The miracle of redemption

Suspended Florida receiver Chris Rainey was back at practice Tuesday, and coach Urban Meyer said Rainey will have a chance to rejoin the team if he meets certain conditions.

Meyer said Rainey would not play this Saturday against Mississippi State, but there’s a chance Rainey could be back for the Georgia game on Oct. 30.

There’s a chance hell won’t freeze over, too.


Filed under Crime and Punishment, Gators, Gators...

94 responses to “The miracle of redemption

  1. Go Dawgs!

    We WILL NOT tolerate conduct such as intimidating women, threatening or committing domestic violence, OR ANY OTHER associated criminal act. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE IT at the University of Florida. HE IS OFF THE TEAM.

    Unless we lose two football games in a row, including one at home. And if he PROMISES he’s sorry and won’t do it again. Then we’ll tolerate it.


    • Bulldog Bry

      ………..and our fan base ‘suggests’ to the accused that charges don’t really need to be filed.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      So, does this mean there is hope for the Return of the Mettenberger?


      • Go Dawgs!

        A) We’re not Florida.

        B) Why in the heck do you want him back? The guy who has the job isn’t half bad.


        • Scorpio Jones, III

          Murray is better than that, but nothing wrong with a good backup, and better than him beating us at LSU.


          • Go Dawgs!

            Unfortunately for Mettenberger, he signed with Georgia and not Florida. They obviously take a different course on these things than Georgia, if not before then certainly now. We’re sitting a guy two games for unpaid speeding tickets.


  2. heyberto

    Oh, the ridicule I have endured at the hands of Florida fans. Nothing like hipocrisy.


  3. Normaltown Mike

    Urban suspended him from “Italian Night” at Johnny Carino’s.

    He’s paid his dues, let em play.


  4. Vious

    After 11 arrests, we have little room to mock UF

    If AJ Green had done what Rainey had been accused of, Richt would not be booting him off


    • Puffdawg

      Yes. Yes he would be.


    • King Jericho

      Our best running back got a two game suspension for not paying a speeding ticket on time. What makes you think being charged with felony aggravated stalking would be anything less than being kicked off of the team, especially considering how CMR values his high morals status.


    • Derek

      wrong, plain wrong. If grabbing someone gets Mettenberger booted, you can be assured that “time to die” would get Aaron Murray, AJ green, Knowshon and Stafford.


      • Scorpio Jones, III

        The conventional wisdom is that Mettenberger was not exactly truthful with the coaching staff about his situation, which is what got him booted, not grabbing.


        • Go Dawgs!

          Let’s not forget that UGA dismissed Montez Robinson for similar acts to Rainey’s. He’s not “practicing with the team but not on the team”. He’s actually *off the team*.


  5. Mike

    It is a misdomeanor guys. Rainey will miss 5 games, almost half the season. He will also miss 5 SEC games, over half the SEC season.


    • dudetheplayer

      When we have rival fans like “Seriously” coming here tearing Richt down about not disciplining players getting arrested for driving with suspended licenses and not paying speeding tickets, we’re going to call out your full of shit fanbase for letting guys come back after sending death threats to ex-girlfriends as if it’s all water under the bridge. Especially considering most Florida people at the time we’re in consensus that kicking Rainey off the team was the right decision. The whole thing is incredibly hypocritical and predictable.

      Stones in glass houses, champ.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      “Time to lie”.


      • Benjamin

        time to sell our SEC Championship rings on Ebay!


        • Go Dawgs!

          Actually, it was time to do that about eight years ago. We’re all pretty much over that one. Maybe make an AJ jersey joke instead? That one’s falling into the rear view mirror, too, but it would at least approach being topical and hurtful. Just helping you out, Ben, since you apparently suck at talking smack.


    • AmpedDawg

      He agreed to a plea deal to have it reduced to a misdemeanor. He was CHARGED with a felony. Prosecutors reduce charges all the time to get a deal done.


    • HobnailedBoots

      It’s only a misdemeanor because your corrupt program worked it out with your corrupt District Attorney in Gainesville to get the charges reduced to a misdemeanor, just like happens with every other UF player felony that gets magically reduced to a misdemeanor or dropped.

      Anywhere else in America, it’s a felony.


