It’s still the defense, stupid.

As much as some like to talk about how much offensive improvement is being shown in the SEC with the advent of the spread option attack, the numbers show that some things haven’t changed as much as we might like to think.  Per Matt at Statistically Speaking, here’s the list by conference of the average yards per game per team gained in conference play in 2007:

SEC offenses aren’t exactly ripping it up there – 10th out of twelve.


Filed under SEC Football, Stats Geek!

5 responses to “It’s still the defense, stupid.

  1. Teh Commish

    “SEC offenses aren’t exactly ripping it up there”

    You should throw the defensive statistics of each league out there.

    It would shed some light on why our offenses rank 10/12.

    Then, it would be interesting to see how our offenses do in bowl games….


  2. Ok, so this is completely unrelated to this posting…..but it is about GT and the nerds it breeds:,2933,377121,00.html


  3. NebraskaDawg

    Hey Rusi, Maybe he should get his mom to teach him.


  4. CLTDawg

    man, those guys are unbelievable….


  5. Ok, so this is completely unrelated to this posting…..but it is about GT and the nerds it breeds:,2933,377121,00.html

    Sounds like he’s a perfect candidate to be the next Flag Boy.
