Your Daily Gator is on something.


Screenshot_2020-04-30 Shape of football players across country


Screenshot_2020-04-30 Shape of football players across country (1)

You know, with each passing day, it gets harder and harder for me to understand how the Portal Master™ hasn’t already won a couple of SEC championships.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

13 responses to “Your Daily Gator is on something.

  1. Dawg1

    I think the author is wrong.

    I’m not sure how the UF players are staying in shape, what with the time spent delivering meals and sitting in church praying for the poor and sick?


  2. RangerRuss

    Geez man. Every time I think it has become repetitious and boring those ignorant trash lizards say something that elicits this response-
    Fuck those motherfuckers!


  3. I assume Smart, Sinclair and position coaches are checking in with our guys regularly. While there’s going to be some S&C work that will have to be done when they are cleared to return, I’m betting our guys will be ready.

    The schools this really hurts are those who had losses where they are expecting a regular-entry freshman who was coming in this summer to help. That may mean we’re going to be looking at more trouble at the WR position early this fall. Hopefully, Justin Robinson is ready to play.


    • Matt

      The WR room should be really interesting this year, particularly early on. Monken’s scheme should be easier for a young guy to pick up than Coley’s, but I do wonder if those kids will be physically up to snuff without regular S&C (at least early in the season).

      IMO we need 3/4 of the following to be able to beat Bama:
      -TEs collectively pose a Nauta-esque passing threat
      -Cook really is the pass-catching dynamo people have always claimed
      -The 2017 guys who have been plagued by injury (Kearis Jackson and Tommy Bush) finally put together a season
      -Dom Blaylock is 100% by week 3

      I’m reasonably confident in all of those, and at least by the end of the season I think we will see Robinson start to ball out.


  4. DawgByte

    Georgia fans can be fickle, but nothing compares to the jean short nation.


  5. OMG…FU football gap closing handbags in condition and shape due to the culture instituted from the comfort of the residential desk/chair/text messaging of the MuLLen master …dosen’t look good for sec opponents in 2020 (?)


  6. The other Doug

    Just my hunch, but I bet the players who are fighting for playing time are a lot more likely to be busting their arse during quarantine. Just a hunch.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      The good thing with our depth is that players who slack off will be ‘Brenton Cox’d’ to the back bench or out entirely via the portal. Whereas the Portal Master doesn’t have much depth. If an fu player comes in out of shape, he’s still playing.

      If I’m Salyer, Truss, etc. and just saw Thomas and Wilson land huge paydays, I’m working my butt off.


  7. Uglydawg

    One of the worst diseases a person can have is called “Procrastination”. I know because I’m a Master Procrastinator. If I were one of these kids, I’d be telling myself, “you can wait one more day to start working out”..and on and on until I’d be trying to get in shape in the last day or two before reporting. There will be at least some kids like this. Hopefully, they aren’t ours.
    I have more to say, but i’ll finish this post up later……….


  8. practicaldawg

    I will concede the lockdown has probably helped UF recruiting slightly by preventing Mullen from alienating recruits face to face. That’s about it though.