      • Mayor of Dawgtown

        Damn. I sure wish we had a DA and Police Chief in Athens who would cut kids a break instead of making even the slightest thing into the biggest f#cking deal imaginable.


    • NRBQ

      Reduced from an original felony count.

      Any coach with morals and balls would have shown him the door before the charge was negotiated down.


      • Dooms Day Dawg

        We (I am near the top of the list of said WE) hammer CMR week in and week out for not doing this or not doing that. I complain that he is not stern enough, not passionate enough, and all together too nice of a guy to win. Well, CUM (funny, that is the first time I have put Ubran Myer’s name like that and it made me laugh) obviously wants to win. At any cost. Where do we are Dawg fans fall on that scale? Willing to trade arrests for W’s? Or are we happy with 8-5, an occassional
        10-2, and a clean program?


        • Biggus Rickus

          In Richt’s tenure the 10-2’s have been more regular than the 8-5’s. Just sayin’.


          • Dooms Day Dawg

            You are partically correct. 8-5 not that regular. However, in CMR’s 10 seasons at UGA (including this year), he has had 7 seasons with 3 or more L’s.


  6. Will Trane

    Our best running back got a 2 game suspension.

    Who be that back?

    It sure as hell is not King. Care to look at the SEC stats alone.

    Digest this.

    All purpose running: #27 Brandin Boykin; #28 Washuan Ealey; #29, Kris Durham; #36 Tavarres King… #94 Aaron Murray, #98 Marlon Brown. Do not see that King listed.

    Rushing: #14 Washuan Ealey; #28 Carlton Thomas; #34 Aaron Murray; #55 Shaun Chapas; #65 Fred Munzenmaier; #71 Logan Gray…85 players listed. Do not see that King listed.

    He be our “best running back”. You mean those 100 yards against the Bufs that every quality D1 team scorched.

    He be a most productive RB…like those who have gone before. Rack his carries and yards against those who have gone before. Maybe…and that is one hellva maybe…cumulative he might get there.

    And he keeps a scholarship and this year is one of the best for RBs in the south.

    Wake up! You think he is still productive Senator?


    • Will, you are crossing into spam territory here. You’ve made your point about King in other threads. This one has nothing to do with him.

      Keep it up and you’ll be gone.


    • King Jericho

      Considering he’s been hurt a few games this season, those aren’t very relevant. He’s averaging the same YPC as last year when we were considered to have the 2nd best running back tandem behind a Heisman trophy winner and a guy that is arguably better.

      Since Ealey has caught a bad case of the fumblitis this season and even our coaches don’t trust him, Carlton Thomas has been described as our “change of pace” RB, and Ken Malcome has a redshirt on him right now, yes, I would consider Caleb our best running back right now.

      Oh, not to mention that’s he’s number 2 in total rushing yards this season behind Ealey despite missing 2 1/2 games. Not sure we’re you’re getting your stats, but here:


    • NRBQ

      Now you’re just pulling numbers out of your ass, W.T.


  7. Will Trane

    My apology Senator is humbly extended.

    No excuse other than my passion for the Dawgs.


  8. UFTimmy

    I don’t get it. He got suspended for 4 games (so far, with a 5th for sure) for an offense that will be ultimately expunged from his record.

    It’s not like he suspended him for two games and then reinstated him for the two hardest games of the season.

    I don’t think there’s anything Meyer could have done short of kicking him off the team for something the justice system doesn’t even deem worthy of going on his permanent record that would please you guys.


    • UFTimmy

      Also, it’s not like Rainey is the panacea for this offense. He, and the offense, sucked while he was playing this season. He’s EXPLOSIVES (sorry, Addazio reference) but while he played this season he was just about as effective as everyone else.


    • HobnailedBoots

      What the justice system deems worthy, and what your corrupt bull gator district attorney deems worthy, are two entirely different things.


    • RusDawg

      UFTimmy the point is that anywhere else in America telling your ex-GF “Time to die” remains a felony and is not plead down. I seriously hope for that prosecutor’s sake Rainey never does something so stupid or worse again.

      With almost any other team that DOES get you booted off the team. At UGA, getting drunk and grabbing a girls ta-ta’s gets you kicked off the team. And no, I am not saying UGA or I am taking the high road, because 11 arrests speak for themselves. However, if Rainey was a UGA player you can bet your sweet butt he would be off the team.


