A stupid and futile gesture

Good luck on enforcing this, Purdue.

On Thursday, the Board of Trustees of the West Lafayette-based public university approved the adoption of a so-called “sports wagering policy.” The policy applies to all faculty, staff and non-athlete students (Purdue’s student-athletes and coaches, like those at other colleges, are already barred from betting on sports by NCAA rules). Purdue’s new policy expressly prohibits gambling on sporting events involving Purdue teams, coaches or student-athletes. It governs wagers made in person as well as bets made online and through mobile technologies.

The university’s statement does not offer reasoning behind the policy’s adoption.

Reasoning?  There was reasoning?

I cannot even begin to list all the difficulties that surround this policy.  How in the world does the school plan to track wagering in all its different forms?  And how does it plan to punish people who engage in a legal activity?


Filed under Bet On It

11 responses to “A stupid and futile gesture

  1. 81Dog

    Probably the same way they enforce policies against other things they don’t like, such as the first or second amendment (hey, you asked😉)


  2. FlyingPeakDawg

    Sheriff Buford T. Justice has been called out of retirement to hunt down any scofflaws.


  3. I wish someone would have given me this advice my freshman year of college.

    Never, ever, bet on your team.


  4. wewoof

    despite the fact that their students are adults these idiots still think they get to act in loco parentis. (my spellcheck says I’m spelling this wrong but I don’t care) There is a bit of an insider trader issue here though. As is often the case with large organizations the cure is worse than the problem.


  5. Cojones

    I’ll give you 10 – 1 that won’t happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Biggus Rickus

    Well, something doesn’t have to be illegal to get you kicked out of school or fired from a job. It seems impossible to enforce unless someone is completely stupid about it, though.


  7. Bulldog Joe

    Just when they finally get interested in Purdue sports…


  8. Rico

    It’s legal for athletes to be late to practice. But, against the school/team rules. Im sure they find all kinds of ways to enforce that.


  9. McgarityIsAGlorfiedAccountant

    The risk is a professor with a need for cash (divorce, opioids, gambling habit) who finds a way to make a player academically ineligible for a game.

    Or more likely a dorm resident assistant who plants drugs on a kid to make him ineligible for a game they bet on
