Your 1.1.20 Playpen

Share your New Year’s resolutions in the comments, or, in the alternative, take a shot at yesterday’s Twitter narrative comparing where you were in 2010 to where you are today.


Filed under GTP Stuff

34 responses to “Your 1.1.20 Playpen

  1. chopdawg

    I hereby resolve to be the first commenter in the Playpen every week in 2020.


    • Uglydawg

      I resolve not to bitch and complain during football games played after New Year’s day, 2020.


      • I love the viewing pleasure of the 65 inch big screen that brings UGA sports into my small world….if UGA receivers drop another passed football, I swear I’m gonna…gonna…gonna burn up the 6 hp motor on the margarita machine …please no more dropped passes…I love my drink machine

        Liked by 1 person

    • FlyingPeakDawg

      Sooo….if several college coaches are being considered for NFL jobs, how many who are being discussed really have a better resume than Kirby? If an owner can’t get Saban, who else can bring The Process to a city near you? And just to have more fun with this…who would UGA turn to quickly?


  2. Truupster

    I resolve to listen to the Stones version of You Gotta Move daily in order to get more exercise.


  3. Jim

    I missed the twitter thing about 2010 vs. today. But I’ll take today and it ain’t even close…hope that fires somebody up


  4. Dawg Vegas

    I’m resolved to stay on the course I started in 2019, where massive positive changes started. This is the year and decade where all my years of planning and sacrificing and digging in start to pay tangible results, and I’m not talking just financially.

    I’m resolved to keep a level head about the outcome of various sporting contests.

    Finally, I’m resolved to not get drawn into political discussions unless I know the people I’m talking with, and know our relationship will not be negatively affected.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Russ

    Happy New Year to my fellow Dawg fans! 2020 is going to be a great year. I resolve to get into better physical condition after some issues last year. I’m off to a good start having lost a bunch of bad weight.

    Oh, and I’ll take 2020 over 2010. Look forward.


  6. ASEF

    I resolve to stop letting a world going crazy around me make me crazy too. Louis was right – it’s a wonderful world. Flawed, needs a lot of helping hands, but I am done with the “make you mad” back and forth raging between the obnoxiously Right and obnoxiously Left. I’ve walked out on that movie. Enjoying coffee or bourbon with the reasonably Right and reasonably Left people in my life. Plenty of both.

    More swimming. More hiking.

    Football is a game. Entertainment. Means a whole lot more to the guys on the field than it can ever mean to me. I will adjust my responses accordingly.

    Happy New Year everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I try to be optimistic about the dawgs as I can but it is a bit disappointing we seem to have a lot more guys laying out for the sugar bowl than auburn and Alabama do for lesser games.
    I haven’t analyzed their rosters/potential draft status compared to ours but if anyone here has and can make the case it’s not as bad as it seems I’d like to know.


    • Yeah, I am sitting here watching both Bama and Auburn playing future NFL stars in their meaningless bowl games – Jerry Judy, Derick Brown, etc. This has kinda gotten me pissed at our guys who are sitting it out. I know, I know…that is wrong, they are justified, they should protect their future, yada yada, kiss my ass but I can’t help thinking less of them than of the stars who are out there playing today.


  8. rvrampdawg

    I resolve to be more resolute in my resolution.


  9. Boy, is life radically different for me now versus 10 years ago!

    Me ten years ago:
    – Married < 6 months
    – No children
    – High school dropout
    – Working full-time as a “duct man”, sheet metal worker
    – working part-time at Target stocking shelves
    – in school part-time trying to finish a bachelors degree (history) I started in 2001

    Me today:
    – married 10+ years
    – four children
    – college graduate, BA/History
    – working full-time in sales for an energy company
    – in school part-time earning MBA (graduate 2021)

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Salty Dawg

    Happy New Year, Senator and all you fellow Dawg lovers, out there! I wish the best for all of you and our Dawgs! I plan to finish losing the last 20 lbs for a total of 80 lbs gone. I’d like to be more patient with others, so I’ll work on that!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Nate Dawg

    I want to go to at least 5 concerts this year. God willing I got the Crowe’s lined up already and hope to see The Pretenders/Journey (really just bc of The Pretenders tho, who I’ve never seen). Would love to hear of any suggestions too, keeping in mind I’m willing to travel- Bham, Chattanooga, maybe Charlotte etc.


    • I saw Allman Betts the other night and they were awesome. Really small venue I was able to stand 10 yards away. They have their initial album out which is good but live was excellent. They were about 10 time more enjoyable than drivin n cryin concert I saw last week.


    • Pirate

      Blackberry Smoke bro


  12. sniffer

    Happy New Year to you all!
    I resolve to :
    Enjoy Auburn wins
    Speak kindly of the Gators
    Eat more bbq
    Exercise less
    Smoke only really good cigars
    Chase only really pretty women
    Spend like I stole it

    I never keep my resolutions


  13. Texas Dawg

    Totally off the topic, but I just ran across this
    “Vandagriff, the top-rated QB in the Class of 2021 according to, announced on Wednesday that he is decommitting from Oklahoma. Vandagriff is from Georgia, and he said he has decided he wants to attend school closer to home.

    Kirby Magic at work??

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Sam Johnson

    My resolution is to daily complement a random stranger and hope to get a smile in return. I’ve been doing this for about a week, and it’s surprisingly easy. Yesterday, an elderly lady checking out in front of me at Target was taking forever because she had five different coupons. As my impatience built to a volcanic explosion, I told her she was so good at this that she should start a blog about how to save money at Target. Her wide smile melted my impatience.

    Today, I engaged the scary dude at the table next to me at Chick-fil-A and told him how much I liked his tattoos (all over both arms and part of his neck). His smile made him look a bit less fearsome.

    The best part is that it makes ME feel good.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hahahahaha. Auburn loses! SUCK IT!


  16. This ain’t good … especially after what happened on Saturday.
