Depressing stat of the day

Leave it up to Mr. Diet Mountain Dew to come up with this one:  leading D-1 with the highest percentage of returning tackles on defense is Florida, with a ridiculous 98.9% mark.  ‘Bama looks pretty stout there, too.

Georgia checks in with a respectable 70% figure.  No word on whether that percentage includes Reshad Jones’ shoulder bumps.


Filed under Phil Steele Makes My Eyes Water

7 responses to “Depressing stat of the day

  1. Gatch

    Take away Rennie, and the figure drops to single-digits.


  2. Dog in Fla

    UGA Defensive Backfield Pre-Season Planning Session One-on-Ones with Willie:

    Willie and Reshad surprised and concerned to learn that Phil Steele keeps obscure depressing stats on little things, like tackles made. They confer on how best to keep knowledge of such depressing stats away from Mark.

    Willie pauses, takes drink from can, looks at Reshad and says, “Dr. Pepper Diet Mountain Dew, it drink pretty good don’t it? Reshad, you may have to think about trying to deploy your arms next season instead to trying to go for the KO each and every time you think the camera is on you. Tackle ’em instead. Think about it. It’ll help my job security and your NFL prospects.”

    Reshad grunts, tells Willie, “Killshots are my thing, man.” Willie replies, “Dude, those aren’t killshots, they’re missed tackles and you can be darn sure Phil is somehow, someway going to keep track of them and get that information to Mark. Lead with your arms for a change.”

    “Will do,” says Reshad and as he’s leaving, Willie tosses a frosty can of Dr. Pepper Diet Moutain Dew to him and says to Reshad, “Enjoy. I’m glad we could finally have this little talk.”


  3. digidy dawg

    The shoulder bump against Tech is just one of those things that will always stand out in my mind & filed away under “did he really do that”? That moment was an embarrassement to our team. Just not used to that from a Georgia defense.


    • 69Dawg

      They showed that on College Football Live the other day. RJ better get ready to be looked at closely by the Pro’s. That one low-light could cost him big bucks. He misjudged the angle (our guys do that a lot) and barely touched him.


  4. Savannah Mike

    Every time I see Reshad as a standout player for our defense on some ’09 previews I just get nervous inside


  5. MacAttack

    Freakin weather must be screwing us again!


  6. Depressing?? You just made my day!
