So, what’s the next earth shattering crisis?

Logan Gray elects not to transfer.


Filed under Georgia Football

11 responses to “So, what’s the next earth shattering crisis?

  1. dan

    Anyone surprised?


  2. The Realist

    W00t. I’m glad common sense has prevailed in the Richt-Bobo machine. I think Logan will have some success (not Wes Welker, mind you) but in a quicksilver, over the middle, white guy kinda way (that is in no way like Wes Welker (/sarcasm font)).


  3. hassan

    I think it’s the right thing for all involved. I applaud Logan’s commitment and I hope that he doesn’t regret his decision. I’d like to see him on the field in some capacity this year.


  4. Dog in Fla

    “I have decided to stay at the University of Georgia because I truly do love being a Georgia Bulldog,” Gray said in a written statement this afternoon.

    When Logan was asked if he had anything further to add, some unidentified person in the rear of the bunker said yada, yada. That person was tazed and removed from the Butts-Mehre Defense Complex. As part of Logan’s off-season training regimen, he exited the Complex for windsprints with bird dogs and catching clay pigeons.

    Unanswered questions are whether that written statement was a Loyalty Oath, and if so, did CMR make Logan write it as Bart Simpson-like punishment for leaking about leaving?

    Vegas prediction is that next Georgia football crisis will involve some combination of coeds, cowbell, taxi vans, suspended licenses and, of course, alcohol.


  5. thewhiteshark

    I hope they do find some ways to get him the ball. I’d still like to see him with the ball in space.


  6. Vious

    This is probably bad news for us

    Gray should never see the field for us and he isn’t an upgrade over a true freshman QB as backup

    He is terrible and the coaches obviously agree with the little play last year and non-starter this year


    • dudetheplayer

      It’s bad news to have a guy another guy who is athletic, can play QB, has been in the system for 3+ years now, and provides depth to two different positions that we were severely lacking in?

      Yeah right.


  7. Section Z alum

    i do wonder…could donnan have ever given a qb in that situation such time to make up his mind?


    • AthensHomerDawg

      Given the results we got out of Mr. Quincey”throw it over their heads” Carter perhaps he should have. I guess Oklahoma might disagree though.
