“… no one is interested in how a particular individual’s fantasy team fared.”

So, I’m reading this story

The Indiana Supreme Court heard arguments Thursday on a case pitting fantasy sports companies against athletes who want compensation for the use of their names, photos and statistics.

The athletes point to state law that gives individuals the right to control how their names are used for commercial purposes. It’s called their “right of publicity.” But there are exceptions to the law.

The case has national implications for the emerging and massive market of legal sports betting. If the athletes prevail, it could open the door to players unions demanding licensing fees from legal casinos that use players for “proposition” bets. Those are based on an individual’s performance, such as whether someone will score a touchdown or hit a home run in a game.

… and a thought suddenly crystallizes in my brain:  There is no “front of the jersey” issue with fantasy sports.  It’s the antithesis of rooting for a college team.  It’s all about making money off a player’s stats.

Still, I’m sure there’s some defense an amateurism romantic can come up with to deny compensation here.  It’s probably a variation of Barack Obama’s “you didn’t build that” argument, amirite?


Filed under See You In Court, The NCAA

53 responses to ““… no one is interested in how a particular individual’s fantasy team fared.”

  1. Mad Mike

    Linking amateurism romantics to Obama while talking a swipe at both? Folks around here aren’t gonna know what to be more outraged about lol. Well played.


  2. Derek

    First the idea that we’re each an individual island uncluttered, unimpeded or without benefit from anyone else who came before us, is about a stupid an idea as “I think I’ll vote for the inexperienced blowhard race baiting liar with the fake tan and combover.” What could go wrong?

    “You didn’t built that” was correct. “You’re burning down what it took nearly 250 years to build with 2 straight ridiculously bad choices GOP voters” is spot fucking on. So the new phrase should be: “you fucked it all up and you own it.” In 2000 we had peace and prosperity as far as the eye could see and you asshats wanted change. It took 8 years to recover from profligate spending, a stupid war based on a lie but we regained our footing and you dipshits said: we need a new direction. You’re morons. The lot of you.

    Second, I’m not sure I get the concept of this particular litigation. If I place a legal bet on UGA in Vegas does the school get a cut? If I bet Brady throws for 300 in the SB does he get a cut? Aren’t there like Oscars and Emmys pools and reality show pools where people wager who will win who will get to stay to on the island?

    Can I bet someone that Blutarsky will post a critique of the AD tomorrow?

    I mean it’s about you, but is it really about you?

    The key to the easports model was that the marketing of the product was driven by identity. In fantasy sports the identity is a mere happenstance. Not in choice and results obviously but in the choice to play. I can’t imagine anyone being driven to fantasy sports because of a particular player since you probably aren’t getting that guy on your team anyway.


    • Yeah, I’ve found that the best way to get people to listen to your opinions is to first call them morons. Is this you, Hillary?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mad Mike

        Derek is throwing a hissy fit, and calling people morons?! Color me shocked!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        I long ago gave up on the idea that idiots can be convinced of anything that doesn’t conform to the echo chamber of Fox News and right wing radio. Imperviousness to facts, constant whataboutisms, and blatant stupidity follow any attempts to have an adult conversation with a right wing nut job.

        Mockery is the only satisfactory choice.

        That said, things like the election in NYC on Tuesday and the rise of Bernie Sanders give me great pause as well.

        In the wake of Kennedy’s retirement, infant internment camps and the rise of self proclaimed socialists the words of Yeats from a century ago have been in my head all week:

        “The center can not hold…

        The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

        Ideologies, all of which are short sighted and dumb upon the least amount of analysis, are killing us. Communists, socialists, fascists, neo-fascists, supply siders, libertarians all believe in their own stupid idea that their vision is flawless, if fully adopted, despite all evidence to the contrary.

        Liberal democracy, logic, reliance upon the lessons of history, compromise, free markets, free trade, multi-lateralism; all of the things that have keep us free, prosperous and strong are under attack by stupidity and short sightedness and the stubborn desire to be right and in power no matter the facts or the costs.

        I fear we will pay a high price for squandering our position in the 21st century that was hard earned in the last.


        • And you’re not operating in an echo chamber, right?


          • Derek

            What echo chamber might that be?

            If there’s a non-ideological echo chamber that respects the competiting views of economic growth and the needs of the middle and lower classes and leans left only because it finds the right wing in its current form inherently evil and inconsistent with American and constitutional norms and values, I’d be interested in knowing where it is. The problem though is that there is no voice for the center and that’s why it cannot hold.


            • Sounds like the MSNBC echo chamber to me. Wait! Are you really Rachel Maddow? That would be awesome ’cause he’s dreamy….


              • Derek

                Yep. While I don’t watch Rachel Maddow I’m sure she’s expressed fears of a left wing counter insurgency rather than a party trying to recapture middle America. I’ll just assume that’s a focus of the program just based on your observations.

                Sorry to distract you from your masterbating to images of Auschwitz. I can discern from your posts that you’re sexually aroused by the promise of a real Final Solution.

                Also thanks for proving that you can have a reasonable conservation with a right wing nut that doesn’t immediately become devolve into stupidity.


                • That’s a lot of assumptions you’re making there, Jr. But I do believe I’m beginning to understand your attempts at humor – dark humor, that is.


                • Derek

                  I see you got my point, dumbass.


                • I can’t figure out if you’re a 17 year old bratty teenager or a senile 75 year old man. Either way, you’re made up of lots of pushable buttons and a seething unhappiness. I hope things get better.


                • Derek

                  You’re probably right either way. Your ability to deduce is bigly.

                  Two things are infinite: the universe and man’s stupidity. It’s not getting any better.