      • No One Knows You're a Dawg

        My guess is that Rainey is going to do something like this again.


      • Mike

        If you or me did that, there would not be an arrest. Especially since the gf told the arresting officer she did not feel threatened in any way. That fact is ultimately the reason the charge was reduced. Anyone that followed the incident knows that.

        Just like what happens in Athens, when a football player is involved in any kind of altercation, the police seem to be much harsher in their decision making and much quicker to make an arrest.


        • Go Dawgs!

          Untrue, champ. Do yourself a favor and read the domestic violence laws. Police officers are *required* to arrest men or women they believe are involved in domestic violence. Go down to your local police precinct. I promise you that they’ve made an arrest in the past month for threatening or harassing text messages. I used to work for a police department. I speak the truth.


          • Mike

            Sorry, you are wrong


            • Go Dawgs!

              Well said. I love your use of well-reasoned arguments and citation of counterexamples. You know what? You’ve convinced me.


              • Mike

                For the last time, Rainey was not involved in domestic violence.

                The girl friend said so, the arresting officer said so and the DA said so. And finally, according to some reports, the arresting officer had initially decided to not charge Rainey, until he found out he was a football player.

                Not sure what there is in these set of facts that you can ignore, but by all means do not let it interfere in your regularly scheduled Gator bashing.

                Carry on


                • Go Dawgs!

                  1) The threat of domestic violence is considered domestic violence under the law. The definition of assault includes putting someone in reasonable fear of bodily harm. What we have heard is that your fans or Rainey or both were able to get the girl to recant the fact that she was in fear, but I typically don’t call the cops just because I’m bored. Typically, there’s a reason why.

                  2) Prove to me that the officer was not going to charge Rainey until he found out he was a football player. And when I say prove it, I don’t mean show me a blog post where a Gator fan says the big, bad GPD is trying to arrest football players. I want you to show me something that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the cop arrested him because he was a football player. You can’t, because it’s just not true, sport. I have personally witnessed a police officer arrest a twenty year old girl for sending threatening text messages to her baby daddy’s girlfriend. For the record, the arrestee did not play football, and had never been to Gainesville, Florida.


                • City Attorney of Dawgtown

                  Under Georgia law, uttering a threat of the type made by Rainey is a violation of the “terroristic threat” statute and is a felony whether to a domestic partner or anyone else. An arrest will be made in such a situation every time.


                • Mike

                  Well, then good for Georgia. Only one problem with your assertion. Chris was arrested in Florida, not Georgia.


                • Go Dawgs!

                  Mike, Florida law can’t possibly differ from Georgia law very much in this respect.


                • Mike

                  “prove to me the officer was not going to charge Rainey.”

                  Any number of articles reported this.


                • Go Dawgs!

                  Link one, killer. Make sure it’s not from a pro-Florida blog and instead a bona fide news outlet.


    • Hogbody Spradlin

      Timmy has a point. Unless someone wants to put together a matrix of (i) football player scrapes with the law and (ii) the attendant criminal/team punishment levels, so we can compare apples to apples across the SEC, we can’t say for sure that Corch is any more lenient because the Gators lost 2 in a row.

      On the other hand Timmy, it’s Corch we’re talking about here. The man begs for ridicule with that stick up his butt.


      • Mayor of Dawgtown

        Have any of you guys ever heard of a coach kicking a player, in any sport, off a team and the player then being put back on the team? I haven’t. Situational ethics they name is Urban.


        • UFTimmy

          It was done just year with Blount at Oregon, after punching the Boise State player.


          • Mayor of Dawgtown

            I thought Blount was suspended not kicked off the team but I acknowledge that you may be right and I may be wrong on that. I would have punched that asshole from Boise, too, if I had been in Blount’s shoes. The Boise guy was really being obnoxious and touched Blount first as I recall. However, the bizarre behavior by Blount after the punch didn’t help his situation, either.


      • Mayor of Dawgtown

        Have any of you guys ever heard of a coach kicking a player off the team, in any sport, and then the player is back on the team? I haven’t. “Situational ethics” thy name is Urban. Plus, if he’s practicing that means he’s already back on the team.


    • NRBQ

      If I recall correctly, the Zach M. charges will go away if and when he meets specified requirements, but he’s somewhere in the midwest now.


