At Clemson, it might be time to beat the rush.

Perhaps we should check in on Dabo Swinney.  When last we left the man, he was speculating that perhaps it would be best for his football program if a few fans jumped off the Clemson bandwagon.  That was before last night’s overtime loss to Miami, dropping the Tigers to 4-3 and effectively blowing up any chance they might have to play for a conference title, at least.

So, Dabo, what’s the good word?

Nothing like a little gallows humor to lighten the mood.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, Clemson: Auburn With A Lake

26 responses to “At Clemson, it might be time to beat the rush.

  1. FlyingPeakDawg

    Only real fans stay to watch them lose.

    Clempsun sucks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jcdawg83

    Dabo is a clown, always has been. His success was a direct result of having great coordinators and cheating. NIL coming around meant the end of Clemson and Auburn’s recruiting success. Once every team could get money to players, those two programs decades long cheating schemes lost their ability to reel in top talent. When Elliott and Venables left, Dabo replaced them with inside yes men and everyone could see that the emperor had no clothes. Riley was supposed to be the magic hire that brought the offense back but it is becoming apparent he is a one hit wonder and that hit was at TCU.

    Dabo is the ACC version of Jimbo. Take away generational talent at qb and it becomes obvious he is nothing more than a cheerleading ego maniac.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Don’t be throwing rocks in the glass house, y’all. We just a had a generational talent at QB and we got two Natties out of him. 😉

      Liked by 15 people

    • RC

      I take a different view, wrt Auburn. Their downfall is directly traceable to coaching and administrative malpractice dating back to Tubs, imho. I think with Freeze in place now, we are about to see what AU can do with an open checkbook and complete alignment of philosophy and character of coach and administration- which is to say shady and nonexistent- and that concerns me a little bit.


  3. Ran A

    Welp, they still have Notre Dame, North Carolina, NC State Georgia Tech, and South Carolina on their schedule. I think there are a couple more losses in there somewhere – don’t y’all?

    Liked by 12 people

  4. WON

    Maybe Dabo wasn’t joking when he said he’d quit coaching when players started getting paid?

    Liked by 33 people

  5. mg4life0331

    I have so many bookmarks on my twitter troll account.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dabo has a problem. He’s a cheerleader CEO type of head coach. He needs serious X and O people around him. He doesn’t have those anymore (not buying Riley), and he doesn’t have the generational talent to go along with it.

    Could Kirby break Dabo for good in MBS on Labor Day weekend?

    Liked by 6 people


    F Clempson


  8. ciddawg

    Kirby!!- Sammy Browns Daddy on line 2….


  9. 69Dawg

    Clemson’s biggest problem going forward will be when all their players hit the transfer portal. The thrill is gone.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. uga97

    Ah no wonder the kids aren’t willing to run through a wall for Dabo, cuz the team pysch is doing it for them.

    Would love play Dingbot in a game of Texas Hold ’em right now.
