would do well to remember their craptastic 2007 season under a new defensive minded recruiting machine of a coach followed by the unexpected and magical run during the 2008 season and eventual SECCG loss to the reigning SEC powerhouse and eventual national champion Florida Gators. Then the 2009 season where Alabama Kirb-stomped the same Florida in the SECCG in the 3rd year of the new regime. 2 things happened after that game, 1) Urban Meyer took his championships and began looking for the exit because a recruiting juggernaut was hitting its stride and 2) Alabama and it’s fanbase never looked back.

    Something tells me that Kirby along with the fourth great Alabama icon and many of the good people of Alabama have already started sensing some familiarity.


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