  9. Turd Ferguson

    “… if he meets certain conditions.”

    I.e., if he gives Urban Meyer the impression that Florida has a better shot at winning with him on the field.


  10. Will Trane

    The numbers are posted on the NCAA site.

    But I check with a few former QBs.


  11. Will Trane

    Did not have to check .

    Saw Buck’s {Belue] post. Kindly visit it for his thoughts about this.


  12. Irishdawg

    A felony stalking charge gets knocked down to a misdemeanor due to whatever legal voodoo goes on in Gainesville, so it’s Kool and the Gang now? The fact that he threatened to kill her means nothing? What’s he gotta do, chain her up in his basement and strangle her? Will that keep him off the team until next year?


  13. No One Knows You're a Dawg

    I still can’t believe the miscarriage of justice that occurred in Knoxville this summer. Who do 10 players have to almost kill to get in trouble up there?


  14. JaxDawg

    Rainey or some other violent thug from the citrus state will eventually murder someone and whole house of cards will tumble – Meyer, Huntley Johnson, the DA, Jeremy Foley, and possibly Bernie Machen.

    Aside from the murder, it will be a beautiful comeuppance for the school that has made an art of bastardizing the student-athlete justice system and honor code.


  15. Will Trane

    NRBQ you might want to check the NCAA records before you use those words.

    I do not think ZM will be back at any SEC school…for sure he can not ever play on a team that visits Lowndes County…he is per sona non gratia…sort of like you jack.


  16. NRBQ

    I don’t need to check records to know that King has more rushing yards than Thomas, Murray, Chapas, Munz, or Logan Gray.

    For an expert on UGA football, Will, you really operate in the dark.

    Mett is playing great as a JUCO, is already being recruited by Troy, Arizona, Cincy, and LSU (as in, SEC), where most expect him to end up. None of those have games scheduled in Lowndes County.

    He plead to misdemeanors, BTW.


  17. As much as I’d like to bag on Urban, this Rainey’s guys crime was massively blown out of proportion.

    Actions are what should matter in law, not words. Punishing mere threats with great severity is quite risky, and borders on thoughtcrime.

    These football players are not geniuses and are prone to say all sorts of stupid things. And to people who text a lot, texts are just like random crap that you spew out of your mouth.

    It is good that he was punished, but in absence of actual action, it shouldn’t be taken too far.


  18. dean

    Any chance Chris was just texting lyrics to “Welcome to the jungle” to the young lady? Nothing screams romance like some G-N-R lyrics.


    • Biggus Rickus

      That would have been, “You’re gonna diiiiiiiiiiie!” or “ur gonna diiiiiiiiie” in chatese. And “Sweet Child of Mine” is, well, sweet.


  19. Irishdawg

    Muckbeast, do you really think that was all he did? No one texts a girl “time to die” and that’s the end of it; I promise he was showing up at her house uninvited, calling all the time, and all sorts of other creepy things that stalkers do.

    And if you or I threatened to kill a woman, the police would take it seriously. It shouldn’t matter what our 40 time is


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      You make a valid point Irishdawg. Stalking is a distinct crime, in and of itself, even if Rainey had not texted “time to die.” If he was showing up at her home inopportunely and against her wishes, etc. that probably is sufficient for a separate stalking charge.


      • Mayor of Dawgtown

        As an aside, and on a strictly personal personal note, I have 2 daughters and this type of creepy behavior by a male against a female scares the hell out of me. If it is as portrayed this is a window into a sick mind that is potentially dangerous. I just hope that “No One Knows…” is wrong with his prediction that Rainey will do something like this again (and maybe with more serious consequences to the victim next time) but, alas, I think he is probably right.


    • Instead of promising it, prove it?

      Because I’ve read nothing to say he “backed it up” in any way.


      • Mike

        Exactly so. Chris never has shown the tendency for violence against women,l including this particular 35 year old woman, with whom he has had an on and off relationship for 3 years or so.

        In fact, this is the first time in the three years he has been a player at Florida that he has been in any kind of trouble.


        • I know y’all have had a spirited debate about this, but I really wasn’t getting on Rainey’s case with the post. I was questioning whom Corch thought he was fooling with his attempt to be coy about reinstatement.
