No shirts were harmed in the making of this signee.

For what it’s worth, Orson Charles just signed his letter of intent to play in Athens.

No word yet on when Charles spoke with Marlon Brown’s grandma.


Filed under Don't Mess With Lane Kiffin, Georgia Football, Recruiting

9 responses to “No shirts were harmed in the making of this signee.

  1. heytogoober

    Wonder which profanity Oregeron selected? He’s such a connoisseur that I’m sure it had a nice nose and a satisfying finish.


  2. HVL Dawg

    I guess Charles would rather GATA than get all crunk.

    Welcome Charles! You’ve been a legendary Dawg since the moment you smashed UF’s glass.


  3. RaleighDawg

    I think it’s funny how UT assembled such a recruiting powerhouse, and yet their most prized recruits didn’t go there. Maybe it’s back to the drawing board for junior & crew.


  4. DawgBiscuit

    Anyone who breaks Urban Meyer’s trophy then publicly rejects Florida, Tennessee, and USC in favor of Georgia is instantly a DGD in my book.


  5. SCDawg

    This is fun, creepy recruiting fun, but still fun. I like the fact we went up against Tenn and Southern Cal for an out of state highly touted prospect and won. Plus there’s almost nothing going on in CFB news right now, so people are actually paying attention. I think that helps us with other recruits for 2010.


  6. NebraskaDawg

    Nothing says DGD like a signee that uses his ass to break the Turd’s $35,000 national championship trophy. Priceless


  7. NRBQ

    I believe that gives UGA four Scout 5-stars, and a boatload of 4-stars. Maybe not the #1 class this year, but surely the best class of 20 anywhere.


  8. CLTDawg

    Amen DawgBiscuit – He doesn’t even have to play a down for that status in my book.


  9. tom

    thanks for giving the gators continued incentive to keep kicking the the bullpups asses year after year….you guys gave us a helluva a fight in 2008…friggin bunch of girls