                  I do appreciate that history tends to be unkind to those who deserve it. This is your america: https://youtu.be/2-OpC6tnJ9c



                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  17? You think he could be in high school? Try middle school, dude. Derek is a child with limited education, limited intelligence, and a runaway imagination. “Trump might be a corrupt politician with more interest in American empire building than in keeping campaign promises? Why, we’ve never had a president like that! In fact, my middle school civics class taught us that politicians and bureaucrats are just ‘public servants’ who altruistically place the needs of the public above any personal reward.”

                  And when one believes that kind of crap with no sense of historical perspective, one shits one’s pants and believes that Trump is an executive order or two away from death camps. It’s equal parts amusing and sad. One day, Derek will be able to vote.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  I’m just enjoying the toddler internment camps for now. Seeing agents of our government rip children from the arms of mothers warms the cockles of my small government conservative heart. Fuck liberals. All they do is redistribute wealth. We redistribute kids, don’t we?

                  Government is the problem. Unless the problem is brown people. We’re gonna need a lotta gubmit for that.


                • Napoleon BonerFart


                • Napoleon BonerFart


          • Gaskilldawg

            He is commenting on a board populated by white southern males. Definitely not his echo chamber, here.

            Liked by 1 person

        • Mad Mike

          I’ve come to realization that full investment in any ideology is foolhardy, and getting bent out of shape about other people’s opinions is a waste of time.


    • 81Dog

      Based on this cogent, well reasoned presentation, I can only say I continue to be mystified how Hillary! lost. Onward, comrade! Just keep doing this, I am sure at some point, the masses of the lumpen proletariat will see your wisdom.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        I know. If youre going to suggest your views have any commerce in this country you’re gonna need to win by more than 3 million votes. Fucking majority. What do they know? So unpopular. Sad!


        • Still don’t understand the reason for the electoral college, huh? In any case, those 3 million more voters that voted for Hillary won’t be there in 2020 as they’re currently in the process of deportation. YAY LAWS!!!!


          • Derek

            That’s what the findings of the voter fraud commission were. The findings were just too scary to publish so they quietly disbanded without issuing a report. Leadership.

            You can take Il Douche’s word.

            Hillary won the popular vote because of illegals. Proved.

            I’ll release my taxes. Done.

            I’ll sue all those liars that accused me of sexual harrassment. Sued and won.

            Trump University not a fraud. Never will pay 25 million dollar settlement!

            There is no Russia. Find it on a map! Prove it exists!

            So damn reality based.

            Calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people since most of them actually do make an effort.


            • Just because you don’t believe a thing, doesn’t mean it’s not true.


            • Napoleon BonerFart


              • Derek

                Someone should tell trumps NSA director and Sec. of State your funny joke. They’re apparently in on the lie that russia interfered with the election.

                Whose dumber? Pompeo and Bolton or the guy who hired them.

                Clearly they’re all smarter than you but so is algae.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I’m still waiting for the nefarious details. Unlike you, the notion of fake Facebook stories don’t exactly send me screaming for my mom’s skirt. If Russia wants a lesson in regime change, why not just study what Obama did in Ukraine? Hell, even Clinton can show you what it’s like to deal with foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents. So far, your fear of Trump makes me yawn. And smile. But mostly yawn.


        • 81Dog

          you might as well suggest UGA is really the national champion because we gained more yards than Alabama. Focus just a minute, Derek. The rules for presidential elections have only been in force for over 200 years. I can understand how you, and Hillary, and the rest of your frantic minions failed to pick up on that. It wouldn’t matter if she won California by 50 million votes. Maybe she should have quit hanging out with Harvey Weinstein and sipping mimosas in Hollywood and spent a little more time in the Midwest with the grubby working class she so obviously detests.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Debby Balcer

      You must be a real joy to be around with all your condescending attitude towards anyone who does not follow your beliefs lockstep. Name calling makes no one listen to you. Extremist on both sides have left us where we are today. Hopefully moderates start standing up and working together to get our society in a better place.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        I don’t care about lockstep. I respect people I disagree with. Just have a reasonable argument grounded in reality. I don’t respect stupid and it will never find peace around me.


          • Derek

            This is why you’re immutably stupid. You think there are multiple “realities” which means of course you lack basic literacy skills.

            Get back to me after you’ve spent a little time with a dictionary.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          You sell yourself short, Derek. Stupidity will find peace with you. In fact, stupidity seems quite comfortable with you. Cozy, even. Soulmates, I’d say.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Derek

            At least you’ve shown your work. No one wants to just go all ad hominem and just attack someone without clearly showing a substantial basis for it. You’ve done well.

            Btw: how’s the herpes? Is the valtrex helping?


  3. AusDawg85

    I’ll take a swipe at this. First, I don’t do fantasy sports so I’ve got no axe to grind. If I create a league that bets on the performance of GTP commenters…like who will go political, who will blame Richt, etc. the commenters are not entitled to any of the action. They are in the public view and I’m just bettting on observations. But if I’m giving a kickback to The Senator, then he should be ethically obligated to share the wealth since these commenters are adding value to his multi-million dollar blog enterprise.

    See? It’s not what The Senator has done, it’s what we’ve done for him.


  4. ugadawgguy

    What about free fantasy leagues like mine (now running for almost ten years, and in need of two new managers, if you want to play)? I run my league through Yahoo!, and no one pays anything to join the league or wins any money for winning it.

    This could cripple Yahoo!’s fantasy sports division, right? And with it would die the many thousands of free leagues like mine.


    • Chopdawg

      I might be interested…assuming you’re talking fantasy football? I play in several baseball leagues, but haven’t done football in several seasons.

      Sorry this thread got sidetracked.
