You don’t see this every day.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — It’s one thing for South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier to read the riot act to an assistant coach for breaking NCAA rules. It’s a whole different matter when the offending person is your wife.

Spurrier said Friday that his wife, Jerri, unknowingly violated NCAA rules by sending handwritten notes to families of players who had signed with the Gamecocks…

… Spurrier was asked why anyone might turn in the Gamecocks for a simple note from his wife. “It’s easy to turn somebody in. I got turned in for talking to a kid at a high school during a junior recruiting period,” Spurrier said. “I did say hello to him, but I didn’t give him a recruiting speech.

“So anybody can turn anybody in just like anybody can sue anybody in America,” Spurrier said.

What a country!

The funniest thing from the article this appeared in has to be the fact that South Carolina had to report a Level I violation in women’s equestrian.

That’s gotta be a first.

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