Will play for circumcisions.


“[Tebow] runs an orphanage and the only reason he would leave early is because the NCAA has a rule that you’re not allowed to raise money,” Meyer said. “So Tim can sign balls for you all but he can’t raise money for something that he believes in, which is preposterous if you really think about it.”

Meyer said that with the help of Foley and UF’s NCAA compliance department, “the NCAA approved of the ability for Tim to raise money for that orphanage.”

“Your quarterback would not be our quarterback any longer if that didn’t happen,” Meyer said.


During the Gators’ BCS national championship victory against Oklahoma, Tebow wore eye black with “John 3:16” — a reference to a Bible verse — written in white.

“And his aunt somehow pulled this up, but John 3:16 after the national championship game was the most Googled verse in the history of the world,” Meyer said.


Meyer said Tebow’s mother, Pam, told her son that at Florida he’d have more of a platform to inspire people than he would if were to go to the NFL.

“When she said that, I looked in Tim’s eyes and I knew we had our quarterback coming back for one more year,” Meyer said.

Look, the GPOOE™ is an admirable kid.  Good on him and all, you know.  Just quit pushing this stuff in our faces, OK?

What’s the over/under on the number of times Uncle Verne brings this up this season?


UPDATE: “He is the fire.” Gah.  Gah.  Gah.


Filed under Tim Tebow: Rock Star

18 responses to “Will play for circumcisions.

  1. peacedog

    Great Odin’s Ravens, this is just stupid.


  2. cookinandsmilin

    Just my two cents, but why in the heck does anyone have to google John 3:16????

    I looked it up, it hit “volcanic” on Google’s “hotness” scale during that football game…

    Good greif!


  3. heytogoober

    I never thought these letters were real, but then I looked in his eyes and I knew …

    Gah, indeed!

    Great kid, for sure, but so was Peyton Manning. What a freekin’ lovefest.


  4. You know, people used to dress up like clowns with signs that said “John 3:16”.

    Their purpose?

    To get attention.

    …I wonder why Timmy does it?


  5. Tebow officially no longer needs toilet paper.


  6. Ubiquitous GA Alum

    Timmy? Is that you?


  7. sUGArdaddy

    Manning and Tebow are no comparison. Peyton had one SEC title and no heisman. Tebow has 2 Crystal footballs and a Heisman. Moreover, Peyton was fed w/ a silver spoon in his mouth. Tebow is the son of missionaries.

    This is who Tebow feels called to be. This is his calling in life, similar to Jay Barker, Danny Wuerfel, and David Pollack. The reason not to like Timmy is because he’s a Gator. But don’t hate him because he’s a great kid. The irony, of course, is that he could don so much orange and blue, and not see the disconnect of playing for the Florida Gators, i.e. Satan’s Spawn.

    Here’s to Timmy continuing to make an impact for God and being a force for good in the world. And here’s to Joe Cox rocking the world’s socks off on Halloween Night as the Dawgs take down the Mighty Gators.


  8. NebraskaDawg

    When our great leader Timmy was born, he never cried and his poop didn’t stink….


  9. Amen sUGArDaddy. But most people don’t have a problem with Tebow personally…more power to him. It’s just the constant throwing him out in the spotlight for the good of the program (ahem!) CAUSE, that gets under people’s skin.

    You know…that and Herbie, Uncle Verne, and anyone else with a mic in front of their jaws.


  10. SCDawg

    All my friends who are USC fans said they got tired of hearing the “two Davids” story with Greene and Pollack, but this just goes so much further.

    People who build themselves up, or who are built up by others (Meyer I’m looking in your general direction) as holier than thou often have problems we don’t know about. I’m not saying he’s like Ted Haggard or Jim Baker or something, or that I want him to be, but enough already.

    Can’t we just talk about how talented a player he is and how well he fits into the scheme they’re running right now? As much as it pains me to say, both of those things are very true.


  11. Dog in Fla

    Somewhere in a dimly lit janitorial closet deep in the bowels of the CBS Sports Department building, Uncle Verne huffs jock. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Verne thinks that if Rapture is anything like this, it will be Nirvana.

    Verne twitters NCAA Compliance for another year’s worth of elibility for GPOOE. Compliance twitters back advising Uncle Verne that a wierd sort of admiration does not necessarily give Verne standing to make an eligibility extension request on behalf of GPOOE. Compliance puts Verne on Marv Albert Watch List just to be safe side.

    Vern huffs jock again. Comes to realization that after this year he will have to find another American Idol to worship so he can fill his air time. Verne thinks it’s unfair that Todd gets to fill his by yammering away about eating fatback and collards.

    Verne twitters Lane and asks for Coach O’s contact info. Lane twitters back and tells Verne to keep his shirt on. Verne puts shirt back on, smiles to self and thinks there’s no better way than this to earn a living.


  12. NRBQ

    And Governor Christ was there!

    No? Never mind.


  13. CincoDawg

    Fake. He is a fake. Screw him


  14. Wolfman

    To be fair, sUGArdaddy, one of those crystal footballs is now shattered.

    Welcome Orson Charles.


  15. Will Q

    So have we officially reached point where blasphemers can say “Timmy R. Tebow!” instead of “Jesus H. Christ!”?


  16. AceG8tr


    “i before e, except after c”

    Obviously UGA needs more spelling classes.



  17. Cody

    Funny Ace should mention an “i before e” problem in a string of comments containing one failure to follow the rule and another post where it WAS followed, but incorrectly. Weird. (not wierd.)

    I mean, if you want to come educate us, at least don’t do it halfway.


  18. Aligator

    If they threw knowshawn or stafford up this much, you guys wouldn’t say a word ….
