Sue me, sue you blues

With all the hoop-de-do over l’affaire Stafford (aka Keggate), I neglected the latest from Fayetteville, Arkansas.

First, the Nuttster had himself a little get together with Arkansas fan and super-sleuth Thomas McAfee, he of the 48 page Freedom of Information Act report on Nutt’s phone records. McAfee’s attorney said things got a little “heated”. Really. Maybe this had something to do with the temperature rising:

Nutt’s side did most of the talking during the meeting, according to Coulter. But at one point, McAfee and his attorney asked if they could get the information off Nutt’s cell phone to find out the content of his text messages to Prewett.

Makes you wonder if the Nuttster did any discreet texting during the meeting.

Then, late yesterday, the empire struck back against another fan. The university filed a motion to dismiss subpoenas filed against the Nuttster, his brother and Teresa Prewett in connection with John David Terry’s lawsuit against the university chancellor and president.

The best line in the second article also concerns McAfee:

Alarmed with what he felt was an alarming number of calls and text messages to Prewett and a female TV anchor, McAfee sent a letter to Arkansas’ Board of Trustees.

It stands to reason that he’d be alarmed if the number was alarming.

This season, I’m looking forward to seeing the Nuttster get served on a game day sideline with a lawsuit. Maybe he needs to get some tips on avoiding process servers from Phil Fulmer.

Then again, the Nuttster sounds like he’s keeping his litigation options open, too. The more, the merrier…

In the immortal words of George Harrison:

You serve me
And I’ll serve you
Swing your partners, all get screwed
Bring your lawyer
And I’ll bring mine
Get together, and we could have
a bad time

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