Gracious in defeat

Need some cheering up?  Say hi to Fred from Alabama.

At least it took several years for Gator fans to sound like we used to once upon a time.  Fred’s leaped across that threshold in record time.


Filed under Alabama

61 responses to “Gracious in defeat

  1. Biggen

    Wow. Wait till Saban leaves. That fan base will need to be commited as a whole. Like old school insane asylum committed with straight jackets, padded rooms, and electroshock therapy just to cope.

    Lol at Finebaums, “Fred, do you live by yourself or do you have family members that look after you…”

    Liked by 13 people

    • Down Island Way

      Let me get this straight, this guy from alabamia is stating that those missed tackles, blocked field goal, pi penalties, inability to gain more than 30 -60-100 yards in total rushing and that the bammer qb had some difficult moments while on that Indy turf plus, plus this guy is saying that the alabamia coaching staff wasn’t guilty of some negligence…well, then pawn that autograph picture of the “Bear” and dump his sisters 3rd cuzin in the dairy queen parking lot, that sumbitch may be onto something…

      Liked by 4 people

    • Better watch out, that Fred fucker might be planning to poison the hedges. Something about Finebaum gets these weirdos rilled up and the next thing you know they’re out attacking someone’s vegetation.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Down Island Way

        “Don’t Bend Over in the Garden, Granny, You Know Them Taters Got Eyes”…or so it was said


      • Dawg in Austin

        If you’ve known Bama fans before in your life, you know that they never needed Paul Finebaum to sound and act crazy. Paul may actually give some of them a psychological outlet that society needs. Not that I ever listen to the show, but I’m aware of what it is.


  2. cltdawg

    Gumps gonna Gump…

    Liked by 6 people

  3. waltergeiger

    i will give you 10-1 fred tried to kick his ole lady’s ass in the last single wide in the back of corner the trailer park in shitcreek, alabama saturday night…..and she won!

    Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      Well, to Fred’s credick he weighs a buck twenty-five with a soaking wet pack of Marlboro Lights rolled up in his sleeve and his ol lady was terminated as the mascot of the red elephants for excessive weight and undue flatulence. He was holding his own until Mona slipped in that puppy puke and crashed on his ass and drove him through the replacement plywood floor.

      Liked by 15 people

      • classiccitycanine

        I’d like to see you as a DI. I imagine you could give old R. Lee a run for his money with your creative vocabulary.

        Liked by 3 people

        • RangerRuss

          I spent time as an instructor. Still teach occasionally. I found that some don’t appreciate my style as it offends their delicate sensibilities.
          Fuck ’em, the candy ass pussies.

          Liked by 6 people

      • gurkhadawg

        Ranger your scenario is spot on except for the plywood floor. I bet Fred’s single wide has particle board floors, weakened by moisture from Fred spilling beer and pissing on it. That would explain Mona crashing right through.

        Liked by 3 people

        • RangerRuss

          I knew a fellow that had a water leak under his single wide. Rather than repair the leak he’d just turn the water off until it was time to bathe and wash dishes. He fell through the particle board in the hall and just laid a piece of plywood across it.
          That was one sorry muthafuka.

          Liked by 2 people

  4. Ran A

    All those Championships and so insecure… You get the feeling that once Saban is gone that th fan base is going to remind us a LOT of Tennessee

    Liked by 5 people


    Comedy gold.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I can here Fred now, on the phone with CFP officials: “I just need to you to find us 16 more points”.

    Liked by 16 people

  7. KornDawg

    I tend to avoid Finebaum, but that show is gold after an Alabama loss. And damn if I didn’t forget to tune in this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They always play the best of the week on Fridays. Anyway, on Tuesday Bama superfan Legend got in an argument with a UGA fan who kept laughing and barking at him. Finebaum rarely disappoints.

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      • JoeDashDawg

        That Legend guy might have killed himself after this week. It’s been gold and Finebaum has been roasting that guy daily. Most of their regular Gump asshats slunk back to their trailers and didn’t call in the day after the championship (Much like archmartyr here – where is the crow eating he promised?). Then guys like Fred and Legend just jumped from “You’ll never beat us” to “Not a real championship” real quick.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. siskey

    I have a close friend who is a Bama fan but was too young to remember Stallings but came of age in the Dubose, Fran, Shula era. He’s obnoxious but has said as far back as 2011 or so that Saban would create a kind of fan that was even worse than the ones that still worshipped Bear and the previous glory days.
    I don’t know where Fred fits in as far as demographics but this kind of stuff makes me happier for what happened Monday and makes me look forward to the next ten years as a Georgia fan. Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dawgfan Will

      I think it’s a combination of Saban’s success and (like a lot of negative aspects of modern society) the ubiquity of social media. Saban’s dominance began at almost exactly the same time that Facebook and Twitter became omni-present. In the old days (you know, before 2007), the opinions of fans would have largely been contained within the boundaries of their group of friends. Now everyone with a dumbass opinion can share it with the world.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Well bless is stupid fucking heart.

    Liked by 5 people

  10. mdcgtp

    Now do Erik Evans…..

    Liked by 4 people

  11. I think I met this Fred guy over a month ago near Trussville, AL…he told me then that he had just drunk a lava lamp and had sex with a German Shepherd.

