Georgia’s opener

You can find a thumbnail sketch of Georgia’s opening opponent, Austin Peay, here.  The Governors are an FCS team that lost all three games against FBS teams last season, and this seems like a perfect take about what to expect on the afternoon of September 1st:

This is a team that hung 26 points on undefeated UCF in the first half of their October matchup but ultimately couldn’t hang in a 73-33 loss.

In other words, it’s not gonna be pretty.  Unless you’re looking forward to seeing how deep this year’s Georgia team might be, that is.


Filed under Georgia Football

20 responses to “Georgia’s opener

  1. Should be Clemson – that simple


    • atlasshrugged55

      Agreed, this game should have never been scheduled. Give me Clemson or something comparable.


    • TXBaller

      I like starting 1-0, getting a lot of guys some playing time….and likely installing some of my game plan two weeks prior to arguably the biggest game of the year in South Carolina. Whiners.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. If UCF gave up that many points to the Peay, that should disqualify them from claiming a national championship right there.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would say this will be a seal clubbing, but I don’t think that would be fair to all the seals out there.


    • Got Cowdog

      Little Larry just walked up to my desk and said: “Nichols State” and walked away. Wonder what that was about………..


  4. Sam Johnson

    AP scored more on UCF than Auburn did. Guess they must have a Gus like offensive guru, too.


  5. lakedawg

    Am glad this one is a 3:30, can get up there tailgate, greet old friends, get in stadium early to try and learn all the new numbers, enjoy a couple hours of the scrimmage and still make it home before dark and before the good night games come on.

    Know am getting old and will freely admit if this was a 7:30 would be watching in front of TV.


  6. Bright Idea

    No matter how you spin it, this is stooping way too low.


  7. DoubleDawg1318

    I am actually pretty happy to have a cupcake opener this year. There are lots of new faces especially on defense to break in. Plus we will get to see Fields and a lot of new backups from his class play.


  8. Go Dawgs!

    With the new redshirt rule, the second half of this game is going to be G-Day Part II. Except we occasionally saw starting talent in the second half of G-Day.


  9. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I hear the name Austin Peay every year but never know much about them. Fastest growing school in TN, and they are the Governors so they RULE. Hear they have a good long snappah, too.


  10. I kind of like a lot of Young players getting a chance to get some game experience before the SEC schedule.


  11. Another HUGE reason UCF had no business claiming a NC for their season.
    It’s very obvious that their defense sucked…26 points to Austin Peay…IN THE FIRST HALF?…really?
    Any of the 4 CFP teams would have blasted them.
    That they beat Auburn in the Peach Bowl should tell ya’ll everything you need to know about Gus’ ability to coach in big games, as well as Stidham’s inability to elevate his game under the same circumstances.
    Sorry about my tangent. I know this is supposed to be about Austin Peay, but, I can’t help myself…


    • Got Cowdog

      There is never a bad time to bash auburn here. Rant on good sir ……


    • Greg

      The problem was that the Peach Bowl, in a stadium where they just played a few weeks earlier, against a no name, non-power 5 team was not
      a “big game” for Auburn. It’s not hard to understand their disappointment and lack of motivation after having the inside track for a playoff berth. On the other hand, it was the biggest game in UCF history.


  12. AceDawg

    UGA’s second string offensive line and tailbacks, with Justin Fields taking snaps… not a lot of relief for Austin Peay once the outcome is decided.