    Now hearing he can’t accept the outcome of the National Championship, I think it maybe time he seeks help.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. sniffer

    First, Fred is no alumnus. May have been on campus a few times when his bosses daughter was getting her Associates Degree. He knows no one with ties to the program. Neighbors haven’t spoken to him since he defended Harvey Updyke. He goes to Mobile and calls it “the beach”. Wants to go to Nashville but since he has no passport, he’s not sure how to get there. Speaking of yankees, doesn’t really trust anybody from Huntsville. You should hear him try to pronounce Opelika (won’t, too close to Auburn). Speaking of Pat Dye, thinks Dye lied about recruiting Bo. And since Bo declined Bear’s offer he shouldn’t be in any record book because Auburn isn’t really a school. He knows this because his first love lived in a pasture for two years and became a sweater, not a nurse.

    Liked by 13 people

  13. RangerRuss

    Fuckn loser.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. rigger92

    Great late post! I think we all know tide fans that sound just like this. I can’t wait to go work in AL again, just like I wore my G gear in Gainesville 2000-present. FTMF except Saban was truly sincere post game, I have to believe that there is a respect there. How could there not be, +10 year on staff through 3 programs? Two peas in a pod as far as I can see.

    The next 5 years are going to be awfully fun/competitive unless Monken leaves. That scares me more than a little…….

    Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      The Dawgs will be fine, Riggermon. Kirby has made Georgia THE destination for coaches and players. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kirby brought in an upgrayedd at O coordinator. Two D’s for a double dose of Dawgs kicking ass.

      Liked by 2 people

      • akascuba

        Saban showed real class. He is the GOAT times are changing fast his legacy is secure. No doubt he was happy to see Kirby reach the summit. As his career nears the end he knows Kirby has taken his system the process will now live on for years to come. Kirby is the closest thing to Saban in the business. No way that coach Saban can’t help but smile seeing Kirby carry the mantle going forward when that time comes sooner than Bamers expect.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Before getting to the office in AL again, be sure to call your boss and tell him you are running behind and will be 33-18 minutes late.

      Liked by 3 people

      • akascuba

        I’m the owner so it’s OK if I’m late or back in Florida again and yes I do support the enemy both of my ME’s are GT grads. Saban showed class in defeat. I do admire that from someone driven to never lose. It’s OK to be a graceful winner too.


  15. chucktowndawg

    This line of thought runs deep. Have a Bama friend who congratulated me, then said it’s hard to win with freshman receivers. I was gracious in letting him know our last the TDs were by freshman.

    Liked by 9 people

  16. otto1980

    Colt McCoy is on line 1 Paawwwll and would like to pick up his BCS Championship trophy.

    Liked by 4 people

  17. classiccitycanine

    I’m finding that sour grapes make for excellent whine! Drink up Dawgs! This one’s been a long time coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. uga97

    Pure locker room material for Kirby in 2022. Thank you Fred for providing the new juice. Well done.


  19. Will Adams

    I think what happened in the SEC CG was Bama playing their absolute best while the obviously Dawgs didn’t play very well and made some pretty big mistakes. This past Monday, the Dawgs still didn’t play their absolute best. Especially early in the game. But when it counted the most in crunch time during the last 7+ minutes of the 4th quarter, the Dawgs made play after play after play on both sides of the ball. Saban even said we whipped their butts in the 4th quarter. It wasn’t a perfect 4th quarter for the Dawgs but it was close (minus the incomplete pass that was somehow a fumble). Meanwhile, Bama played tough until the very end but didn’t make every single play like they did a month ago. Losing Williams definitely hurt them and I hated seeing him taken out of the game due to injury. But unfortunately, injuries are part of the game, just like coaching, recruiting, and the forward pass. If Fred doesn’t know that then he’s just ignorant and needs to take one of their NC trophies to Texas and hand it to Colt McCoy. I bet the Dawgs offense would have been better if Pickens doesn’t get injured at the beginning of the year. We all got to see what he can do after a few months of recovery and a few weeks of practice. He might have been the best receiver on the field if he was healthy all year even if Williams and Metchie (?) were also playing. Sometimes players get hurt but, I’ve yet to see a game canceled or not count because of it.

    And I haven’t thought of it until see a few of the comments made by others on here earlier. Bama is going to go insane after Saban is gone and he’s replaced by a coach who didn’t make a deal with the devil. Saban is the all time best college coach so, it really doesn’t matter who comes in after him. The level of dominance they’ve enjoyed under him is ultimately not attainable for the next coach. And Bama fans are going to go crazy when they inevitably come back down to earth. Even if they win a NC every 5-6 years, it’ll be like they’re only one third as good as they have been. There’s not a program in the country that wouldn’t be ecstatic with a couple NC’s every decade. Except for those crazy Bama fans of course.

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  20. When you’re throwing out the same shaky rationales as Tech fans, you need to seriously re-evaluate your life choices.

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  21. stoopnagle



    Go Dawgs!

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  22. Hahahahahahahahaha. I love this so much.

    I listened to it 3 times.

    Those delicious Alabama tears are like ambrosia.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. At first when I hear Fred say “we”, I want to call him out. But then I realized Fred was their valedictorian in 1977 and McElroy’s tutor.

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  24. Dawg19

    Somebody needs to remind Fred that we beat Alabama, Auburn, and UAB…so technically we’re the Alabama state champs, too.

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  25. originaluglydawg

    Does Pawwl not have anyone screening his calls?
    Here’s how it works, PF.
    “Hello, this is the Paul Finebaum Show,”
    “Yeah this is Fre….”

    Liked by 1 person

    • akascuba

      Pawwwll needs the nut jobs to get national attention. The crazy callers always go to the front of the line. I think he’s a first class ass personally. He’s been smart enough to see how to monetize those crazy idiots. For that I’ll gladly tip my brand new Georgia National Championship hat to him for his success with a cheery fuck you and the network you rode in on.
